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(NB41) Content Ratings

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@newbie LAC

When content ratings increase reputation, does it also increase the content item's reputation?  I think it only increases user's reputation.  

Example: I have IP.Page articles on homepage.  When someone uses content ratings to like / dislike, it does not increase the record's reputation.  

<ul class="ipsList_inline ipsType_left">
       				{{if $record instanceof \IPS\Content\Reputation and settings.reputation_enabled}}
    	 				<li class="postinfo_portal"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> {$record->author()->name} <i class="fa fa-heart"></i> {$record->reputation()}  <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> {$record->record_comments}</li> 
         				<li class="datestamp_portal ipsPos_right"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> {datetime="$record->record_publish_date"}</li>

Please advise.


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3 hours ago, Il_Picasso said:

Could you share the icons you use in the pictures of the applications?



I can give you images. PM me.


15 hours ago, Joel R said:

As a feature suggestion, I'd like to recommend that it increases the content item's reputation as well.  

There are 3 types of ratings. What will be if someone gave neutral rating? Should I replicate "reputation actions". I mean increase/decrease reputation => send reputation notifications etc.

Edited by newbie LAC
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12 hours ago, Il_Picasso said:

Is it possible to add support to this? I don't know who would have to add support to

That's paid plugin. I don't know how it works.

You can PM me with plugin details and I'll help.

11 hours ago, Joel R said:

If neutral eating, then +0 reputation. 

Inbuilt reputation allow +1 and -1 points.

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15 hours ago, Phoeliok said:

Is there a way to hide rating images on owned posts when members are not allowed to rate their own post?


Sound like a bug.

Temp fix

Open applications/nbcontentratings/hooks/nbContentRatingsContent.php


		if ($rating > 0 and ($this->author()->member_id == $member->member_id) and !\IPS\Settings::i()->nbcontentratings_can_give_themselves)

Change to 

		if (($this->author()->member_id == $member->member_id) and !\IPS\Settings::i()->nbcontentratings_can_give_themselves)


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/14/2016 at 4:24 AM, newbie LAC said:

If someone else would be interested I will add this feature.

Would it be a new type or an additional setting on add/edit rating's form?

Wouldn't this just be a content rating with neutral score?  

My community is also very 'affirmative' and likes  to make things positive, so they're also hesistant about marking anything as negative.  With that said, I think the current settings to allow "neutral rating" already accomplishes what you want.  

On 10/11/2016 at 5:22 AM, Bill Edwards said:

I would be interested to know what icons other users have set up though.

Like, Dislike, Agree, Informative, Creative, Funny, Drama Queen, and then some that are unique to my community's content.

If you're a photography forum (I'm guessing, since you're asking for fa-camera icon), you can maybe create some fun ratings that are unique to your community such as "Panoramawow " (for great panoramic photos) or "Marcellous Macro" (for close-up macro photos) or "In the Moment" (for action photos).  Etc etc.  

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12 hours ago, Joel R said:

Wouldn't this just be a content rating with neutral score?  

I added already a setting.

9 hours ago, Joel R said:

Any way to hide default IPS reputation ("like" button; green "up" red "down" votes) so we can use content ratings instead?  Right now, shows BOTH systems.  Maybe a custom CSS template change? 

CSS change is a bad solution. Use Bill Edwards trick

or disable reputation and edit applications/nbcontentratings/hooks/nbContentRatingsContent.php


		// Reputation disabled
		if (!\IPS\Settings::i()->reputation_enabled)
			return false;

change to  

		// Reputation disabled
		if (!\IPS\Settings::i()->reputation_enabled)
			// return false;

But this hide reputation anywhere. Maybe add new setting "Hide rep buttons"?

Edited by newbie LAC
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  • 3 weeks later...


13 hours ago, TheRealSnowBoi said:

It's the block you can see at the top of my IPS installation here:

My app is not linked with leaderboard. If you want to show "Top rated users" use widget


It looks like "Top contributors"

7 hours ago, Il_Picasso said:

how to get rid of this button? The hearth button 

Use new setting "Disable reputation buttons"

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