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Populate a database field with data from a form


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Sorry if this has been asked already.  I didn't find anything.

I'd like to know how if possible, to populate a field in a database (Name) with the information typed into a form by a user.  So when they fill out "Name" on their form, it gets sent to a separate database and adds a record with the "Name" entered into the form.

Can anyone help me with this?

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Hi @Marc S - I have a form that users fill out when applying for membership.  It has a field for a gamer tag.  I have a separate database called "Gamer Tags."  That DB has a field for a gamer tag to be entered into it which populates a page with the feed from that database showing "Gamer tags."  I'd basically like to have that database populated automatically when some fills out the form I mentioned above.


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Use Pages for the membership form.

Make sure to have an admin-only (hidden) field for approved/denied.

Make the block feed from this membership app form, and then when displaying the content just filter on approved and display just gamertags or whatever.

Might need to do this in the block template but still pretty easy. Otherwise it seems like a duplicated effort. Unless I'm missing something else going on.

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1 hour ago, pilotguy said:

Both good suggestions and I suppose it is high time I get to reading up on that!

Honestly, buddy, I was totally new to anything like this when I first got Pages. Now I could set up a database in a couple of minutes. I think a quick read and play-around would pay you back immensely ^_^

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