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Cron Not Working


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Cron for task.php is not running.  When I run it from the command line I get the following error: 


Failed loading /usr/local/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so:  /usr/local/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so: undefined symbol: execute

Why would I get this error on a php file that is not encrypted?  Anyone else seen anything like this and fixed it?

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Yes, I have no maintenance tasks warning on dashboard and they are running when I select run automatically with traffic.  When I select cron and enter the cron in my crontab I get that error.  I would prefer to run as cron and trying to figure out why I get this error.

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What version of PHP do you actually have in use? Also, I expect there is more than just that single line being displayed so could you post it all?


IPS 4 requires PHP 5.4 or later. Your error above is complaining about a 5.3 module missing.

My suspicion is that you are running 5.4 or later, but your configuration is trying to load a module most likely by referencing the incorrect module name. It's not that it requires it - it's PHP telling you that there is something wrong with your configuration.

You were advised earlier to contact your host - if you haven't yet, then you really should.

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I don't have a host to contact.  I'm currently using: PHP Version 5.5.32-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1.  Entry from php.ini file: zend_extension="/usr/lib/php5/ioncube_loader_lin_5.5.so".  Thing I find really curious is why would ioncube even be called since none of the scripts running were encrypted.  

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