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3 minutes ago, HrdcoR-H said:

Managed to sort it, thanks anyway.

As far as am aware they have to get imported into database (completely different to how 3.x.x is done) so not sure how could use ftp ... perhaps it can .... never tried.

Also, theme files are xml files which have to be imported not the old 3.x.x way of style_images folder etc

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Ah cheers pal.

By the way, i'm upgrading at the moment and i've got this pop up.

Table '(db).ipb_core_view_updates' doesn't exist 
/home/(user)/public_html/applications/core/setup/upg_101019/queries.json - query #2

TRUNCATE `ipb_core_view_updates`

Any idea what I would type into MYSQL to get this sorted? I've made a ticket but as it's made the community offline, checking to see if the community has a faster response.


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