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Updating Curl 7.29 to 7.36 on CentOS 7


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"You do not have the cURL PHP extension loaded or it is running a version less than 7.36. While this is not required, it is recommended." I would like the latest and have googled how to do so however I am not finding anything of use. Could someone show me a site that shows such upgrade or tell me how.


Thanks for reading.

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On RHEL7/Centos7 I did this. Hopefully it helps someone.

wget http://mirror.city-fan.org/ftp/contrib/sysutils/Mirroring/curl-7.45.0-1.0.cf.rhel7.x86_64.rpm

wget http://mirror.city-fan.org/ftp/contrib/sysutils/Mirroring/libcurl-7.45.0-1.0.cf.rhel7.x86_64.rpm

wget http://www.city-fan.org/ftp/contrib/yum-repo/rhel7/x86_64/libssh2-1.6.0-3.0.cf.rhel7.x86_64.rpm

 wget http://www.city-fan.org/ftp/contrib/yum-repo/rhel7/x86_64/libssh2-devel-1.6.0-3.0.cf.rhel7.x86_64.rpm

yum update libcurl-7.45.0-1.0.cf.rhel7.x86_64.rpm curl-7.45.0-1.0.cf.rhel7.x86_64.rpm libssh2-1.6.0-3.0.cf.rhel7.x86_64.rpm libssh2-devel-1.6.0-3.0.cf.rhel7.x86_64.rpm 

service php70-php-fpm restart


Using REMI repo for php70 and php70-php-fpm 

Using official Nginx repo for nginx1.9.7

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On 11/23/2015, 8:57:26, Martin A. said:

sudo rpm -Uvh http://www.city-fan.org/ftp/contrib/yum-repo/city-fan.org-release-1-13.rhel6.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install libcurl


Thanks for these commands, however, I'm getting this error...

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found

Is there an alternative location?

Many thanks.

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5 hours ago, Gravi5tar said:

Thanks for these commands, however, I'm getting this error...

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found

Is there an alternative location?

Many thanks.

I used this on Centos 7:

rpm -Uvh http://www.city-fan.org/ftp/contrib/yum-repo/rhel7/x86_64/city-fan.org-release-1-13.rhel7.noarch.rpm
yum update libcurl

results in:

php -i | grep -i "curl"
cURL support => enabled
cURL Information => 7.45.0

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I'd personally recommend avoiding this unless you have a specific need to upgrade cURL.

The reason is, in general, you should avoid using third party repositories as much as possible. They can cause dependency hell and other headaches down the road if you're not careful.

The latest release of cURL for CentOS 7 appears to be 7.29. Being that bug fixes and security updates are backported anyways, you're not likely going to see any real advantage to upgrading cURL other than that notice going away. If it's not required and there's no benefit to upgrading, it's best to simply avoid fixing what's not broken here.

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