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Hi @onlyME

When viewing items inside a category, on mobile narrow responsive the columns change to 1 column around ~460px width.

My thumbnails are all poster aspect ratio which causes very long scrolling pages for mobile because of the 1 column view.

Can you advise which CSS rule I can use to adjust this behaviour? If I can override it to 2 columns that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Optic14
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9 hours ago, Optic14 said:

Hi @onlyME

When viewing items inside a category, on mobile narrow responsive the columns change to 1 column around ~460px width.

My thumbnails are all poster aspect ratio which causes very long scrolling pages for mobile because of the 1 column view.

Can you advise which CSS rule I can use to adjust this behaviour? If I can override it to 2 columns that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Please give me the screenshot, I don't understand your problem.

4 hours ago, FGN said:

Anything come about on the Container sort options?

I haven't tested it yet, you should wait. Ì it's a bug, it will be fixed in the next version.

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Screenshots attached of category item view and "What's new" sidebar block.

This is on mobile view (iPhone 6 Plus)



One single column is too much for smartphones and looks very blurry because of stretched thumbnail to accomodate device width.

I would like to adjust the mobile responsive view so it shows maybe 2 or 3 columns. The random video block looks good on mobile:


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5 hours ago, Optic14 said:

Screenshots attached of category item view and "What's new" sidebar block.

This is on mobile view (iPhone 6 Plus)



One single column is too much for smartphones and looks very blurry because of stretched thumbnail to accomodate device width.

I would like to adjust the mobile responsive view so it shows maybe 2 or 3 columns. The random video block looks good on mobile:


Ok, it will be fixed in the next version.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just now, Bluto said:

@onlyME I was thinking about starting a video only site without a forum.  Would anything be missing from VideoBox if I was just running core and commerce?  Would I be missing any features from VideoBox (replies, comments, etc) if I didn't own the forum app.  Thanks!

You can run the videobox without forums, it also has full features (comments, reviews, reactions, ...) 

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Thank you for update @onlyME !

I encountered an error when trying to create a new Member Group in Admin CP:

A configuration or server error has occurred
EX1054 Something went wrong. Please try again.

UPDATE `core_groups` core_groups  SET `g_icon`=NULL,`prefix`='<span style=\'color:#\'>',`suffix`='</span>',`g_promote_exclude`=true,`g_dname_changes`=0,`g_displayname_unit`=0,`g_dname_date`=1,`g_view_board`=true,`g_dohtml`=false,`g_search_flood`=0,`g_hide_online_list`=false,`g_access_offline`=false,`g_view_displaynamehistory`=false,`g_photo_max_vars`='50:150:150',`g_create_clubs`='',`g_edit_profile`=true,`g_max_bgimg_upload`=-1,`g_upload_animated_photos`=true,`g_pm_perday`=0,`g_pm_flood_mins`=0,`g_max_mass_pm`=0,`g_max_messages`=0,`g_can_msg_attach`=false,`g_rep_max_positive`=0,`g_ppd_limit`=0,`g_ppd_unit`=0,`g_post_polls`=false,`g_vote_polls`=false,`g_close_polls`=false,`g_topic_rate_setting`=0,`g_mod_post_unit`=0,`g_attach_max`=0,`g_edit_cutoff`=0,`g_append_edit`=false,`g_avoid_flood`=false,`g_avoid_q`=false,`g_mod_preview`=false,`g_bypass_badwords`=false,`g_edit_posts`=0,`g_hide_own_posts`=0,`g_delete_own_posts`=0,`g_lock_unlock_own`=0,`g_can_report`=0,`g_blog_allowlocal`=0,`g_blog_maxblogs`=0,`g_blog_allowprivate`=0,`g_blog_allowownmod`=0,`g_blog_allowdelete`=0,`g_blog_allowcomment`=false,`g_create_albums`=false,`g_create_albums_private`=NULL,`g_create_albums_fo`=NULL,`g_album_limit`=NULL,`g_img_album_limit`=NULL,`g_delete_own_albums`=NULL,`g_movies`=false,`g_movie_size`=NULL,`g_max_upload`=0,`g_max_transfer`=0,`g_max_views`=0,`videobox_limit_videos`=0,`g_bitoptions`=135004160 WHERE g_id=9 
IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'videobox_limit_videos' in 'field list' (1054)
#0 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Db/Db.php(990): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\Member\\_G...', Array)
#1 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(492): IPS\_Db->update('`core_groups` c...', '`g_icon`=?,`pre...', 'WHERE g_id=?')
#2 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Member/Group.php(310): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->save()
#3 /home/ancommun/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(209): IPS\Member\_Group->save()
#4 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->form()
#5 /home/ancommun/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(34): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#6 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->execute()
#7 /home/ancommun/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#8 {main}

If I continue and check the Member Group list, the new member group appears in the list.. but then I get same error if I try to save changes to existing Member Groups:

UPDATE `core_groups` core_groups  SET `prefix`='<span style=\'color:#\'>',`suffix`='</span>',`g_promote_exclude`=true,`g_view_board`=true,`g_dohtml`=false,`g_hide_online_list`=false,`g_access_offline`=false,`g_view_displaynamehistory`=true,`g_edit_profile`=true,`g_upload_animated_photos`=true,`g_can_msg_attach`=true,`g_post_polls`=true,`g_vote_polls`=true,`g_close_polls`=false,`g_append_edit`=true,`g_avoid_flood`=false,`g_avoid_q`=true,`g_bypass_badwords`=false,`g_edit_posts`=1,`g_hide_own_posts`=1,`g_delete_own_posts`=1,`g_lock_unlock_own`=1,`g_can_report`=1,`g_blog_allowcomment`=true,`g_create_albums`=false,`g_movies`=false,`videobox_limit_videos`=0 WHERE g_id=6 
IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'videobox_limit_videos' in 'field list' (1054)
#0 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Db/Db.php(990): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\Member\\_G...', Array)
#1 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(492): IPS\_Db->update('`core_groups` c...', '`prefix`=?,`suf...', 'WHERE g_id=?')
#2 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Member/Group.php(310): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->save()
#3 /home/ancommun/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(209): IPS\Member\_Group->save()
#4 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->form()
#5 /home/ancommun/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(34): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#6 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->execute()
#7 /home/ancommun/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#8 {main}

Am using VideoBox 2.0.6, IPS 4.2.5

Edited by Optic14
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You have done so much for this app, i hate to keep asking for stuff

But for a future consideration

Can you maybe make the part where a person adds a Stream easier to see? a Lot of the members are saying that the little slider button is hard to see or they pass it up because its small and not in a place to be recognizable. I was thinking of making it a Box or maybe a separate function in a stand alone part? Meaning that if someone clicks the category to add a stream, or is already in the category and clicks the button to add a stream, that it takes them to menu that is by itself and not with the Video post stuff?

Sry if its hard to understand, i provide pics if needed

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3 minutes ago, FGN said:

You have done so much for this app, i hate to keep asking for stuff

But for a future consideration

Can you maybe make the part where a person adds a Stream easier to see? a Lot of the members are saying that the little slider button is hard to see or they pass it up because its small and not in a place to be recognizable. I was thinking of making it a Box or maybe a separate function in a stand alone part? Meaning that if someone clicks the category to add a stream, or is already in the category and clicks the button to add a stream, that it takes them to menu that is by itself and not with the Video post stuff?

Sry if its hard to understand, i provide pics if needed

It's already in my to-do list


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Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but when you click on promote via twitter, there are no tags showing up in the tweet if someone has added tags to the Twitter Promotion in Social Media Promotion.  Also, it would be great if it grabbed the thumbnail for the video.

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1 minute ago, Bluto said:

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but when you click on promote via twitter, there are no tags showing up in the tweet if someone has added tags to the Twitter Promotion in Social Media Promotion.  Also, it would be great if it grabbed the thumbnail for the video.

Ok  I will test it.

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