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How do I change my timezone?


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As a USER, how do I change my timezone?  I am aware that the software automatically detects it, but what if the software gets it wrong (is that possible?)?  I see in the ACP I can change it to force a specific timezone setting for a specific user, but can't find where I can to do that on the front-end.

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Good question. I can't find where to change it here. In 3.4 at my own forums I can change my time zone from my profile settings. Yet another thing IPS has removed where they know best?

So if the forum software automatically detects it how do I change my timezone if I'm using a Proxy server from a different country to access the internet? (Something I do every July to be able to watch the Tour de France live on the Internet). If I signed up a forum account during this time while I'm using the proxy server service my time zone would be wrong.

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EDIT: The below question seems fairly stupid when I think about it more.  If it's grabbing the OS time and you are planning to support any instances of an incorrect timezone in the future should they arise, then I'm satisfied.  I was just trying to think about scenarios where it might be incorrect and am probably just biased by the (now fixed) bug involving incorrectly updating timezones.


Besides the timezone bug (which is fixed in the next release), I have not experienced an issue myself.  Because of that bug, I have not been able to test other circumstances yet.  Would it not be an issue if someone is using a proxy as mentioned above?  Would it take the OS time settings of the computer you are physically using, or of the proxy?

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  • 1 year later...

Hello all.

I want to jump in, I have an hour time difference.

My time is at Amsterdam (Europe)

My VPS server time is also in Amsterdam.

And i live in Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

What could be the cause of it, or is it fix with 4.1.9 ?



Ps. Sorry for my bad english


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