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Download: (inv) Awards


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Here's a quick update, just so everybody can see what is going on.

This picture is of the updated "System Overview" page, from there you will still be able to approve/disapprove of public award additions and deletions. A new feature is the "Latest Version" and the download latest version button. (I set the latest version to 2.2.5 for demonstration purposes.) You will also be able to see the link on the left where you can go to manage the auto awarding feature, this page will act just like the others do, in that you will be able to enable and disable each auto-award function with an AJAX powered button. Tell me what you think.


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You're awesome!

Agreed :D

Here's a quick update, just so everybody can see what is going on.

This picture is of the updated "System Overview" page, from there you will still be able to approve/disapprove of public award additions and deletions. A new feature is the "Latest Version" and the download latest version button. (I set the latest version to 2.2.5 for demonstration purposes.) You will also be able to see the link on the left where you can go to manage the auto awarding feature, this page will act just like the others do, in that you will be able to enable and disable each auto-award function with an AJAX powered button. Tell me what you think.


Looks good. How are the auto awarding features done? Do we just set it to the number of posts, downloads, comments, uploads etc when configuring the award?
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It will work like IP.Board applications do, but of course only within (inv) Awards. Anybody will be able to create an auto award function, what they must do is, define settings for it and create some sort of processing file, such as a hook or task. In the ACP the user can set the settings defined by the function author in the configuration file, the settings will be passed onto the processing file when ever needed. This will not work "per award", but rather it will be its own little section, working with the awards. I figured this way gives everybody the most options.

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some good documentation by the author and a 'guide' hook, would suffice for most of us.
with a 'guide' we can then copy changing bits as per documentation.

Topthrillkid the update looks great, but as my above points suggest, for the most of us, the above will need to be fulfilled to enable us to get the most out of this great update :)

thanks for all your effort on this.

regards benny

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So we'll have to create our own hook for each award? (eek I may need to find out how to make a hook)

A hook or a task per auto-award function, not per award. The application will come with auto-awarding functions for new posts and new friends, at the least. Unless you want to make an auto-awarding function for something other than those things which I provide will you need to make a hook.
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Thanks for an excellent mod. I'll be using this when I upgrade my forum to 3.2.3. It's a lot better than the other system as your system allows multiple awards to be displayed in topic view where they are the same award but awarded for different things. Great that the number to display can be restricted. The bulk awarding of awards is excellent.

What I would suggest is the topic view where it says "User's awards" is that this text can be hidden as an option. This would then save some space and make forum posts shorter. Here's what I mean. Taken from my 3.2.3 test forum.

Thanks again.


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Thanks for an excellent mod. I'll be using this when I upgrade my forum to 3.2.3. It's a lot better than the other system as your system allows multiple awards to be displayed in topic view where they are the same award but awarded for different things. Great that the number to display can be restricted. The bulk awarding of awards is excellent.

What I would suggest is the topic view where it says "User's awards" is that this text can be hidden as an option. This would then save some space and make forum posts shorter. Here's what I mean. Taken from my 3.2.3 test forum.

Thanks again.


I'd like that too or being able to modify the text (e.g. "Awards", "Achievements", etc.)
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The application will come with auto-awarding functions for new posts and new friends, at the least.

That's good. I'll also be looking into involving it with downloads,uploads, rating, commenting then possibly IPContent article comments and/or making an article then finally (when I eventually get it, hopefully) IPBlog, how many blog posts, comments on blogs etc. But at least the basic posting awards will be added, will this also be editable for us to do awards for certain number of posts on the forums? Or would that require another hook/editing?
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Ok I found that and installed it... now where do I actually add the awards? I see it under the systems tab, and manage applications and hooks, however; I do not see a place to actually ADD the award?

I haven't tried this yet as I'm waiting for the next update but I'm guessing it'll be somewhere under 'Other Apps' in the ACP
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Got a error when I try to add new auto award function :sad:

Warning: include_once(mysite/forums/zeen/applications_addon/other/awards/auto_awarding/_notes) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: Success in/mysite/forums/zeen/applications_addon/other/awards/modules_admin/awards/auto.php on line 166

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/mysite/forums/zeen/applications_addon/other/awards/auto_awarding/_notes' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/mysiote/forums/ips_kernel/') in /mysite/forums/zeen/applications_addon/other/awards/modules_admin/awards/auto.php on line 166

Fatal error: Class 'auto_award__notes' not found in /mysite/forums/zeen/applications_addon/other/awards/modules_admin/awards/auto.php on line 169

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