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Some suggestions

Guest Sinistra

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Spoiler BBCode this bbcode could have instead of a blackBG with black text could be a button that says Show the spoiler

PHP bbcode I do alot of PHP tutorials on my site and I like the cloor coding to work

Scrolling code and Quoate boxes *optional through control panel* This isn't a BBcode but I feel it would help to have this for those that don't like long posts with alot of code.

Topic prefix by forum This can be a selectible feture in the post topic form This will be good for those that like to have tutorials but don't want to install a tutorial system installed

Number of members viewing forums Main index

Better IPB Portal something like the portal System for 2.0

more portal plugins like latest gallery images. affiliates from Dean affiliates form

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Spoiler bbcode can be done through the custom bbcode section. You *could* even do the button suggestion if you wanted.

You cuold do scrolling quote boxes by adjusting the CSS for the quote tags. Do someting like height: xxx px; overflow: scroll;

Portal plugins can be coded by the user. Gallery has a plugin, don't remember what it does. We wouldn't include plugins for modifications by default as you'd need to have the mod installed (mod authors should do that).

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When you create them in the ACP you specify the tags. You wouldn't get buttons to execute them, but the tags would work (and if you click the BBcode Help popup it should explain the tags to you, based on what you entered in the ACP).

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