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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. Anyone notice how Zuckerberg dresses himself as the next Steve Jobs? Surprised he's not renaming face book to Red Delicious.
  2. I agree, Much like old folks' homes and nursing homes of the past are now called retirement communities and villages. Either way they are places for our kids to dump us so they don't have to have their lives disrupted. I guess my generation was the last of taking care of our parents because of who they are and not what they are.
  3. The last few years I have used Facebook to talk with my son and to wish friends and family members birthday greetings. This last year I haven't wasted my time.
  4. Hmmm. The only thing that happens to me when I squeeze a can of spinach is I get a sore wrist and it don't change a damn thing in my themes...
  5. Thanks @Jim M but unfortunatly I am seeing this in Firefox developers edition as well.... On my local Wamp testboard version 4.6.6 and 4.6.7 along with Edge. 🤐 An additional note.... In Firefox developers edion the "Recently Browsing 1 member" seems to be working properly.
  6. BTW I am presently seeing this glitch right now.
  7. Ok now this shouldn't be. There is still an issue going on with Edge where it comes to this site. It seems I have to clear my cache on a daily basis if I want to see (view) the community in Edge only so far. I haven't noticed this in Firefox as of yet either. As for Chrome for personal I don't use it and avoid Google products.
  8. Yes, for the last 3 days actually and every time I dumped the cache & Cookies nothing happened everything stayed the same. I dumped it all again a few minutes ago and everything appears to be back on track.
  9. OK this is not a bug but an Edge issue I guess the third was the charm.
  10. Yes.... at this point there is 1 member showing @Alexandr.P I am not there I guess I am no longer a client though it shows under my photo...
  11. OK I new that phrase would get some attention. But... I believe this is a bug. No matter what topic I go to the members viewing line shows this statement rather than the actual members.
  12. IPS removed the members option of choice for the use of members username or display name option back in the beginning of 4.0. in the customer version. I too liked the idea of a little anonymity between Username and display name but it was in their opinion that this feature is unnecessary. But then again, I sure would like their answer where it come to Invision’s way of displaying Username and display name. If you are not of what I am talking about go ahead and log into your Client’s Area.
  13. @Austin Martel To start out the reason you are unable to access the categories is that Yes you need to be signen in with your client credentials as at present you are logged in as a member which is not the same. Now here is the reason why you need to be correctly logged in . At present you won't get any help from staff because at this point there is no proof of you being a licensed member. Now if you do hold a license and it is current you need to contact staff from your client center and let them know there is an issue which then all your questions can and should be answered during normal business hours. I hope this helps, The Woodsman
  14. Which makes no difference in my wamp localhost. These are my phpForApache.ini edits. max_execution_time = 5000 max_input_time = 5000 memory_limit = 1024M 2048M post_max_size = 8500M upload_max_filesize = 8500M max_file_uploads = 50 Also this Nag. Not to much can get past this. 🙂
  15. phpmyadmin - mysql - export Tt appears Mysql don't like me no more. Maybe I need to take a closer look at MariaDB or others but I don't see it being a fix either.
  16. I have been seeing a shtic house load of database errors in the 3.4.7 to 4.6 including 4.x.x times... to 4.6. Sad thing the last tb failure I lost my complete db backup file along wit 980gig of other files and backups. Stranger yet a fresh copy of my live database shows corrupt during a wamp mysql import..... I love being me lately...
  17. @Stuart Silvester, I've been hunting them since 4.0. So now you are going to make it easy.....
  18. Well didn't think of red errors since 4.2 D:\wamp\www\kmg-forum1\system\Application\Module.php::164 I guess I get to go on a hunt again..... Such Fun! Don't you love DB issues.
  19. @AdlagoSorry for the delay but you could say I have had my hands full these last few weeks. New computer build after the last build in 2006 finally dropped dead. And there was the MOVE FROM HELL.... Moved a little more north here in Wisconsin well it is better because now I can say I am away from Milwaukee. OK to get back to question... I have made every upgrade from 4.0.x to 4.4x without error just keep an eye on php versions (so far) Funny this topic comes up now... I have not had a chance to do anything with 5.0 until now so I will give an update later in the day. That is if my wife don't catch me.... LOL!
  20. @Morgin and @Jordan Invision believe it or not people are still using this topic to setup home test sites. A few of these unfortunately, are looking for a quicker response and are still driving me nuts via email.
  21. I might agree for those that do not have or the need for solid directional content may accept the what ever it takes attitude to get by to make google happy. Brownie points were never my cup of tea. Good solid content that can be backed up as solid evidence should be the focus of a forum and leave the loose noise of social media like Facebook.
  22. I never did like the back to top with sliders so I created my own with no slide much easier on my old eyes.
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