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    FASEOFMARS got a reaction from uA_Y_C_A in Invision Stories   
    We have seen it on instagram, facebook and youtube. We need this implemented as a feature for invision. 
    This is becoming a vital part of social media with both facebook and youtube adopting it. With stories users blog their daily life without worrying about everyone seeing it or people looking at it more than once ect...It encourages users to check the site for live updates that they may miss if they decide to wait a week before logging back in. Users want to be able to make posts that only stay up for a day and self destruct, or that only select friends can see, when you give them this they will post more freely. It will also make your site look more complete by todays standards. 
    I doubt many invision communities will develop a decent Club section most could be considered clubs themselves, its a really cool feature but more emphasis needs to be put on user interaction and post engagement, maybe a friend system. I run a few facebook groups and I know how notoriously hard it can be on facebook I can't imagine clubs working for too many communities infact most are bare with one or two clubs, its a wasted feature. We need user interaction, better status updates, we need to change the way we post, there is things we could be improving on that would help us even the playing field. 
    +1 for Invision Stories 
  2. Thanks
    FASEOFMARS reacted to WP V0RT3X in Videos Support   
    Open httpdocs/applications/videos/modules/front/videos/index.php and move
    $tabs['new'] = array( 'title' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'videos_tab_new' ), 'url' => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=videos&module=videos&controller=index&tab=new', 'front', 'videos_tab_new' ) ); below /* Setup index tabs */
    Btw I DON'T recomment editing addon files, do this on your own risk.
  3. Like
    FASEOFMARS reacted to opentype in OG Image for Forum Topics (Support Topic)   
    The change on the site in the code is instant. I can’t influence what the social media sites are doing. If you see the regular sharer image, it was either cached by the social media site, or the plugin couldn’t find a proper attachment to use. 
  4. Like
    FASEOFMARS got a reaction from sobrenome in Invision Stories   
    I think we have been copying social media in a way with user profiles and status updates. We are just limited to how we post and that’s why status updates are not used as much. When we improve that things like status and story posts will make more sense I suppose. 
  5. Like
    FASEOFMARS got a reaction from sobrenome in Invision Stories   
    My forum is timeline driven. 
    Your idea of discussion is different from my idea. Your being  stereotypical of posters. 
    Facebook and social media has been changing how people like to post. This generation has different posting expectations than the generation 15 years ago.
  6. Like
    FASEOFMARS got a reaction from sobrenome in Invision Stories   
    I didn’t say write I said read not everyone will feel the need to write a paragraph in response to a quick status. Your logic is backwards and only applies to a certain type of discussion. 
    It is no secrete social media has been killing forums. Features like groups make communities look small in comparison. Stories is a popular feature that would help us take it back to the glory days. 
  7. Like
    FASEOFMARS got a reaction from sobrenome in Invision Stories   
    To clarify further by stories I mean pictures with writing on them. Not necessarily videos, picture status updates. 
    Everyone has different purposes for their community ours is to connect with friends. Everything is discussion based even Facebook groups. That sense of community does not come without discussion. 
    Story posts would boost activity for us because I know members will be clicking on a new story post to read it rather than saying “I’ll log in tomorrow and read it” because it won’t be there tomorrow. It encourages frequent usage and there is a demand for it in this day and age. Forums are great at being forums and social media is great at killing forums.  
    Mybe I am light years ahead we still have not got push notifications but you can’t blame me for putting the idea out there.
  8. Like
    FASEOFMARS got a reaction from sobrenome in Invision Stories   
    It’s just like I said users will post more freely and recklessly. Something we don’t see on forums too much. It also can be used for other means of relaying messages you only want to show for a day. Like “heading out tonight if anyone wants to join me” or “any plumbers in the group just had a pipe bust” or “lovely day outside” stories are things you can expect to read relating to the current time or someone’s current situation or even advertising. Their is tons of examples why users love it, I run a real life club and story posts have become more useful than Facebook groups. It may not make sense if your used to forums and making posts with a title ect but in the world of social media it makes alot of sense.     Aload of crap to you mybe, not to the rest of the world as statistics show. Idiotic? Please don’t be ignorant we are clearly way behind. I don’t know about you but my member base does not spend their days in front of a computer screen or enjoy writing paragraphs for each post or adding a title. Or even uses forums. My goal is to create a platform that offers ease of use and can compete with social media. 
    I did the forum thing over ten years ago when invision was back in beta. Times has changed.
      Cool you disagree and do you have any examples of this feature being utilised on a large scale? It’s a wasted feature when you look at it in comparison to Facebook, one or two groups on a community makes the community look small. A whole feature just for one or two groups, sounds like a waste of space to me. 
    We do have hopes of using this feature as we have lots of groups on board and inspire the creation of groups but whether they find it useful remains to be seen.
    We need to evovle the way we post, if we want to make things like story post possible then there needs to be big upgrades to the what you see is what you get editor. Change is a good thing.
  9. Like
    FASEOFMARS got a reaction from sobrenome in Invision Stories   
    We have seen it on instagram, facebook and youtube. We need this implemented as a feature for invision. 
    This is becoming a vital part of social media with both facebook and youtube adopting it. With stories users blog their daily life without worrying about everyone seeing it or people looking at it more than once ect...It encourages users to check the site for live updates that they may miss if they decide to wait a week before logging back in. Users want to be able to make posts that only stay up for a day and self destruct, or that only select friends can see, when you give them this they will post more freely. It will also make your site look more complete by todays standards. 
    I doubt many invision communities will develop a decent Club section most could be considered clubs themselves, its a really cool feature but more emphasis needs to be put on user interaction and post engagement, maybe a friend system. I run a few facebook groups and I know how notoriously hard it can be on facebook I can't imagine clubs working for too many communities infact most are bare with one or two clubs, its a wasted feature. We need user interaction, better status updates, we need to change the way we post, there is things we could be improving on that would help us even the playing field. 
    +1 for Invision Stories 
  10. Thanks
    FASEOFMARS reacted to Joel R in Invision Stories   
    @FASEOFMARS This is the most interesting topic of the month because it brings up the larger question: what is Invision Community and what does it offer relative to other community software? 
    Invision Community is a software that is fundamentally designed for community of content.  This means things like shared discussion, group blogging, group galleries, collaborative wikis. It requires design principles like permanence, organization, structure.  
    What you want is a community designed for users.  This means user posts, user blogs, user albums.  It requires design principles like social connections, levels of privacy, and emotion.  
    There are important, fundamental distinctions between the two.  Invision Community overlaps with both, but it's fundamentally designed for communities of content.  
    I see you struggling with this answer, and I struggle with it too.  My personal community is social in nature, and I have users who treat it exactly like Facebook.  They almost exclusively post status updates.  Sometimes I worry that users don't know how to use forums anymore.  In the past week, I have had: 
    - a user report a post, so he can reply back with a comment.  
    - a user write his first topic in my Test Topics category, literally the worst and last board you could possibly choose out of a dozen other public boards.  
    As the Community Advocate for IPS, I encourage every client to think very hard about evolving themselves into a community of content. You must pair your forums with definitive, valuable, and unique content.   You won't win if you try to stay as a social community of users.
  11. Like
    FASEOFMARS reacted to opentype in Invision Stories   
    True, but does that mean we should try to copy social media or set ourselves apart? Always a tricky question. 
    As Matt said, there is nothing wrong with the feature request, but the best path to get it is probably the 3rd-party path. Video uploads are already possible. It shouldn’t be hard for a developer you hire to create a plugin which does the auto delete after 24 hours and implement the display of the videos in whatever way you want it. 
  12. Haha
    FASEOFMARS reacted to Day_ in Invision Stories   
    Disagree, I’m the star on my forum.
    My mum told me.
  13. Thanks
    FASEOFMARS reacted to Matt in Invision Stories   
    I actually agree, and we have things we want to do to modernise the interfaces to encourage more contributions to the discussions. Insta-style stories don't fit into the framework of those ideas.

    It's not a terrible idea, but it's something 90% of communities wouldn't use, just like status updates.
  14. Like
    FASEOFMARS reacted to Matt in Invision Stories   
    There's a few barriers here.
    The technical: to allow 'stories' to be posted, you'll need a fair bit of storage for the videos, you'll also need a queued system to take in raw video and transcribe it into a more friendly and compressed format which is beyond the reach for most self-hosted sites.

    The strategic. No one comes here to see what I'm up to. They come here for help with their Invision Communities, or they come here to post advice for others, or to learn how to manage their communities.

    Forums are discussion led platforms. The discussion is the star.
    Social media are people led platforms. The person is the star.

    Allowing random members to upload stories about what they're doing and so on cross-circuits the purpose of a discussion led platform.

    Social media is great at being social medial. Forums are great at being forums.
  15. Haha
    FASEOFMARS reacted to Day_ in Invision Stories   
  16. Like
    FASEOFMARS got a reaction from kmk in Invision Stories   
    We have seen it on instagram, facebook and youtube. We need this implemented as a feature for invision. 
    This is becoming a vital part of social media with both facebook and youtube adopting it. With stories users blog their daily life without worrying about everyone seeing it or people looking at it more than once ect...It encourages users to check the site for live updates that they may miss if they decide to wait a week before logging back in. Users want to be able to make posts that only stay up for a day and self destruct, or that only select friends can see, when you give them this they will post more freely. It will also make your site look more complete by todays standards. 
    I doubt many invision communities will develop a decent Club section most could be considered clubs themselves, its a really cool feature but more emphasis needs to be put on user interaction and post engagement, maybe a friend system. I run a few facebook groups and I know how notoriously hard it can be on facebook I can't imagine clubs working for too many communities infact most are bare with one or two clubs, its a wasted feature. We need user interaction, better status updates, we need to change the way we post, there is things we could be improving on that would help us even the playing field. 
    +1 for Invision Stories 
  17. Thanks
    FASEOFMARS reacted to MrFisc in Grapply Chat - New lower price!   
    This is a feature coming soon, although currently it does not integrate with PMs. I'm still deliberating in my head how I want to do that. However, one of the core concepts that came to mind when I initially had the idea for this application was integration into private messages. (That along with automatically pulling the theme for grapply from your existing IPS theme). 
    So, rest assured some time in the near future I fully intend to implement this feature. 
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