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  1. Good afternoon, I did not understand where to set the quantity. When creating an ad, this field is not present, but when displaying it shows 1. Is it possible to reduce the quantity when selling?
  2. Hi, I installed the application, set up the conditions for moving to groups. Tell me, does this only apply to new customers or will existing ones also move to a new group?
  3. Привет, а как добавить кнопку в комментарии блога? (Hi, how do I add a button to blog comments?)
  4. It is a pity, it is much more convenient to add saved text, such as ready-made links, this expands the capabilities of the application. This can be done? Can be adjusted in the settings. If it's not difficult, where to fix it in the code, this function is very necessary.
  5. Hello, how to make the saved answers add to the text and not replace it?
  6. иконки социальных сетей для тестирования
  7. The profile is super !! and in the posts?
  8. Hello, how to make icons appear on a mobile device?
  9. Keyword Tooltip 3.1.5 Hi, does this application work on mobile devices? Are the links active?
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