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Fernando Mercês

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Posts posted by Fernando Mercês

  1. Hi!

    I was wondering why Courses app is not shown in the main Invision website. It is not listed under Features either. No mention on Invision 5 recent blogposts... Maybe I'm just being crazy, but is there any plans to kill it? I'm using it a lot, so I'm scared, sorry. 🫠 

    Could contain: Cutlery, Logo

  2. Oh, I think I now what you mean by "paste in HTML": you're basically saying I can copy rendered HTML text and paste in this field as rich text, right? But what I need is the ability to render HTML. For example, PayPal provides us with HTML code like these to show a "Buy now" button:

    <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <!-- Identify your business so that you can collect the payments. --> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="herschelgomez@xyzzyu.com"> <!-- Specify a Buy Now button. --> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <!-- Specify details about the item that buyers will purchase. --> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Hot Sauce-12oz. Bottle"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="5.95"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <!-- Display the payment button. --> <input type="image" name="submit" border="0" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_buynow_LG.gif" alt="Buy Now"> <img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" > </form>

    Is there a way I could use something like this in Invision? I know I can create a custom block but I'd have to be able to use it in commerce checkout.


  3. Hi all,

    I'd like to use a custom payment gateway that's neither Stripe or PayPal. Commerce allows me to create a Manual new payment method, but it gives me a WYSIWYG editor to write whatever I want, however I'd need to embed some HTML code from my payment gateway of choice. Is there a way to do it? Custom blocks maybe?



  4. Great news! Here's what I suggest:

    • It'd be nice to have tests. We should be able to create questions using a WYSIWYG editor and set the correct answer(s) in advance. Students could retake the tests up to X times if they fail (score < Y).
    • +1 for certificates.
    • Ability to limit how long the student has access to the course (6 months, 1 year, lifetime, etc).
    • Bulk mail to all course participants.
    • Set one or more users as instructors.
    • Set one or more users as teaching assistants / moderators (like in Clubs).
    • Students should be able to "follow" the course to receive notifications when things get updated (content, new classes, etc).
    • Sysadmins should be able to convert a database entry to a Course (to keep pageviews, ranking, comments, etc).

    Thank you!


  5. Hi there! Happy new year to all of you!

    Suddenly, 2FA stopped working for my administrator account in my cloud instance. It says the generated code is invalid, even though it seems to be valid in my token generation app. In the past, I had the same problem with a self-hosted instance and I fixed it by adjusting the system time in the host OS as it had a difference of a few seconds from the NTP server, but I can't do it in cloud instances. I actually don't know if it's the same problem, but the fact this started to happen after the new year raised a flag to me. Any ideas? 🙂



  6. Hi all,

    I tried to upgrade to 4.7.4 (Invision Cloud) but the process didn't complete. The upgrader shows the following error:

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

    Any ideas on what do I do to fix this? I can login to AdminCP, but things look broken visually. For example:


    Could contain: Text

    Status/Default app indicators overlap:

    Could contain: Text, Page



  7. No problem. It's just a dream. 🙂

    Maybe one day, maybe not. No worries. Invision is still the best and that's why I keep "hacking" it to do things it doesn't do natively. It always worth because the things Invision do natively are very well done. 😉


  8. On 12/18/2021 at 4:56 AM, Daniel F said:

    Could you explain the tests part?  Like a quiz feature for specific lessons ?

    Hi Daniel. A quiz in the end of a lesson is a good thing indeed. However, in the previous post I actually meant exams. Here's what I think it should support:

    • Deadline / closing date.
    • Scoring system (the teacher presets the right answers for multiple choice questions).
    • Free text questions (the teacher will have to review it and assign a score).
    • A final score for the exam.
    • As a teacher, if I create an exam with only multiple choice questions, I want to be able to see it with a score assigned automatically (as I have preset the right answers).
    • Set a data to make the exam results visible for the students.

    Thank you very much. I can't wait to have something like this in Invision. Currently, I am using Clubs as "student classes" and Polls as exams but of course I have a lot of problems with this approach.



  9. On 10/5/2021 at 12:16 PM, Jordan Miller said:

    Curious, what basic functionality would you like to see?

    Here's a few:

    • Rate courses.
    • Tests / scoring.
    • Enrollment (like joining a club).
    • The possibility of accessing lesson 2 only after finishing lesson 1, like Udemy does.
    • Embed videos (YouTube, Vimeo, etc).
    • Top students (highest score).

    I consider a basic LMS a must in today's world. People need to share stuff. The pandemic ruined lots of face to face businesses, but e-learning courses increased massively.



  10. Recently I noticed the following warning shown in ACP->Support->Something isn't working properly:


    Although times look ok in my Community v4.5.4.2, I started to investigate and found out that in fact there's a configuration directive we can use in php.ini to set our default timezone:


    But init.php replaces it in Community startup process, setting it to UTC-0:


    Is this correct? This way I can only get rid of this warning if I set my server to UTC, right? Is it recommended?



  11. On 4/28/2020 at 2:09 AM, newbie LAC said:

    1. ACP - Pages - Templates - Database Templates - Display - record

    2. Add 



    Thanks for you answer. By the time you posted it I tried but got an error. I decided to upgrade to 4.5 before trying again but I still get the following error:

    ErrorException: Object of class IPS\cms\Records5 could not be converted to string (4096)

    I tried to paste the line you suggested somewhere in the record template below the date an entry was published. I hope I understood it correctly. I appreciate if you have any other suggestions.


  12. On 10/30/2019 at 10:02 AM, newbie LAC said:


    The counters under topic title you can hide via css

    The counters inside posts you can hide via setting

    The counters in the topics list you can hide via setting

    From what I understand from this answer, the plugin shows reading time for Pages (database entries) by default, right? I just bought but it only worked on forums in my case. Can you help?



  13. Hello,

    Is there an easy way to send a bulk email message via dashboard only to people that confirmed their presence in a calendar event (RSVP)? I couldn't find it. That'd be a nice feature to have IMHO.

    To accomplish this I did the following:

    1. Created a new member group and copied its ID (14 in my case).

    2. Got the attendees directly from the database. My event ID is 69, so I ran this SQL query via SQL Toolbox:

    SELECT name,mgroup_others FROM core_members WHERE member_id IN (SELECT rsvp_member_id FROM calendar_event_rsvp WHERE rsvp_event_id=69 AND rsvp_response=1 AND allow_admin_mails=1);

    3. I looked over the results and realized most attendees didn't have anything value in the field mgroup_others. For those who had any values, I copied to a text file to restore later. Then I've added them to the group created in step 1:

    UPDATE core_members SET mgroup_others=14 WHERE member_id IN (SELECT rsvp_member_id FROM calendar_event_rsvp WHERE rsvp_event_id=69 AND rsvp_response=1 AND allow_admin_mails=1);

    4. I restored the mgroup_others values for the members that had previous values.

    5. I ran:


    6. Created a bulk mail and sent the e-mail message only to members in this new group. It worked. 🙂

    How do you feel about this solution? Is it risky? Am I missing anything? @Developers, can you consider my suggestion?



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