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Posts posted by The Studio

  1. 16 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    And just to provide context...  the "password" field can be used anywhere you don't want the input displayed back to the user.  For example, if they were entering a Social Security number or any other sensitive field.  It's just a display mechanism.  

    Ah, I see. That could be useful if you were gathering sensitive info.

    21 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Keep in mind the custom fields like this exist across the software. It is simply a field type which makes an HTML input field of the password type.

    There are no means for a password protected download. The only permission system is in the member group, I'm afraid. If you are only giving out select access, you can move these individuals manually to a group for access.

    With Commerce and Downloads you can charge for downloads but still no password protection application.

    Understood. Then downloads won't work for us for this application. We already use member groups but that's not practical in this case.

    We give out a birthday goodie to ALL active members, so we're talking about thousands of people and daily messages. We already have a way to send out birthday messages each day, but I'm searching for a better way to deliver the goodie.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    Downloads does not have the ability to password protect files.  Extra fields are used across the suite...  The password field simply takes whatever is entered into the form and displays *****'s as you enter it.  The actual entered value is stored in the record (instead of ****'s).

    It does not actually add the functionality to password protect a file.  I believe you would need some sort of 3rd party modification to support this.  

    Thank you for the reply. 

    Then I guess what baffles me the most, is why on earth the field type "password" is even in there. Displaying ****s isn't really helpful.

    I know how to password-protect a file, but that's not really what I need to do. I need to password-protect the download entry itself so that you cannot download it unless you have the password. Does anyone know of a way to do this?

  3. Maybe I'm being dense about this, but I do not think this is working properly. Help!

    In the Downloads app you can set up extra fields, and there is a built-in "password" type. One would *think* that means that you can require a password to download a file. Yes? 

    I set it up like this: 

    Could contain: Page, Text

    and enabled the field on the relevant Category: 

    Could contain: Logo, Text

    When I set up a download in that category, it DID let me enter a password:

    Could contain: Page, Text

    BUT the finished file does NOT ask for a password. It displays this under the description:

    Could contain: Page, Text, Dynamite, Weapon

    and simply lets ANYONE download. What good is that?? What am I doing wrong?????

  4. Update: My testing DOES work for this, so we will use this method for large events. We have hundreds of forums, so it won't work for everything, but it is at least a functional workaround for big events. I'll have to create a new database each time since it needs to post to a different forum each time. 

    Thanks again, @Sonya*!


  5. @Sonya* I think she means that regardless of the fact that these articles are hidden from everyone except the 70 team members, it's still duplicated content. And believe me when I say it will be VERY confusing to some of those 70 members. Some of them are not at all technical. 

  6. Just now, Sonya* said:

    Pages creates real posts in your forum. Articles are just for scheduling. When article is published (future published date is reached) then a new post is created in forum. 

    @Sonya* THANK YOU! I will try that. 


    Regardless though, we really do need this as an actual function. We have nearly 70 team members that should be using this function and we simply cannot give them access to create pages. The system would be a mess. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    You can do it if you have Pages. Just create a database, that is only visible to moderators. Create your posts in a database as articles, connect the database to a forum, where the posts should be post and set the future publish date. No extra feature is needed to accomplish it. Unless you do not have Pages.

    @Sonya* We do have pages but that won't work for our purposes. These are posts that must be forum-style; we have pages of replies depending on the post. 

  8. We need the ability to schedule posts in our forum so that we can prepare them in advance (and in the proper location) without our members being able to see us working. Right now we have to prep posts in a hidden section then move them right when we want them to go live (including times when we SHOULD be sleeping). Frankly it's ridiculous. 

    It should work like this (very much like Wordpress): 

    • Create a post in any forum and select a posting time & date (just like you would for a lock/unlock time & date).
    • Members with the appropriate permissions setting should be able to see the post while it's being prepared (admin/moderators at least). In other words, there should be a setting in the plugin options to set permissions for who can view pre-scheduled posts. 
    • At the scheduled posting time, the post should "publish" (become visible) to everyone with permission to view that particular forum. 
    • The date on the post should be set to the scheduled posting date, NOT when it was prepared in advance. For team projects, I prep posts up to a year in advance. 

    This is such a critical feature for any community especially those that are supporting a business. You can see additional members requesting this feature here: 


    We're frustrated & we can't keep waiting for IPS to add such a critical function. Is there a developer willing to create a plugin for this? 

    Thank you!!


  9. 5 hours ago, Eric BXL said:

    Are you using the IPS Default (Default) theme?

    Still working for me using the default them.
    However, not working with a third party theme.

    Awww, no, we use a customized theme. We were using a custom theme before the upgrade though and it worked fine. 

    SIGH. This should be fun. 

    ETA: I checked using default theme and it doesn't work for us either way.

  10. 6 hours ago, bfarber said:

    Pages and Blog both offer the ability to schedule entries to post publicly at a later time.

    @bfarber Yes, thank you. But we have a WP blog that is 10+ years old with thousands of posts, so we don't use the blog app. And we run these events forum-style. We post a daily challenge and our customers post their replies - it's a section of our forum. 

  11. We desperately need this feature. Honestly I find it hard to believe it's not already included - it's essential for any community running any sort of scheduled event. 

    I've sorted through the available apps & I cannot find any that offer this. Am I missing it? Has anyone found a way to do this in 4.5.3? 

  12. On 3/8/2016 at 6:04 AM, newbie LAC said:


    What you mean?

    I would love to have a scroll box of images in a subforum... but limit the images to a tag we've given the images.

    For example, a subforum for one of our designers... and then an image box showcasing only their work. Does that help?

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