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Everything posted by TDBF

  1. I understand that change does bring uncertainty, especially when people do not see the full picture or people jump to the wrong conclusion based on limited information. Sometimes, you just have to wait for a release and take things from there. There are times when the edit post button isn't good enough, and I have to edit content via the source code to remove multiple breaks or styling issues due to copying and pasting embedded or other content. However, I'm more inclined to wait to see how I get along with the new editor before I make an informed decision on what is and isn't needed.
  2. Is there any way to know how many members are using a specific theme? I did look through the stats in the ACP, but I didn't see anything which would display the number of users per theme. Is this available in the ACP somewhere?
  3. Sounds like the account has been compromised. Maybe do a check to see if the email address has been leaked/compromised.
  4. Did you check the user's IP address, Device details etc between this post and their other ones? Not related to this, but congrats on promotion this year. 🙂
  5. Sorry No, there was no way I could port the settings over from the plugin to the application.
  6. If anyone wants my other apps, just let me know and I will post them here.
  7. Website Footer v2 2.0.2.tar Sorry, I had to close down the site due to issues with the software which I was using. Sadly, I cannot use my own forum for downloads.
  8. Sorry Marc, my comment was a little tongue in cheek. 🙂 However, Google also uses Passkey now.
  9. Passwords are so 19th century!
  10. Thanks for reminding me that I have a short memory!! 🤣
  11. Hi, I'm not sure that this is an issue on my end or not. I have created a hook which extends class \IPS\Content\Controller, however when I try to edit the hook I get the following error. Anyone else getting this? Error: Call to undefined method ReflectionUnionType::getName() (0) #0 C:\wamp64\www\#\applications\core\modules\admin\applications\developer.php(3577): IPS\Plugin\_Hook->editForm() #1 C:\wamp64\www\#\system\Dispatcher\Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_developer->editHook() #2 C:\wamp64\www\#\applications\core\modules\admin\applications\developer.php(69): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #3 C:\wamp64\www\#\system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_developer->execute() #4 C:\wamp64\www\#\admin\index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #5 {main}
  12. With all due respect John, I do not see why I have to justify my workflow to you anyone else for that matter. 🙂 I basically stated in my first paragraph why I do not use the backend editor. I refuse to work in an environment which is limiting to me. I cannot stand working with ACP when it comes to code, I will do what is required and then work from my IDE. As for escaping code, there are plenty of plugins that I can use within my IDE which does the job for me. I have been doing it this way since the launch of version 4. This works for me, I'm sure you have your own workflow which works for you that may not work for others. Each to their own. 🙂 But thank you, you did point me to the reason why this no longer works for me and I was able to fix the issue. Kind Regards, John
  13. I normally create my hooks via the ACP and then edit the hook via the file via my IDE. (I have asked many times if you guys could increase the size of the Hooks Textarea or make it expandable, because I hate editing within a letter box. 😋) However, after the last release, this is now borked. If I edit the hook via the file, my IDE will format the code on save, and the next time I edit/add new elements to the hook class a new 'public static function hookData()' class will be created causing a Fatal error: Cannot redeclare IPS\hookData() in. For example: In this test hook, this is the content created by the core. /** * @mixin \IPS\Theme\class_forums_front_topics */ class test_hook_testHook extends _HOOK_CLASS_ { /* !Hook Data - DO NOT REMOVE */ public static function hookData() { return array_merge_recursive( array ( 'post' => array ( 0 => array ( 'selector' => 'div[data-controller=\'core.front.core.comment\'].ipsComment_content.ipsType_medium > div.ipsComment_meta.ipsType_light.ipsFlex.ipsFlex-ai:center.ipsFlex-jc:between.ipsFlex-fd:row-reverse > div.ipsType_light.ipsType_reset.ipsType_blendLinks.ipsComment_toolWrap > div.ipsResponsive_hidePhone.ipsComment_badges > ul.ipsList_reset.ipsFlex.ipsFlex-jc:end.ipsFlex-fw:wrap.ipsGap:2.ipsGap_row:1 > li > strong.ipsBadge.ipsBadge_large.ipsBadge_positive.ipsBadge_reverse > i.fa.fa-check', 'type' => 'replace', 'content' => '', ), ), ), parent::hookData() ); } /* End Hook Data */ } After the code has been formatted/edited: /** * @mixin \IPS\Theme\class_forums_front_topics */ class test_hook_testHook extends _HOOK_CLASS_ { // !Hook Data - DO NOT REMOVE public static function hookData() { return array_merge_recursive( [ 'post' => [ 0 => [ 'selector' => 'div[data-controller=\'core.front.core.comment\'].ipsComment_content.ipsType_medium > div.ipsComment_meta.ipsType_light.ipsFlex.ipsFlex-ai:center.ipsFlex-jc:between.ipsFlex-fd:row-reverse > div.ipsType_light.ipsType_reset.ipsType_blendLinks.ipsComment_toolWrap > div.ipsResponsive_hidePhone.ipsComment_badges > ul.ipsList_reset.ipsFlex.ipsFlex-jc:end.ipsFlex-fw:wrap.ipsGap:2.ipsGap_row:1 > li > strong.ipsBadge.ipsBadge_large.ipsBadge_positive.ipsBadge_reverse > i.fa.fa-check', 'type' => 'replace', 'content' => 'some new content', ], ], ], parent::hookData() ); } // End Hook Data } After I edit/add another element to the hook class: /** * @mixin \IPS\Theme\class_forums_front_topics */ class test_hook_testHook extends _HOOK_CLASS_ { /* !Hook Data - DO NOT REMOVE */ public static function hookData() { return array_merge_recursive( array ( 'post' => array ( 0 => array ( 'selector' => 'div[data-controller=\'core.front.core.comment\'].ipsComment_content.ipsType_medium > div.ipsComment_meta.ipsType_light.ipsFlex.ipsFlex-ai:center.ipsFlex-jc:between.ipsFlex-fd:row-reverse > div.ipsType_light.ipsType_reset.ipsType_blendLinks.ipsComment_toolWrap > div.ipsResponsive_hidePhone.ipsComment_badges > ul.ipsList_reset.ipsFlex.ipsFlex-jc:end.ipsFlex-fw:wrap.ipsGap:2.ipsGap_row:1 > li > strong.ipsBadge.ipsBadge_large.ipsBadge_positive.ipsBadge_reverse > i.fa.fa-check', 'type' => 'replace', 'content' => '', ), ), ), parent::hookData() ); } /* End Hook Data */ // !Hook Data - DO NOT REMOVE public static function hookData() { return array_merge_recursive( [ 'post' => [ 0 => [ 'selector' => 'div[data-controller=\'core.front.core.comment\'].ipsComment_content.ipsType_medium > div.ipsComment_meta.ipsType_light.ipsFlex.ipsFlex-ai:center.ipsFlex-jc:between.ipsFlex-fd:row-reverse > div.ipsType_light.ipsType_reset.ipsType_blendLinks.ipsComment_toolWrap > div.ipsResponsive_hidePhone.ipsComment_badges > ul.ipsList_reset.ipsFlex.ipsFlex-jc:end.ipsFlex-fw:wrap.ipsGap:2.ipsGap_row:1 > li > strong.ipsBadge.ipsBadge_large.ipsBadge_positive.ipsBadge_reverse > i.fa.fa-check', 'type' => 'replace', 'content' => '', ], ], ], parent::hookData() ); } // End Hook Data } Seems like there is an issue with your preg replace method?
  14. Cheers, We already block by Server level and Cloudflare, it's more that we want something quick and dirty to get them off the forum first. I am asking if the way that this works has changed or not.
  15. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or the behaviour has changed with the way ban by IP address works. I have banned members by IP address, but they are still able to view the site. It's only when they sign in that they get a banned message. When you ban a member by IP address, are they not blocked from viewing the forum, even as a guest?
  16. Hi Marc, I can confirm that this version has fixed this issue. Cheers! 👍
  17. It just means that you will have to update your MySQL Database at some point. PHP versions and MySQL are two different parts to your server. You have highlighted your PHP version, it's your Database (bottom left of the picture) which is the issue here. If you cannot update your server yourself, ask your hosting company if they will upgrade your MySQL version.
  18. Can you let me know if this has been fixed in the next release, please? The bug is still there and this has now been nearly 5 months. 🙂 Cheers!
  19. Can you let me know if this bug has been fixed in the next release?
  20. I have just upgraded my test and live installs from Version 4.7.12 to Version 4.7.14, and I have issues with Form Text not displaying 0 values correctly. 0 seem to be treated as NULL or Empty values now. Text Form on 4.7.12 Same Form 4.7.14 There were no other changes to the code or the values (database) expect from changing from Invision 4.7.12 to 4.7.14. $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'fixture_goals_home', $fixture->goals_home, FALSE, [], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'fixture_home_ft_score' ) ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'fixture_goals_away', $fixture->goals_away, FALSE, [], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'fixture_away_ft_score' ) ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'fixture_home_ft_score', $fixture->home_ft_score, FALSE, [], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'fixture_home_ft_score' ) ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'fixture_away_ft_score', $fixture->away_ft_score, FALSE, [], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'fixture_away_ft_score' ) ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'fixture_home_ht_score', $fixture->home_ht_score, FALSE, [], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'fixture_home_ht_score' ) ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'fixture_away_ht_score', $fixture->away_ht_score, FALSE, [], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'fixture_away_ht_score' ) ); If I change the above to use Form Number instead $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'fixture_goals_home', $fixture->goals_home, FALSE, [], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'fixture_home_ft_score' ) ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'fixture_goals_away', $fixture->goals_away, FALSE, [], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'fixture_away_ft_score' ) ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'fixture_home_ft_score', $fixture->home_ft_score, FALSE, [], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'fixture_home_ft_score' ) ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'fixture_away_ft_score', $fixture->away_ft_score, FALSE, [], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'fixture_away_ft_score' ) ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'fixture_home_ht_score', $fixture->home_ht_score, FALSE, [], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'fixture_home_ht_score' ) ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'fixture_away_ht_score', $fixture->away_ht_score, FALSE, [], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'fixture_away_ht_score' ) ); Then the form values are correct.
  21. As you can see from the screenshot below, there seems to be an issue with the X Timeline block not updating the timeline. The block seems to be stuck from over two years now, and refuses to update. I originally thought this might have been due to the changes by X (Twitter) and I decided to wait until the last update to see if this would fix the issue. Is there anything else which could be causing this to happen?
  22. The obligatory developer testing code..... because Xdebug isn't good enough! 🤣
  23. No worries, glad you got this sorted.
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