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Everything posted by Adlago

  1. That email is one of the essential functions of a forum system... If an administrator does not have a customization option, what is the point of that... And why should a special topic be opened for an elementary function... Can't you inform your developers?
  2. The logo size is suitable for mobile devices, but the software does not have a text message font size option. Do you have any idea how to control the size of the font text in email messages as this size is fixed by your software it is very small.
  3. In version 4.x, the sidebar has a fixed width of 340 pixels. For certain size displays, it's OK, but for higher resolution displays, sidebar looks too narrow... For my site I have solved it by using % for sidebar width (I use left sidebar), for a responsive view - but with a right sidebar this idea fails. Are you developers thinking about version 5, for responsive sidebar size?
  4. This is achievable for me and now with 4.x version...I will be glad that you have achieved what you say...
  5. To be honest, I have abstracted from your version 5. Why??? There are many factors - the entry of AI, especially in social networks, and probably also in forum systems, which is basically yours... There is something elusive, but irritating entry into the IT sphere... And unpredictable. .. I personally find it puzzling and wakes up my conservative thinking... Sorry, I can't be of any help to your version 5 for now... Me too, actually, I don't expect anything in terms of speed...ha ha...🥰
  6. Your backup file probably contains a database backup. If this is the case, have your host install this database in server, then open the upgrade_history table - the current version of the IPB exists there. Then write which version you have in backup, probably someone has the files for the version you need so your host can revive your story.
  7. Try to restore a previous version from backup files and database, from a backup before upgrade. Then disable 3rd party add-ons, reupload files a new version and start a new upgrade.
  8. After versions 3.x.x for the "future" 4.x.x there were similar promises... Alas, many of the promises remained an empty hope... And whether version 5.x.x will meet expectations - is forthcoming, but the pre-ad is just an ad…
  9. Maybe he should try to stop cloudflare, remove cache site then. Then check if your home page is working. If yes, restart cloudflare and probably the issue will go away.
  10. It's strange why there is a triple request - it increases delays.
  11. In 4.7.13 there is a strange delay in loading the JS - detected by the 3rd party - Recaptcha JS. In the analysis, there are 3 requests for the JS recaptcha (the same link from gstatic com) at each page reload. Here is an example from your site - a test on the registration page. It is the same in all the sites, for test I visited, including and my site. TBT time increases by more than a second and a half, and Reduce unused JavaScript time by more than 3.5 seconds. Please check and fix this issue...
  12. I assume that after uploading a htaccess file, you then saved a change here. Maybe you should start Support section in ACP and check if there is no error registered there. Also, check in your server PHP modules management - this is for my server
  13. Are you sure the file you uploaded has content? Open this file with notepad++ and check contents.
  14. Try https://britneyspears.com.br/forum/admin This requires a username/password. And it will probably let you into the ACP
  15. In the guest text widget editor in English, there are inline css rules <span style="font-size:12px;">...Your text...</span> and e.t.c for all <p> classes, But for other linguage editor, this rules missing. Please check and complete. thanks
  16. You should download a version with a converter included. Before running an upgrade, switch your server's PHP version to 8.x.x Of course, create a backup of the database and files beforehand in case something goes wrong.
  17. This function was DEPRECATED in PHP 5.3.0, and REMOVED as of PHP 7.0.0. Which version of IPS are you using? To use recovery mode, you are probably running version 4.x.x Which PHP version are you using - check in your server, it should be above 7.x.x and even above 8.0.0 What does your host support say about this condition of yours?
  18. Try in address bar: yoursite/admin/ for log
  19. Disable 3rd party plugins. It is possible that some php is not working correctly.
  20. Now for your site www.jonado.net I see this
  21. It's because your site www.jonado.net redirects to www.hardwarepremium.com Review your htaccess file for such a redirect or contact your hosting provider to review your domain's bindings.
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