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Everything posted by Adlago

  1. No, I have no custom redirects. If there is something on the server, the same function should be behaved in this way when posting in a forum topic. But in a forum when creating a post or topic, this feature works perfectly without any issues.
  2. This is all content in console
  3. Disable mod_security does not solve this issue.
  4. When composing a message and using the "Insert an existing attachment" feature, if you choose to go to a page of your choice at the bottom ( Page 1of 99), and after clicking Go, the site's home page and default skin open. See the image. If pages with attachments are opened with a choice of 2,3,4, etc. no issues. The same action in an editor, for example in a forum post, works correctly. Is this just for me or is it an bug in 4.6.8?
  5. Yes, it was probably such an account, because now I checked and it no longer exists in DB, without me doing anything. But such a case had never happened to me and it seemed very strange to me ...
  6. I was browsing guest users reading my articles. I came across a guest who has 1 registration ... Following the link I see an account with a real ID for this user, no name and no email address ... There is no such user in the ACP members list. Through PHP myadmin table core_members finds this user, last registration - but no name, no email address, only IP address and is in the validation group ... I tested my registration form - without a name and email address I can't register ... Is this an bug in version 4.6.8? I can easily remove this user from the database - but it seems to me that this behavior of the registration form, surrounded by someone, is quite unpleasant and with a precondition for future problems ... Any opinions?
  7. I confirm links to all my articles have been reported by Google with this issue.
  8. Hello, IPS team, are you planning a solution for this?
  9. Try in your .htaccess add this RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\. [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(?:www\.)?(.+)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^ https://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [L,NE,R=301]
  10. You have access to ACP, use and remove cache
  11. Check what exactly you have saved in a change in conf global php. Because now CSS and JS resources for your site are loaded by https://www.tipf.co.uk, and should be loaded from https://tipf.co.uk, and therefore nothing is found at these addresses -i.e. you are missing CSS и JS In your conf_global php should be : .... https://tipf.vo.uk
  12. Open includeJS for editing, Find this code {{foreach array_unique( array_filter( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles ), SORT_STRING ) as $js}} {{$js = \IPS\Http\Url::external( $js );}} <script src='{{if $js->data['host'] == parse_url( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url, PHP_URL_HOST )}}{expression="$js->setQueryString( 'v', \IPS\Output\Javascript::javascriptCacheBustKey() )"}{{else}}{expression="$js"}{{endif}}' data-ips></script> {{endforeach}} and replace with {{foreach array_unique( array_filter( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles ), SORT_STRING ) as $js}} {{$js = \IPS\Http\Url::external( $js );}} <script src='{{if $js->data['host'] == parse_url( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url, PHP_URL_HOST )}}{expression="$js->setQueryString( 'v', \IPS\Output\Javascript::javascriptCacheBustKey() )"}{{else}}{expression="$js"}{{endif}}' data-ips></script> <link rel="prefetch" href='{{if $js->data['host'] == parse_url( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url, PHP_URL_HOST )}}{expression="$js->setQueryString( 'v', \IPS\CACHEBUST_KEY )"}{{else}}{expression="$js"}{{endif}}' as='script'> {{endforeach}} Note that if you use 3rd party plugins, or use ads, you will need to make another template in which to include all external java scripts, which also create a TBT increase.
  13. Only for theme. This is LCP and FCP For mobile, it is important to do TBT in less than 200 milliseconds. It turns out that using the JS prefetch does this successfully. It's not very popular, but when using an external JS prefetch, it forces the browser to use an JS from cache, and this create less than 200 milliseconds of TBT.
  14. I received a good offer from PM, to hurry ... ha ha, now I understand why.😇
  15. PS.Use the optimization tool Chrome development, you will find many of your mistakes, as well as options for improving your site.
  16. My mobile is now in the 88-93 range. But after 75-80 results, climbing up is increasingly difficult, and requires multiple analyzes and tests to avoid unwanted experiences. Otherwise, to meet the requirements of Web Vitals, speed as a result of PSI is not important, but all the specified parameters.
  17. I managed to provoke this issue. I added a comma from one browser to the domain, and this generated the missing page message. https://www.celiac.com/, I repeated the request for the page with this message constantly, for more than a minute, then I opened another browser and the first time I loaded the exact address of the site, and I came across this page with message. Ie there is a bug in the cache guest page.
  18. This happens at a random point in time. I monitor the site of @sadams101 I type the site address in the address bar. Home page. First rendering - for a split second I see some of the blocks on the home page, then an error page opens. I open another browser - issue repeats itself. I open a third browser - the same. I wait about a minute - when reloading, regardless of which browser site loads normally. This happens from my office computer (Win 10) at least once a day, no matter what time. It also happens from a home PC in the evening - (Ubuntu) - at least once, again at no matter what time.. Understandably, I've cleared the cache browsers. My only hypothesis is that it is possible that a banned user, when trying to load a site, was the first to create a guest cache page. Until the cache expires, what I observe as a guest will happen to each guest visitor - during this cache.
  19. You used https://platform.twitter.com/embed/embed.modules.3b04bfe3371598999823.js This JS seems to be looping and causing too much delay to the JS that the IPS loads. That's why an editor loads very, very slowly. Stop this JS.
  20. I've been wondering for a few hours whether to leave an opinion or not ... I can accept new prices - it is clear that you have an argument for this. But!?! Even 4.6.6 does not offer a performance boost, especially for mobile. Too many sites that allow Google ads - Web Vitals have desperately bad results - I don't see anything in this direction in your work, developers. And what should owners of these sites do? Google lowers their revenue, you increase their license! Apart from your own budget, don't you have an interest in performance improvements for your clients? You have good enough developers and you can easily solve all the requirements for Web Vitals. Why don't you do it? I wonder if I'm wondering, but your new site is also performing poorly Your FCP and LCP results for the last few hours are deteriorating. You have also allowed duplication ID of "elSigninButton_mobile". https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Finvisioncommunity.com%2Fforums In short - nothing new, but more expensive.
  21. Underlines are duplicated. Auto-update works perfectly and without issues.
  22. If you have several tables that have "status_author _id" probably some table is from the 3rd side app or plugin. If this is true, uninstall all 3rd side plugins
  23. What tables do you have in which there is a word - status?
  24. Open PHPMy Admin - find in your database table "members_status_updates" Find these two columns with this name - status_author_id, and delete one column Continue with the upgrade
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