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All Astronauts

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Everything posted by All Astronauts

  1. I looked at the themes you have installed. The default is ok of course, but your ipsFocus one is messed up on the post bit. With KS disabled you can see it is messed up.
  2. It's because IPS is using #acpWarnings in a place I did not expect. It was, I thought, just used up top on the dashboard, but alas, that "facebook application warning" bit is actually id'd that. Gimme a minute, I'll patch it. Thx.
  3. KS 17 released! A couple uncommon bug fixes. Built-in post bit compatibility fixes for a few 3rd-Party apps. New option to limit the number of attachments per post (probably affects all editors with file attachment areas) The 3rd party apps that have the fixes you can just scroll up through this support topic to see what they are. Fixes need to be toggled on/off under the misc tab in KS - they are not enabled by default. The new option for limiting the number of attachments per post probably affects any content item that has a file attachment area. For now I have this setting at the bottom of the post tab. Choose between 1 and 100. Honestly, more than 50 attachments (maybe even less than that) and you are starting to stress things a bit. Over 100 and you are really just asking for trouble; especially those of you running IPS on servers with shall we say less than optimal resources? Default is 25 which is more than reasonable. CIC users, as always, once you install KS and mess with things, you'll have to wait for the CIC caching system to wake the hell up and recognize there is new stuff going on. Took me a couple cache wipes and I still needed to wait awhile before the limit attachments option actually fired on through on the front end.
  4. Patched. DL from Marketplace and upgrade existing plugin.
  5. Done and dusted. Thx, enjoy, etc.
  6. PM me ACP so I can take a peek real quick
  7. It is the standard PHP RecursiveDirectoryIterator function but it's hitting that directory and not having permission to open it. Either you, or your web host, has that web2/web/ directory locked /unreadable somehow. You are the first to report something like this so congratulations. I'm uploading 8.02 now which I think will fix it (added in an error check). After uploading the new version, go to tasks and manually run spaciousSystemSize and see what happens.
  8. Kitchen Sink is patched for this. Yell if you need it otherwise it will be formally available with the next published release.
  9. If anyone needs this now just yell, otherwise I'm holding off on a release for awhile to tackle some other things. FYI the fixes for both Bookmarks and Post Notes are on the Misc tab (last one) in KS. You will need to enable the fixes there, no need for them to run if they are not needed. Also, just for completeness, these fixes both test whether you have enabled them or not and also if the application involved is enabled as well. This last bit is a good way to simultaneously test whether you have the application in the first place and that you have that app actually turned on. As both fixes are calling application-specific templates you can imagine the support hilarity that I would bring upon myself when people disable the application, but leave KS up and running with the specific app fix enabled, which would be calling for that now disabled template...
  10. KS will be patched for this in about two minutes. Honestly, I've known about this "issue" for awhile, surprised it hasn't come up more often actually.
  11. It's not a bug or the fault of anyone fyi, it's just an inevitable result of how this stuff gets built out. Apps before plugins, which means after the Bookmarks app adds a link there, KS comes through and overwrites it (which I have to if I'm going to allow people to move the links into the options menu there). So yep, doesn't matter if KS is first in the plugin list or last. I've been considering moving KS from a plugin to an app, in which case having KS first in the apps list will settle all these problems. As it stands now, I'll need to stick a fix into KS that adds that link back in. If you could PM me a link to your site, with Bookmarks active but KS inactive, I can see the link code and port it into KS to fix this (slight chance I might need a bit more from you but we;ll cross that bridge later if we need to). Whip me up an account too pls.
  12. PM me acp access so I can take a peek.
  13. IPS has patched the dashboard bug this morning. Hit your support tool to get the patch.
  14. Right, IPS bug, not me. That IPS patch will fix the background image on login saving, but they haven't patched the dashboard widgets stuff.
  15. Anyone on 4.2.4 will need to hit the support tool in the ACP and apply the latest patch as IPS has been changing how settings are saved and that's been creating some problems. For Spacious it is the background image on login page - 4.2.4 wasn't saving them - if you left it alone it was fine but once you tried to change it, problems. Today's un-announced IPS patch fixes that. However, there is a bug with dashboard widgets - new widgets will not be saved to the dashboard. You can add them, and they are there, until you navigate away - when you go back to the dashboard they aren't there anymore. Also, sometimes if you delete an existing widget it stays gone as you can't add new widgets to the dashboard (see above) *or* you try to delete them and they refuse to go away; you navigate away after deleting them, return to the dashboard, and they are there again. Nothing I can do about that one.
  16. It looks fine to me on lanos.com, that's with KS 16 installed. Screenshot? Or send me PMs to take this private if you like.
  17. If you have any additional changes to your register popup it might break the css on this. You can target this plugin's three fields directly with the following to change/fix as you need (in this example I'm over-riding the width: 100% call that is getting attached to the fields as seen in motomac's screenshot - change or alter as needed - just stick in your custom.css file). Use !important as needed. [name="bday[month]"], [name="bday[day]"], [name="bday[year]"] { width: inherit !important; }
  18. Looks ok here. I did make a sweep of some old code from Adriano that might cause problems with the new internal changes to the settings function but those really won't have any bearing on the output itself. I'll release it later but it doesn't really change anything.
  19. @Lindy shot me a note saying Support was getting some chop with the Spacious ACP bit that lets you PM members from the Member page breaking the "view customer data" button if you have Nexus installed. Rare point version release fixes this. Spacious ACP 8.0.1 avail for DL in the Marketplace. Please upgrade, that, and if you end up with problems like this do not rely on Support to give me a heads up - that usually will only happen after a few instances of the bug hitting support staff and then it (I guess?) gets passed up the chain for someone to maybe shoot the mod author a note. It's much easier when Support staff notifies you that there is a bug in some 3rd party thing you have installed for you to post in the support topic (or send the author a PM). It's often the best (and sometimes only) way we'll know something is wrong. I put the bug in their ear about allowing mod authors to piggy back on the "report system errors" feature IPS added in a few versions back - mostly (all?) that feature does is harvest system errors your installation throws, discards all 3rd-party caused ones, and then emails them to IPS so they can see if anything they wrote is causing problems. Would love the same for any errors my stuff makes. I could write and include the same functionality in my plugins but it would be better for everyone if it was more "official".
  20. IPS has been mucking about with the meta tags and json output recently. If you want them to warn you this is happening prior to a release being released you'll need to poke the various parties responsible. /* Wipe JsonLD for now until issues resolved */ \IPS\Output::i()->jsonLd = array(); That includes breadcrumbs. Sorry.
  21. KS 16 released! Fix for removing the word "edited" alongside the post date in forums - topics - post view. Restored H2 element on topic view now includes time since last post in topic. New horizontal text format option for displaying both topic and post counts in forum view. The horizontal text stuff is the old style formatting. There's no easy way to fix the problem for when you have high post/topic counts and you want to display both numbers. It starts to look weird, centering becomes off, and so on. There's just no good, universal, formatting option using the default IPS style with both there. So, here's the old formatting back as an option. On that view only (in the KS settings menu for this option it is 3: both, horizontal) I've added an additional css class for you to use. .ks_tstats { text-align: left; } Just add that to your custom.css file and change as needed to justify those lines left, center, or right. Feel free to change font size, alter the line-height, etc. as needed. Way too involved to add this stuff in as options in KS directly with all the various themes out there. Topic view H2 element now will look like this:
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