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Everything posted by All Astronauts

  1. I will say this - the caching of templates, the build-out of hooks, whatever... has gotten a bit twitchy with the 4.2 series. Particularly noticeable if you are a CIC user. The two things to try beyond the usual (even erasing the caches with the Support tool or the Spacious ACP wipe caches button) is to, CIC or regular user, disable and re-enable the plugin/s in question (that's a literal step btw, just click the button to disable, wait a few moments, then re-enable it) - that seems to get whatever templates hooks that did not get built out correctly to get going again. The second one is for CIC users: wait. That's it; just wait. The template caching IPS is using to provide CIC is really substantial. You will literally sometimes need to wait a few minutes before endusers get the changes on their end. This one is really frustrating as I get a yell that something isn't working after someone changes a setting and it ends up being a CIC delayed cache write or something. Beyond the usual un-announced changes IPS does that break things for 3rd party devs, there are still people running themes that are supposedly 4.2 compatible but they really are just themes that "work" with 4.2. That's not the same thing. If all someone did was take a 4.1 theme, load it up on 4.2, and then change/edit as needed to make it "look right" again what you have is just a mutant 4.1 theme that will be missing clubs junk and a bunch of other changes - all of them creating new hook points for apps and plugins and now you get devs being yelled at because the plugin isn't working on their awesome theme they made and so on and so forth... I prefer to just use straight numbers for KS versioning so I'm looking at something else to add as this would be a really weak KS 16 release, however, I got a bug fix for removing the word "edited" next to the post date in posts (not sure if this was a 4.2 change or 4.2.3 change but it's patched now) and that h2 element that I restored that displays how many posts are in a topic? I've added back in the time since last post on the other side. No javascript util to display in "days ago" format, just the usual IPS datetime display. Plenty good enough.
  2. Any widget up there with an image in it (like a Gallery feed) would have triggered this problem. I'll experiment with the widget up top and the IPS RSS but I'm pretty sure it's the scrape not going for the first image in the first Article element on the page (which would be the first post). If this is a recent problem it may be related to IPS mucking about with the metatag json stuff breaking the scraper in some way.
  3. Move the widget to the sidebar or the bottom. Now that you posted the above, which included the word "scrape"..., I'm 99% positive the problem is the scrape, not me. I'm signed up at your site so I'll see when you've done it. (also, if you have any control in excluding certain page elements from being scraped, you might be able to keep the widget up top)
  4. Where do you have the widget at - side bar or top/bottom of page? Also, the widget is using avatars and not names?
  5. True, but if it is getting it from the widget somehow that just makes things even weirder...
  6. Walk me through what you are doing. Is this just a standard IPS forum RSS feed link you've stuck into Facebook? Is this the IPS API?
  7. But does the edit button work with KS active when using the IPS default theme?
  8. You can put the button on the bottom but...gotta say, I'm puzzled on first glance - most of this is going to be a problem with however IPS is doing the Facebook stuff. I doubt moving the button will change anything. Let me poke the RSS stuff and see if anything shows up.
  9. Two questions: Does this happen on the IPS default theme? What do you mean by edit a discussion topic? No edit button? Edit button but it doesn't work?
  10. I was a little puzzled by the (before edited) message. The versions for this file are all there when you click the changelog button in the Marketplace page for Enhance Joined Date. Versions for 4, 4.1, and 4.2. What you are linking to is someone else's file - does more or less the same thing though.
  11. KS 15 released! Option to restore the topic view H2 element, including the number of posts in topic statistic. Built-in fix for Post Notes application hook problem with KS. The H2 is self explanatory. On/Off option in KS settings. The Post Notes application fix is now built in. I'm 80% certain I've hit some internal IPS parsing limitation on hooks or something; that or my hook has one of those "you have a single extra space in the exact wrong place which will start a chain reaction that won't break things until more than two other separate things hook onto the same thing" problem. The problem is the post menu hook/s. KS grabs a ton in that template, but that's ok, if just means that applications (which get built out first) that hook onto the post menu (like Post Notes) will need a separate plugin hook to work with KS to hook in there. For all plugins that add to the post menu, as long as they are after KS in the plugin list it's fine. Except, apparently, when you have a ton of things trying to hook right there. No matter how I crafted the Post Notes hook to re-insert the thing, it was corrupted on parse. Oh sure, it always worked in_dev (though strangely in_dev was only parsing out one extra post menu hook rather than all that were there... strange), but in production, equally strange, all the hooks would work but url link in the Post Menu hook would be corrupted. Url template plugin with csrf option on, Url template with csrf built in to the link, to hell with it I'll build it out manually and now the data-dialog elements all go missing except one... so, so strange. All Greek to most of you but I just solved the problem by removing the hook aspect and built the fix in my KS hook directly. Will have no effect for anyone unless you actually have Post Notes. Please note Post Notes users: If you disable the Post Notes application you will need to likely hit the support tool to rebuild your templates otherwise you'll get an error page on topic view. Nothing is wrong at all, stuff just might not be in the loop right away for getting rebuilt correctly when you hit that button, it's all good after you clear out the caches. Enable the fix in KS on the Misc tab.
  12. Looked. They have this with the activity stream already, where it shows the reaction icon used. But as far as me doing it, on first glance appears doable, but it's messy; I'd be grabbing an entire function and busting it up. Honestly, go to the feedback forum and ask IPS to stick this in natively - it's a no-brainer and much better (and cleaner) for them to do it than I.
  13. For those of you having problems with Pinned Posts, Change Post Author, and any other plugin that interacts with the post menu (where the quote, edit, etc. options are) there is apparently some rough waters with how IPS is building the templates out. It would appear if you have more than a few things hooking on that area, the system will build the template out for a few hooks and then... stop. That's just me generalizing what's happening, I'm not sure exactly what's happening. KS does a bunch on the post menu too so I've been getting a few requests for support saying some items are not showing up. Save me, and you, some time and just do this: 1) Clear caches with the Support tool (or why not buy Spacious ACP and add a clear caches button to your dashboard among other things?) 2) Go to your plugins page. 3) Leave KS enabled, but toggle off the plugins that are interacting with the post menu, like Pinned Posts, etc... 4) Go ahead and toggle them right back on. No need to do anything else. 5) Now look on the front end. Everything should be fine. Note that if you have an *application* that has a hook on the post menu, there will always be a problem with KS since I grab a bunch of stuff there. Just give a yell and I can give you a plugin to tackle that. The reason being as application comes first, then plugins, in how everything gets built out. Owners of the Post Notes app take note (hah!) I've got a 4.2 plugin on hand already to get that post menu bit back in action alongside KS. Just shoot me a PM.
  14. Version 5 released. Added option to place button on top of comments, below comments, or both locations. If you have moderator powers you'll have to live with the stacked appearance. The html structure that contains the moderator action button is only generated if you have moderator privs, so I can't just add the button there as it would never show to anyone without those privs. If you don't have mod privs it will look just fine.
  15. It might be but the js controllers give, the controllers take. Let me look under the hood.
  16. All good. Just a reminder to folks that other plugins can interfere with other plugins easily enough on install - nothing wrong with the plugins, just that you may need to refresh your browser cache, or in this case just dump all the IPS template caches with the support tool to get all the new stuff where in needs to be. Otherwise you can sometimes get old built templates conflicting with what plugins expect to be in place and so on...
  17. That's mark *site* read. Looking Tests fine here on the default theme; all the options for it. I've got a moment to look if you pm acp access.
  18. Looks ok here. Also KS doesn't do anything with that.
  19. Shadow patched the file so anyone missing those clubs language bits just re-download from the Marketplace. As for adding that line back in, well, things are different now. I'm assuming I can stick the data back in (that's just dummy text right now) but the element itself from the 4.1x series is an H2. And what you see is what you get right now once pagination kicks in. I can add some padding on the element to make it look ok on the stock theme but people using this are gonna have to deal themselves to re-match their 4.2 themes as I am not going to support the css look on this. No chance.
  20. What IPS said they were doing with 4.2 was hiding the top div element that sits atop content blocks like that. Literally just hiding it. Which is fine, they needed to make the appearance of the suite less cluttered. For reasons? they decided to *remove* that div H2 element on topic view. I asked, never got a coherent reply other than stating why they were hiding them, totally missing my point. Anyways, thats where that lived and now it is flat out gone. For KS I hooked on that element and gave people a "last reply 10 days ago" type thing, and I had to yank that for 4.2 No reason for me to not re-insert that but was waiting to see if the IPS light bulb went on and they were going to re-include that element. I'll add it to the list to stick it back in. The topic stats KS re-introduces is on category view where there are lists of forums. IPS hardcoded in just the display of how many posts were in a forum, instead of both posts *AND* topic count. KS let's you add, or only, display topic count. Shoot me a PM with ACP access and I'll take a look.
  21. Kitchen Sink 14 Released! New! Option for Full Inbox Warnings. New! Option to restore multi-mod action on first post in a topic. Full inbox warnings is just a revamp of the free plugin in the Marketplace. Cleaned it up a touch and added an additional placement option beyond what you get in the free one. Option to not warn at all (default), a warning banner just below the breadcrumb line or there abouts, or a top of the browser full width warning. Warning displays on every page a member browses for as long as their inbox is at or over the limit for the number of messages their member group is allowed to have. Goes away once they cull below that line. Useful in that until they get below quota they will not be able to receive any new messages. The multi-mod restoration was a request from @Bill Edwards who pointed out two long standing request threads for this feature to be restored. I've purposely locked this down to only merge. Reasons? The first post in a topic is a special snowflake and needs to be treated differently - even though it is a post (comment in the IPS parlance) it is considered locked in as a part of the topic itself. Most of the multi-mod actions already do treat it differently, or at least avoid it in some respects, but IPS still purposely disabled multi-mod actions on it for good reasons - mainly they haven't built in anything safe enough to prevent you from breaking the topic. If you need to do real moderation to the first post use the moderator actions button alongside the reply to topic button. What happens if I let you run free with all the usual multi-mod actions? Assuming you select the first, second and third posts in a topic with the multi-mod button, here is what you could do and what would happen. Hide: Would hide the second and third posts, leave the first post untouched. Trash: Trashes the second ans third posts, leaves the first post untouched (pretty sure, kinda forgot my test on this) Merge: Safe! It will merge posts two and three into the first, allowing you to edit as needed before saving. Split: Here comes trouble... It does work; too well actually. Let's change the scenario a bit. Let's say we have five posts in a topic. With multi-mod enabled on the first post, you proceed to select the first, second, and third posts for splitting. Splitting doesn't let you split large posts into separate posts in the same topic, what it does is allows you to split the posts off into another already existing topic or start a new one with those posts. You hit save, and posts 1, 2, and 3 are now in a new topic. Believe it or not, not only do posts 4 and 5 bump up correctly in the old topic, post 4 gets flagged correctly as the first post in the database. Was surprised by that myself. So you think all is well? How about instead of splitting off posts 1, 2, and 3 we split off *all* of them? You can do that with multi-mod and once you do? Congratulations! You've just turned this topic into a zombie. Oh it still exists, it just has no posts and there is no way to add posts back into it. So, seeing as how the hide and trash multi-mod actions don't work on the first post, and the possibility to do stupid things with split, I've done some junk to make the first post in a topic visible as such to the js controllers and added a new bit of js. When you have selected the first post in a topic for multi-mod the only option you get is merge. Uncheck the first post and all the other options come back immediately. Only tiny hitch is the multi-mod controller doesn't emit an event when the button options change so I had to listen for something else - and that just means the button controller that pops up will be slightly non-centered when the first post is selected. No big deal (though when I installed it on another test board on my dev installation it did pop up the multi-mod options with no checkboxes selected in the first topic I viewed. I just selected hide and save and it went away - this was 99% likely just a phantom resulting from me running multiple dev boards on the same laptop - some lingering browser js vars carrying across installations. Nothing to worry about) That's all. If I can get IPS to emit an event on the rebuildButton thingy it will be centered. No matter, I think you can live with it.
  22. @Ramzzes @Apfelstrudel @Nathan Explosion Kitchen Sink will have this in the next version. Merge only though.
  23. And there you go. New format option, customize the FontAwesome icon, toggle the light/dark text, compatible with 4.2.
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