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All Astronauts

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by All Astronauts

  1. Statistics: So, firstly, this isn't as easy as it appears so I've had to make some reasonable adjustments here and there to, hopefully, capture the bulk of what people are looking for. Overview Tab: For now it is just a dump of the dashboard widget information (as not everyone will want the dashboard widget to be the only place to get some stats...) plus a quick one-liner showing what percentage of all searches are tag searches or include tags as a filtering element. Will look to improve this later on. Terms Tab: This is mostly EXACT MATCHES! That means spelling and formatting counts. There is no "Fuzzy" word and phrase matching going on; honestly that's way beyond the scope of this project for the time being. However, I did want to make an effort to merge together a common instance - that being when someone searches for something without quote, and when they search for it with quotes. For example: Mass Effect "Mass Effect" As it stands right now, those will be two uniquely different searches. And counted separately. What if I remove the double quotes? Mass Effect Mass Effect Now those will both be counted the same. Much better. So for terms, I do that. Words Tab: This is just an extension of the terms search. For each term, I break it apart into individual words, and then do the same counting on them. There is, naturally, a problem. Letters and common short words. A, the, then, it, its, it's and so on (for English at least). This means I have to parse this stuff through stop words files. Right now I'm forcing English AND Russian stopwords on through. I can, later on, option this stuff out for configuration in the settings but until then, if you have other languages besides English hand Russian, pls give a yell so I can add the stop words json word lists into the routine. I also nuke probably all non-alphanumeric characters here so we are dealing with just "words" and nothing else. Tags Tab is pretty much the same as the words tab. Hey! I forgot to include standardized letter casing during matching on these things - and I should - look for 2.1 real soon, that should tackle the last of the big things here!
  2. @Joel R It does now... Social Search 2 Released! New statistics feature More language keys Misc tweaks
  3. It's still a thing actually. If you use KS to disable the MultiQuote button this will break. It's *not* a problem with KS and it's not a problem with User Posts in Topic. The problem is, pretty sure, the IPS javascript controller that works with the MultiQuote button. If I hide the MultiQuote button, that's fine. But if another button appears there in the first position, the controller throws the multiquote button back in. Or something like that. I'm looking at other ways of tackling this in the next few days to maybe better lock this down but honestly, unless all you are doing is adding a button to the usercontrols down there, everything else is a nightmare of 3rd party conflicts waiting to happen - and there isn't much room to work around them.
  4. Not on the initial release. One could easily scan the entries (eye ball them) in the ledger and then do a title search when you spot some regular ones to see how many there actually are.
  5. Yep. KS due for a sweep. The work piles ever on...
  6. Sure, be done when it's done. Maybe tonight, maybe next week...
  7. I can look how I'm passing this through... it's possible I can add a check if member is currently logged in and is anon to skip showing them in these blocks. It would appear when they are no longer online of course. Does that help?
  8. Hmmm. That might take some work. I could provide an option to remove the date component from the popup list. One could see they read it but not when. And I could, yes, check on the anon easily enough, as a global, but it starts to add some heft if I record it regardless, but only display to admins as I would need to actually record the view entry as viewed while anon so admins could see the anon viewer in the list or block, but others couldn't. Let me mull it a bit.
  9. @Hezeber Sry, it's Sunday night - left some debug stuff in - try now with 1.2
  10. @Hezeber Uploaded new version, give it a try. Let me know if it's still borked or if it's working.
  11. So someone bothered me, what?, a year ago now? or whatever to make this for Blogs and then never bought the thing. Finally - you are the first. So, not surprised there might be a hitch. Give me a few to poke this.
  12. Unfortunately this is all buried in a Table Helper - meaning the $table object gets dumped to string and outputted. No good places exist to hook in and change it. Might be able to crap hack it by hooking into the DateTime method they use to format the timestamp and check if we are in the acp, members, etc... and then return what we want. I'll give it a poke sometime.
  13. <?php define( 'IN_DEV', TRUE ); That's it.
  14. Pages Category Images Version 2 now uploaded. If you have the plugin installed DO NOT UNINSTALL IT! The application install routine will check for the plugin, take over the files from it, and then gracefully uninstall it. If you uninstall the plugin manually beforehand you'll be deleting all of your images and I really won't be able to help you with that... There's room here if you guys want an icon image field or an array of images for a slider tacked on to this. Just let me know. Mind you, I've got to move on to other work right now but can easily circle back sooner rather than later.
  15. Sorry guys, Summer got away from me. There's not really any meaningful screenshots available. The mod just adds in a place where you can add an image to a category. You then can call/use that image whenever you have the category available in a Pages DB template (either category view or record view). What you do with it is up to you. That said, I do have some walkthrough-ish stuff written down and I'll add that in here soon. Otherwise, really, the mod description you can read in the Marketplace lays it out pretty much as is. Version 2 is incoming. Moves away from simple plugin hack to full application adding a proper file handler. If you already have the plugin, installing the new v2 app will take care of preserving your files and uninstalling the plugin - no need for you to do anything other than install the app.
  16. 4.4? Probably 4.5 but still worth an ask now. Just looking for certainty as us devs gear up for updating apps, etc...
  17. 1) Kinda need to see what (if anything) IPS does first, but it may not matter as... 2) The underlying howler.js library devs are aware of this of course. It's an ongoing problem with auto-play stuff and browsers where the browser devs don't want to allow sounds to just start playing without some user interaction first, and others of course wanting this stuff to just go. Edit for more context: All IPS does is when needed is call the howler.js library to play a sound. All I do (now) is edit that library to slip in the Sound Board custom sounds. This policy change was actually going to fly months ago until people yelled at Google - only delayed it until December (or whatever Chrome version is targeted)
  18. Looking... Confirmed working with 4.3.6. Shoot me (PM) some ACP access and I can take a peek and see what's what.
  19. Yearbook quote block is on the members profile page, left side bar, near the bottom of the column. That fields to be outputted block should be pulling in any profile fields you have available. I just did a 3.4.6 to 4.3.whatever upgrade and installed this right afterward and all the old and new profiles fields were there for use. So, guessing you don't have any which would be odd but would explain the empty block, or there is something else is going on. You can pm me acp access and I'll take a look if you like.
  20. Yes, you can set the member groups able to view this in the plugin settings.
  21. No but I can add that in easily enough.
  22. Pm me acp access and I'll take a gander, been no reports of install problems in a long long while.
  23. Sure. I've had more or less a month away from IPS things, doing office cleaning, culling the joint, getting lean, and waiting for a new monitor, but I'll be up and at everything again and then some in a day or two.
  24. PM me some screens. And the Similar Web widget is done for until Similarweb brings them back - that's out of my hands. HTTPS noted.
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