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All Astronauts

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by All Astronauts

  1. I'd have to look on your site, this is all confirmed working fine on my dev site and a live site.
  2. Do you have global toggled on in the acp?
  3. It wouldn't with the new barebones plugin for 4.4. I'll look to add this asap.
  4. Disable that topic author badge plugin as a first guess, assuming that is a plugin. pointy shoes
  5. Get the latest version. That is the single thing that it does.
  6. Yeah, I noticed the online count has gotten a little wonky. I've seen it on my local way over counting, and that's not even Redis. It's likely related to sessions counting and a lot of that stuff changing with 4.4 - I'll give it a kick as soon as I can.
  7. <?php define( 'COOKIE_PREFIX', 'ipsdev44_'); or whatever you wish
  8. Oh yeah... Often used as flags for club permissions, as pseudo-badges/rewards (donated x-amount, volunteer status, and on and on...) It would be a big mess of lists and sorted/ordered options - the lists and options all being groups. And even then, would still need to account for all this in the templates.
  9. Do-able? Yeah, but kinda complicated. Members often have MANY secondary groups. So which takes precedence? No matter what would need to account for multiple secondary groups and then determine which over-ride which for formatting. That and all the userlink templates would need to be over-written to account for the new stuff (they only account for primary groups when determining applying colors). I can see a path but its work and not a lot of reward... I'll mull it some more.
  10. Who Viewed the Topic 9 released! Overlapped avatars option Do not record anonymous members option On tap for some vague time in the future is ditching the hacky widget stuff in favor of just top or bottom blocks (no sidebar) and adding an option for avatar view that still inks to the profile but instead of the popup member modal you get a hover of time they viewed the topic.
  11. It's working fine on 44 but some server environments are having a problem with the length of header information 44 is pushing out and some mods are putting it over the limit. Hit your support page in the acp, something not working, and then apply the ips patch listed. If it's still wonky pm me acp access and I can pop in and take a look
  12. Groovy. I've been running pretty bare-bones nginx (non-tweaked centmin) for awhile now and have one site up on 4.4 with no problems but this is good to know; even better it ain't Sound Board 🙂
  13. Awfully odd... and I'm not seeing anything that would really break things in the ACP this way. Any chance I can take a peek? Shoot me a PM with access.
  14. Think I was waiting on creating better screens but time got away from me - just pushed up v16 now sans new screens. Yell if I messed it up but the upgrade stuff is there so it should be fine.
  15. Alright, V14 going up momentarily. All it does is specifically mods out those forum post bits (both desktop and mobile views). Otherwise that global group option covers the rest BUT there may still be exceptions. The way the code works for these is if nothing is specified when these link templates are called, it checks to see if the global setting in the ACP is on, and if so then formats, BUT if the template is already being specifically passed in TRUE or FALSE for the formatting bit in these link templates, those take precedence - like this forum bit where they figure the group name is already there and being formatted so no need to format name. No settings for now, it's only this single bit now so no need.
  16. KS 24 Released! 4.4 compatible. This version still compatible with 4.3 btw. Searchlight REMOVED from KS, but now provided as a separate plugin as part of the download. Easier maintenance for me. Misc. whatevers. Yell if there are any bugs, didn't find anything on first pass - in fact, the only real bug was that single bit mentioned above.
  17. Gonna try and sweep most of my remaining things today for 4.4 EDIT: And of all my mods, this is the single instance (in just a single hook) of that depreciated constant - figures 🙂
  18. I've mentioned this before but I think I'm going to go ahead and remove the widget option in favor of either top side or bottom side blocks inserted into the templates. The widget stuff still works but it remains a bit clunky. End result really is you just lose the sidebar positioning. That said, I'll be adding the do-not-record browsing anon members option. Toggled on they will NOT be recorded at all. It's the easiest solution. Also will be adding for avatar view an overlapped option with customizable border colors. Price bump too 🙂
  19. Looks like my version bump didn't pull in the new database structures (that or I incremented the version and then dicked around with new db stuff) - either way, db stuff is fixed with Spacious ACP 16 for upgraders; I'll just be deleting 15 outright. I'll do this with a clearer head in the morning along with updating the marketplace description.
  20. Weird. I'll check the install and upgrade routines in a bit to be sure but if you were having other prob maybe I'm in the clear 😃
  21. Ugh, alright, thx. I'll take a closer look.
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