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  1. Send me PMs with whatever screens needed.
  2. Version 11: RTL language support (the Regular Joined Date option *might* not have this - its the IPS data output plugin so yell if it doesn't work for you or use another option) New Setting: Set to Display for Right-to-Left languages Template and code changes to support RTL If this is still not working, give a yell.
  3. Besides the translation fix do you need 2013 Nov instead of Nov 2013 as well? I can insert a rtl option there.
  4. There shouldn't be too much left honestly. I think I still need to try and get word boundaries up on search results but it isn't a big priority right at the moment. The rest of it is the usual version one 'oh yeah, I forgot about that thing and that other thing over there and I can probably change these ten lines down to five...' @Joel R brought up the Clubs miss a few hours ago and I was like "Oh yeah... Clubs..."
  5. SSSR 1.4 Released! Clubs view page streams added.
  6. SSSR 1.3 Released! NEW! Forgot that Profile views have that content streams stuff there. Profile view streams now truncated as well. Small efficiency improvement on stream results. Should have clean ending word breaks on stream results now.
  7. The thing about ideas is that once they hit, then the OCD kicks in and you have to act on it... SSSR 1.2 Released! Pages CMS records in Streams default to a two-line truncation. SSSR now checks on those and more-aggressively truncates to match the usual two-line character amount. The javascript truncation routine will rarely, if ever, fire on those now. Demonstrably better (at least for my sites where this matters...)
  8. SSSR 1.1 Released! Fixed a default setting that was beyond form number limit. Removed setting for word count on Streams. Implemented a much more aggressive filter on streams. That default setting may or may not have messed with saving the plugin settings. Sorry bout that if it did. The new aggressive settings is courtesy of one of my sites where the content items didn't begin with 'words' (don't ask...). While looking at that hitch I quickly realized that playing with customizable word count limits and so on wasn't really necessary and just cut this down to the bone. I looked at the three line stream results (where three lines of text are displayed for the item - that's the max right now, there are some - like Pages database records - that push out just two lines), worked up a reasonable character count for those, and now we just limit and truncate right around that amount. Stupid fast now. @Joy Rex without me working up animated gifs this is hard to do, so I'll just try to better explain. The bottlenecks here are: The amount of text these search and stream results push out of your server and down the internet tubes. This large page size now being ingested by your end-user's browser, in addition to any other page load blocking items trying to spark up. The IPS javascript truncation routines that fire AFTER the entire page has loaded. This plugin addresses all three by limiting all the stream and search results text that those things have to deal with. Remember: the hitch is that by default the ENTIRE content item text is pushed out here, no matter how large it may be. That means ALL of that text is rendered by the browser before any javascript truncation happens. Truncating this text server-side is stupid fast and easy to do. That's less for your web server to push out the door. That means smaller pages for your end-user's browser to ingest - that's a faster page load time. Those javascript truncate routines have very little to do now. If the vast majority of the text content of your community, that's forum posts, image comments or descriptions, etc. routinely consist of a handful of lines of text - seriously, like 2, 3, 4, 5 lines or something, you won't see too much improvement here. People aren't so much discussing as they are chatting. If instead you have in-depth discussions, people posting paragraphs of text, Pages databases where content items are walls of text (book chapters, creative writing, subtitles, articles, and what not) this is the thing that you NEED! Any animated gif I provide would, with the appropriate content items of sufficient length in the streams, show a before where you literally see walls of text appear on the screen only to eventually snap away Thanos-style when the js truncation fires - after the page has fully loaded of course. The after gif would be faster page loading and minimal, if any screen-snap occurring from the js truncation. I can even see, for streams, a way to all but eliminate any firing of the js truncation completely. I'd just need to look at the default stream templates to see if they are wanting one, two, or three lines of text - the item type is already there, I can just read it and adjust the cut as needed. I'm noting this for a future rev. No screen snaps allowed (eventually when I get on this addition) FYI, I've had this stuff laying around for a few years now - I just got around to cleaning it up and piling it all together rather than the hodgepodge of plugins it was.
  9. ??? - seems fine here, aside from no . on the day number - is that needed?
  10. Enhanced Join Date 10 Released! Adds Euro Style: 25 Feb 2020 or 25 February 2020
  11. Invision Community search and stream results push out the ENTIRE CONTENT ITEM TEXT to the web page and then truncates the result with the browser via Javascript. This leads to long page load times, snapping screen behavior when the js routines truncate the text after the page has loaded, and so on. This plugin truncates these results BEFORE they hit your user's browsers, giving them faster load times and better engagement. Speedy Search and Stream Results (SSSR) is a roll-up plugin that includes my free Truncate Stream Items plugin and adds on a truncate search results feature, a bit that allows you to select the number of images pushed out to stream results when the stream item is a Gallery album update (new images posted), and a setting to allow you to truncate down stream descriptions which can get ridiculously long when a user has selected many forums and so on for their custom streams. The IPS javascript truncate functions will still fire on these pages but with vastly less text to deal with! Plus of course, the added benefit that that text was never sent to the page in the first place... See the screenshot for settings.
  12. Whelp, that appears to be that. Not much incentive to carry this forward. Consider this app to be in maintenance mode from here on out. I imagine I will make sure its compatible with 4.5 whenever that hits, and bug fixes if needed of course, but any new features/dev would not be the best use of my time. So it goes...
  13. This. There are farms in India, China, etc. Literally. People whos job is to just make accounts and then turn those over to whatever bot needs to do whatever. Have dealt with mitigating this on a contract basis. The plus side? The accounts are often/usually created in those countries with IP addresses from those countries. It gets much worse when the IP addresses these farms use jump country to country.
  14. Middle picture caption: 🥴 By default that should already be happening, with or without AMH. The postcontainer template calls the core-global-userphoto template there. The last var in userphoto is $hovercard and it is set to true - which means only when someone calls the userphoto template and specifically sets that variable to FALSE will the hovercards not show. In the postcontainer template that variable is not set, which means its true. Tested with and without AMH enabled - hovercards always show. So, either your question was just an abstract one - in which case the answer is AMH works wherever hovercards are already. Or... you've got some custom theme/plugin stuff going on and are doing something else there with the avatars. In that case, I can take a quick (QUICK!) look but otherwise that falls under the category of poke your theme/plugin designer or pay me :)
  15. Also, this isn't adriano's anymore. I'll look if I can throw an option on it to do this in a bit.
  16. To follow up for those reading along, I gave up trying to get his htaccess right for CORS. Maybe it's something weird on his CDN end - maybe something weird with acp urls and the additional /admin/ bit. Life is way too short to bother so rather than using the resources feature I've just dumped the AA font icon into the interface directory which solves the problem 100%. Not sure if this change will get released right now though. Maybe if I tighten a few things up, or I'll wait because... The next big release (Spacious ACP 20) will be with 4.5 as that, given the ACP changes, will make this a full-sweep kinda thing. Doesn't mean I'm not prepping junk ahead of time. Pushing server load, memory available, and local storage remaining to the front side for one (admins only of course). On the user menu now, compact/concise display, with tooltips. These stats are actually tasked, every five minutes. I'll let you choose which server load percentage to display (15, 5, or 1 minute amount) - will try to tool-tip all of it there as well. S'alright? Also, would you guys want an option to dump this into the footer like ye'olden days of ancient IPS and VB? I think IPS had this... I have it in the user menu so you can actually see it regularly, unlike the footer, but can do both.
  17. I just checked on another user's your site and the problem occurs when you use a CDN and push theme resources to it. Your browser won't load the font file as it thinks it's coming from some weird not-to-be-trusted place. Here's the error you'll see when you use your browser dev tools: Access to font at 'https://YOUR_CDN_SERVICE/uploads/set_resources_1/02ee171f2a8c0a74cb9384690414859a_allastronauts.woff' from origin 'https://YOUR_IPS_SITE.COM' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. So for everyone with this hitch you need to configure Apache/Nginx correctly to handle this stuff or check your CDN settings. This is a quick guide to see what you need to do: https://www.maxcdn.com/one/tutorial/how-to-use-cdn-with-webfonts/ All you end up doing, at least on your server-side, is flagging files with extensions such as .jpg, .png, .ttf, .woff, etc... as being cool being loaded from outside sites. When you get that server stuff patched it will look like this: Theoretically I could code it to do so but it would require your server to have the exec (or other similar) commands enabled. But right now, no. Even setting up cron for IPS tasks requires you to manually add the cron command via server command line.
  18. Group Colors on User Links 17 Released! For anyone following along, I worked this up. Bottom line is if this was going to get compatible with that app it would need to be me to fix it - apps first over plugins in hook order. I've added specific checks in various templates for the application and if present and enabled, call that app's templates. All other paths involve some deep low-level output manipulation and it is so not worth it -if even grimly possible. Also changed the forum aside hook point to more tightly target things.
  19. Ahh, they list it as a plugin in description. Well. Yeah, we're fighting over the same space. The hitch being {$member->name} is dumped inside the h1 and the only way to do stuff with that via hooks is grabbing the h1. For them, now at least since they aren't overwriting the whole header, it's an easy hook as they just tell the hook to insert inside the h1 at the end. For me though, I *have* to grab the entire h1 as that's the only way to get at that {$member->name} bit - if there were <span>s around that var we wouldn't be having this convo. Let me think if I can get around this some other way... worse comes to worse I can do you a solid and just throw out one that doesn't have the profile hook.
  20. It's not a bug - there are just two plugins competing over the same space. Re-enable Group Colors and drag it above the Itzverified one in the plugin list and give that a try - hooks are applied in order top to bottom - I think that will work but that depends on how that plugin is hooking in there (if they are inserting inside the H1 at the end now instead of overwriting the whole template - are you using the latest version of that - they just updated it 6 hours ago)
  21. Make this bit: html[dir="ltr"] [data-blockid="app_cms_Database_1382758328"] .ipsDataItem_icon:not( .ipsResponsive_hidePhone ):not( .ipsResponsive_hideTablet ) + .ipsDataItem_main, html[dir="ltr"] .ipsDataItem_icon:not( .ipsResponsive_hidePhone ):not( .ipsResponsive_hideTablet ) + .ipsDataItem_main + .ipsDataItem_stats { margin-left: 55px; } This: html[dir="ltr"] [data-blockid="app_cms_Database_1382758328"] .ipsDataItem_icon:not( .ipsResponsive_hidePhone ):not( .ipsResponsive_hideTablet ) + .ipsDataItem_main, html[dir="ltr"] .ipsDataItem_icon:not( .ipsResponsive_hidePhone ):not( .ipsResponsive_hideTablet ) + .ipsDataItem_main + .ipsDataItem_stats { margin-left: 55px !important; } Just add the !important
  22. Two things are at play here. We'll use Alabama and the State Parks sub cat as that has maps in it. First - both the State Parks line (title) and the 3 maps bit beneath, have a margin left on them to give room for the icon Second is of course the icon size itself. @media screen and (max-width: 979px) { html[dir="ltr"] [data-blockid="app_cms_Database_1382758328"] .ipsDataItem_icon:not( .ipsResponsive_hidePhone ):not( .ipsResponsive_hideTablet ) + .ipsDataItem_main, html[dir="ltr"] .ipsDataItem_icon:not( .ipsResponsive_hidePhone ):not( .ipsResponsive_hideTablet ) + .ipsDataItem_main + .ipsDataItem_stats { margin-left: 55px; } [data-blockid="app_cms_Database_1382758328"] .ipsDataItem_icon.ipsDataItem_category img { max-width: 45px; } } The above, on tablet and phone views, increases the margin left on those aforementioned bits from 45px to 55px. The second bit sets the size of the icon. The [data-block... provides targeting to ONLY this pages view. Without it this will spill over into all the other places in the suite that use those css bits. That's the above on phone view. Adjust as needed. If you need to adjust these cat images you are inserting as icons in other IPS databases you will need to change the [data-blockid... bit to what it needs to be for that block. You can spot it when inspecting the page with your browser tools.
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