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  1. Marc's post in Visit Our Community Button Is Broken was marked as the answer   
    This was resolved in 4.6.8
  2. Marc's post in Caching on uploaded images gallery was marked as the answer   
    You would need to check what is wrong in your language pack there unfortunately. From what you have said there, it seems the issue is in the 3rd party language pack and not within the core platform
  3. Marc's post in Datastore Not Writeable was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned in the ticket there, this appears to be an issue whereby your task is writing items that your web user cannot read or overwrite, which is causing you problems. This is something you would need to address with your hosting company to get resolved
  4. Marc's post in emails from nobody@invisionpower.com was marked as the answer   
    Check on your system for an account with that email address. That is a dummy email address that is used for the IPS Temp Admin account when you automatically generate a support account from the admin CP
  5. Marc's post in PNG image not uploading to Pages Upload Field was marked as the answer   
    This has been resolved in the latest 4.6.8 release. Please upgrade to get the latest release, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  6. Marc's post in Video problem after s3 conversion was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned in your ticket there, you are actually using a non-standard storage method there. You would need to contact the author of that item for assistance with this
  7. Marc's post in Calendar events gone was marked as the answer   
    This has been resolved in the latest 4.6.8 release. Please upgrade to get the latest release, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  8. Marc's post in Remove https://example.com/forums/ from sitemap was marked as the answer   
    This has been resolved in the latest 4.6.8 release. Please upgrade to get the latest release, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  9. Marc's post in (Pages) How to use page title was marked as the answer   
    This has been resolved in the latest 4.6.8 release. Please upgrade to get the latest release, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  10. Marc's post in expired ssl cert unable to acess our forums was marked as the answer   
    Just following up on this. It seems this was resolved for you. 
  11. Marc's post in Subscription plans and groups was marked as the answer   
    The answer to your questions here, is it depends what you set up in those subscriptions. The group they are attached to is the group you specifiy in the subscription you set up, if you set it to do so. If you do, then it will downgrade if you have set it to do so. In the "benefits" section of the subscription you set up, you would set it to move users to whatever group you choose, and set it to reset if you wish for it to move them back afterwards. 
  12. Marc's post in Size/ratio for image in blogs & calendars was marked as the answer   
    If you are referring to header images, there is no specific size that can be given for these, as they are as wide as your screen is. The area will change size as you change your screen size. There is no way in which to set it to a specific ratio at present 
  13. Marc's post in Possible promotion permission issue... was marked as the answer   
    I dont understand what you mean here. The setting in spam settings is set to require approval for 5 days. No matter what you set elsewhere, or what promotions are in place, it will require approval  for 5 days. That is as per design
  14. Marc's post in Bulk mail number was marked as the answer   
    There is no way in which to rate limit to x per day at the present time. Our advice if you are at the point you are hitting mail limits would be to switch mail provider to one which is better suited to your needs. 
  15. Marc's post in Domain Edit was marked as the answer   
    See the following guide on switching your site itself to https. The software itself ignores this in the licencing check, so thats not something you need to change on file.
  16. Marc's post in User ban group was marked as the answer   
    Just going back to the original topic here. If you have converted from vbulletin and these members were banned on vbulletin, you should see they are already banned on our system. If they are not, we would need to take  a look at that so you should submit a ticket.
    As mentioned above, banned and validation are actually statuses of a member rather than groups. You can see in the member section of your admin CP who is banned and who is validating using the lists provided. Also, if you open any member in the admin CP, it will tell you at the top if they are validating or banned
  17. Marc's post in After 4.6.8 upgrade author of topic changed was marked as the answer   
    Another update for you, just to let you know this has been patched on the 4.6.8 release. You can see this patch on the support area of your Admin CP
  18. Marc's post in [Bug] Can post anonymously?, IPS 4.6.8 was marked as the answer   
    Just a quick update to let you know a patch was just released for 4.6.8, and is available within the support area of your admin CP. No need to wait for the next release 🙂 
  19. Marc's post in Error On updating process was marked as the answer   
    I see from your ticket this appears to be an issue with your table types not all being INNODB and collation issues. Once those are resolved, that should solve the issue for you
  20. Marc's post in [Google Auth] System error was marked as the answer   
    Just taking a look back at your issue there, and I believe this was an issue with mod_security. Just adding here for anyone else who may have the same issue
  21. Marc's post in Only subclasses of Dispatcher can be instantiated was marked as the answer   
    My colleague has taken a look at this and there was a fix went out for this. Looking at your logs, it appears you upgraded just after the last error that was logged. Please let us know if you see anything further, but it seems you just installed the fix for it
  22. Marc's post in Documentation for members was marked as the answer   
    There is no documentation on how to use the site for front end users. As you mention, our guides are aimed at the people who run the site. It would be expected that these would be something the admin would create. The issue with being created by invision is that every site is different. Even with no 3rd party items installed, you can have 2 sites of which have different items enabled and disabled for users, making the site look different for each
  23. Marc's post in Help Guide was marked as the answer   
    This is not something in which can be readily provided in its current state unfortunately. It may be worth looking in the marketplace as there are others who have done similar which may interest you
  24. Marc's post in Possible bug with moving albums out of Clubs was marked as the answer   
    Is that a category that you can see? Also, could you please confirm if others are also seeing it?
  25. Marc's post in block_hotTopics not shows anything was marked as the answer   
    You would need to check what is in Community>Forums>Settings within your admin CP for "Popular topics". This is what would determine what shows as hot
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