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  1. Marc's post in v4.7.8 : Exif tags removed in pictures uploaded to gallery was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recently released 4.7.9 version. Please upgrade if you are seeing this issue, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  2. Marc's post in [Bug 4.7.8] Downloads - New grid layout - Moderator menu not working was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recently released 4.7.9 version. Please upgrade if you are seeing this issue, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  3. Marc's post in Add Similar Event issue was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recently released 4.7.9 version. Please upgrade if you are seeing this issue, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  4. Marc's post in reaction icons not visible for certain groups was marked as the answer   
    Its actually more likely to be in the groups. Look in Members>Groups, edit the group for that person, and look on the social tab. I suspect, given what you have said there, you have a limit set. This will be why there are only some users seeing them and some not.
  5. Marc's post in Custom login handler not deleting user that cancelled registration was marked as the answer   
    Incomplete members are removed by a task every hour
  6. Marc's post in Some members have better rank than lower limit in ACP was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  7. Marc's post in Themes not displaying template or CSS files in AdminCP was marked as the answer   
    Please ensure you have upgraded to the latest release and then test this again. Also dismiss the upgrade notice if you want to see in the meantime and refresh the page. There is an open bug report for that as mentioned above
  8. Marc's post in Alerts disappear when they expire was marked as the answer   
    Sorry for the confusion here. I have gone through this with our developers, and they are indeed removed by design
  9. Marc's post in 4.7.8 Options missing Gallery category images was marked as the answer   
    Ah, I see the confusion there. The reason you can see "Remove" is because one is set on the 2018 one, but not on the 2017. You set these by opening any image in that category, then using the "Image tools" menu, and selecting "Set". You will see there you can set an image as a cover image
  10. Marc's post in File check issue on upgrade was marked as the answer   
    Please upload a fresh set of file from your client area. The issue there is actually more likely (almost 100% of cases) that the files have not been updated
  11. Marc's post in Page: Publish Field's Publish Date Enabled Missing? was marked as the answer   
    If you have your database set to post to forums, you will not see the field at present. We are looking to resolve that, however it had to be disabled on the last release, as it was causing a lot of issues elsewhere in the platform
  12. Marc's post in Cloud plan - Upload Media was marked as the answer   
    I have created a ticket for you on this, so we can take a closer look
  13. Marc's post in How to stop new members posting to other profiles? was marked as the answer   
    As an alternative, you could switch off access to profiles for the initial group, create a new group, and promote to that new group on reaching x posts
  14. Marc's post in What happened to my API tab !? was marked as the answer   
    This should now be working, so if anyone is still having issues, please let us know.
  15. Marc's post in Cron error after latest upgrade, to 4.7.8 was marked as the answer   
    Ive created a ticket for you on this, so we can further investigate
  16. Marc's post in Security Error So Not Able Access Out Community was marked as the answer   
    Check this again now please, Brad. You may need to clear your browser cache if you are not seeing the changes
  17. Marc's post in Change "Register" text in top menu and add more buttons was marked as the answer   
    To clarify, there is nothing in the default platform that will allow you to add them as a setting. These are custom coded items on our site.
  18. Marc's post in In this forum: Thread do not show I post in was marked as the answer   
    I have added that as a bug for someone to take a look at. Thank you for letting us know
  19. Marc's post in Where should I post my upgrade Error message problem with new Structure? was marked as the answer   
    The self hosting section generally would be for items relating only to self hosting, rather than the software as a whole. Installation, permission issues, configuring server items and the likes. It does however seem to have been missed there, so can only apologise on that. I will take a look at that now for you.
  20. Marc's post in Change Domain was marked as the answer   
    Glad to see you are now sorted 🙂 
  21. Marc's post in GDPR compliance was marked as the answer   
    Taking a look at your site I make the following observations
    you don't currently appear to have a privacy policy at all, which you really should have on there based on the above. We also provide the ability to add cookie information used by the software, although any 3rd party cookie information such as that from google, would be for you to include yourself within your privacy policy if needed.
      You also don't have a guest confirmation bar on there, which can link to the privacy policy, cookie bar, or anything else you wanted it to While we are unable to provide legal guidance on following rules within your particular jurisdiction, these would certainly be a good place to start. If you go to your admin CP and type in GDPR in the search bar, we have added this as a search term to these items to make them easy to find.
    Hope this helps you get to where you need to be.
  22. Marc's post in Stripe Browser Feature Option (Apple and Google Pay) was marked as the answer   
    Looking at the console errors there, it appears you are getting an error from stripe due to using an old set of keys. 
  23. Marc's post in Editing posts breaks filestore-agnostic URLs was marked as the answer   
    Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  24. Marc's post in hCaptcha not showing on Contact Us form was marked as the answer   
    I believe that is indeed correct, yes. Thank you for the feedback 🙂
  25. Marc's post in http: links for social sharing icons was marked as the answer   
    Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
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