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  1. Marc's post in Can't Access Admin forum, Exception EX1836 was marked as the answer   
    That could actually indicate your mysql instance is in read only mode
  2. Marc's post in Elasticsearch Server was marked as the answer   
    There is no elasticsearch on the cloud based platform, so no values I can give you to enter there. There will be changes to the way in which search works internally on cloud at points in the future, on some levels, but that isnt there at present
  3. Marc's post in Avatar change and groups not showing was marked as the answer   
    In group 32 (heavenly)  you have placed html markup for the group that was very broken. I have now removed that for you, and things should be showing properly again. 
  4. Marc's post in [Pages] Load thumbs for old records was marked as the answer   
    There is no way in which to force them for older items at present unfortunately. You could maybe optimise the actual files on disk, just as a thought on how you can speed up the load there. Of course make sure you back that up completely.
  5. Marc's post in CashApp Payment Method? was marked as the answer   
    We do not accept that payment method here at the present time.
  6. Marc's post in Achievements rebuild was marked as the answer   
    Mail is not send for items generated as the result of rebuilding achievements
  7. Marc's post in Developer Mode to modify a cloud-hosted account, how to download software for local development? was marked as the answer   
    You would indeed require a classic license in order to download locally for development. 
  8. Marc's post in Group Promotions Not Working? was marked as the answer   
    You would need to check your rules there. For example
    47509 - Has no content count, so doesnt match the content >10 rule 47508 - Reputation level 16, so doesnt match the reputation count > 25 rule 47506 - Post count of 1, so doesnt match the content> 10 rule  
  9. Marc's post in Moving Blogs to Different Categories & Deleting Categories was marked as the answer   
    Ah,  these are entry categories you are looking at, rather than blog categories. You would click "Edit blog" then you will see entry categories as a tab, where you can manage these.
  10. Marc's post in "temporary technical error has occurred" was marked as the answer   
    It looks like you may have items on your site that are not compatible with PHP 8. Please try recovery mode, as described here
  11. Marc's post in General Theme Inquiry & SSO was marked as the answer   
    You would need development in order to create your own SSO for this. You can find our developer guides in the following location
    If it does have OAuth 2.0 you may be able to use the built in login method for this, if its just allowing people to log in using logins created on that platform. If that is the case, take a look here
    SVG is not a type that is allowed by default for logos. If you wish to use a SVG file you would need to manually add that to your theme
  12. Marc's post in Hosting Requirements was marked as the answer   
    Actually they are on the bottom of the purchase page before you purchase it. The software requires secure versions of PHP (currently PHP 8), with GD, mbstring, and all default PHP extentions, along with mySQL.

  13. Marc's post in Two marketplace orders together. I just wish to pay one of them. was marked as the answer   
    Have generated a new invoice for you on the links directory only 🙂 
  14. Marc's post in iOS Startup Image was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  15. Marc's post in Constants.php question was marked as the answer   
    That would be the  correct thing to do. So your file would be 
    <?php \define( 'CP_DIRECTORY', 'nameOfAdminDirectory' );  
  16. Marc's post in Test account registration was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at the whitelist section in this guide, and ensure you whitelist yourself if you are testing registrations
  17. Marc's post in Bulk email 'You might be interested in' showing dated threads was marked as the answer   
    These are items from "Our picks" so you can manage these by selecting your name, and selecting "Manage promoted content"
  18. Marc's post in Posts site links are moderated was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recently released 4.7.9 version. Please upgrade if you are seeing this issue, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  19. Marc's post in Pages, comment data type in DB too small was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recently released 4.7.9 version. Please upgrade if you are seeing this issue, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  20. Marc's post in bug: message: mp4 isn't supported but it is was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recently released 4.7.9 version. Please upgrade if you are seeing this issue, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  21. Marc's post in Incorrect work of "word filters" function was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recently released 4.7.9 version. Please upgrade if you are seeing this issue, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  22. Marc's post in [BUG] Notifications List - longer phrases was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recently released 4.7.9 version. Please upgrade if you are seeing this issue, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  23. Marc's post in [BUG] Flag as spammer & Message was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recently released 4.7.9 version. Please upgrade if you are seeing this issue, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  24. Marc's post in Users can edit posts after the post has been hidden was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recently released 4.7.9 version. Please upgrade if you are seeing this issue, and let us know if you see any further issues.
  25. Marc's post in API REST - /api/core/members/{ID}/warnings was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recently released 4.7.9 version. Please upgrade if you are seeing this issue, and let us know if you see any further issues.
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