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  1. ABGenc replied to Martin A.'s post in a topic in Marketplace
    Thanks Martin, I might have pushed them in the direction cause seeing the table name I also thought it was related to the application but have provided every detail as I have given to you. I have also insisted that it is an IPS problem if I can not uninstall an application but they did not accept. I have shared your comment with them and hope to get it solved soon.
  2. ABGenc replied to Duken's post in a topic in Technical Problems
    @Duken Stuart had the comment above. May be we need some time.
  3. ABGenc replied to Duken's post in a topic in Technical Problems
    I get it through Chrome - Inspect ; https://www.duken.nl/forums/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=serviceworker&v=b43c8ed7fd1624625712 Yes, just to test disable the following setting
  4. ABGenc replied to Duken's post in a topic in Technical Problems
    Yes Stuart, @Duken has chosen the landing page as start_url: "/forums/discover/" but service worker has const BASE_URL = "https://www.duken.nl/forums/"; I think if @Dukendisables the custom URL setting it will work
  5. ABGenc replied to Duken's post in a topic in Technical Problems
    When you inspect the page there seems to be 2 warnings for Installability. For the second warning, there should be a response to following link but it is directed to homepage. But dont know how it is activated though. My site had the application installable a few hours after uploading the images without doing anything additional. https://duken.nl/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=serviceworker For Installability to be active there are requirements. You can check the following link ; https://web.dev/install-criteria/
  6. ABGenc replied to Duken's post in a topic in Technical Problems
    That was the same thing I have experienced. The application was installable after I have uploaded the icons and completed other details on the same tab. ( ACP -> Customization -> Icons & Logos )
  7. ABGenc replied to Martin A.'s post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hi @Martin A. I had disabled Member Map during 4.5 upgrade for a possible future upgrade of the application and a few days ago I have upgraded to 4.6. Now I get errors related to Member Map when I want to split messages like IPS\Db\Exception::1062 UPDATE `core_item_member_map` core_item_member_map SET `map_item_id`=31670 WHERE map_class='IPS\forums\Topic' and map_item_id=28234 Duplicate entry 'IPS\forums\Topic-31670-2' for key 'map_unique' I can not uninstall the application because it is in the "Applications not currently installed" list. When I try to install, I get the following error The application you are attempting to install appears to be installed already. To reinstall the application you must first uninstall it. I have raised a ticket to IPS but they said I should contact you. How can I manually uninstall the application ?
  8. I was not familiar to PWA till I have heard here and the only thing I cared about was the push notifications to tell the truth. I was a bit upset after upgrading to 4.6.1 cause I had no sign of an application that I had a few weeks ago on this site. I read the articles here and the only thing I found related was the the splash screen setting. I searched, found and placed one and just a few hours later I have seen a notification on my phone to copy the application of my site to home screen. When I said Yes, the application was there with my site's name and logo. Now all is set and working perfectly. During the search I have found the following link. If you have not already copied yet, you can easily copy the app on your phome home screen or PC's desktop https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/9658361 And here are the requirements for the app to be installable https://web.dev/install-criteria/ Hope it will be helpful for those who are not familiar with PWA.
  9. That is one thing I am wondering too. Do users have to manually save the site to home screen or will they be notified to do so as it was for this site? I have upgraded to 4.6.1 and wonder where is the splash screen image setting mentioned below. Edit : I have just found the splash screen image setting in > Customization > Icons & Logos
  10. I have a builtin firewall on the server but you can not write a rule for this behaviour. To make it a bit clearer, If the access this link --> <YourDomain>/system/Redis/Redis.php ( the file exists ) you get a rapid blank page as a response which does not hit IPS and consumes almost no CPU But it you access this --> <YourDomain>/system/Redis.php ( no such file ) you get "The page you requested does not exist" from IPS which definitely consumes more CPU and if the number of the second one rises my load gets higher. I wonder if this can be achieved by a setting in IPS or extra htaccess codes.
  11. Hi, Normally my server load is around 1 or a bit lower but time to time it just peaks to 10s. During that time I trace to processes ( using WHM / cPanel ) and find out that several requests like follows are logged. Seems there is a program looking for a poor php that it can attack. Actually I dont worry about them cause that is internet but the some pages get an error page from IPS script as ; The page you requested does not exist Error Code 1S160/2 which I believe causes the load to server where others just get a white blank page. Any way to overcome the issue so that non existent pages are not processed by IPS script but server instead to cause a much less CPU load ? access("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Dispatcher.php", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) access("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php", F_OK) = 0 open("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php", O_RDONLY) = 4 access("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Request.php", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) access("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Request/Request.php", F_OK) = 0 open("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Request/Request.php", O_RDONLY) = 4 access("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Session.php", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) access("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Session/Session.php", F_OK) = 0 open("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Session/Session.php", O_RDONLY) = 4 access("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Redis.php", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) access("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Redis/Redis.php", F_OK) = 0 open("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Redis/Redis.php", O_RDONLY) = 4 access("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Settings.php", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) access("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Settings/Settings.php", F_OK) = 0 open("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Settings/Settings.php", O_RDONLY) = 6 access("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Lang.php", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) access("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Lang/Lang.php", F_OK) = 0 open("/home/myaccount/public_html/system/Lang/Lang.php", O_RDONLY) = 6
  12. Thats is what I have got during upgrade yesterday and thanks to a previous post (below) which saved the day. We can overcome upgrade error just like you have shown in your video but there may be more tables ( I had mode than 150 in my case) which causes a warning each time you run Support Tool. Since I did not want to put a script on the server which was suggested on the other post, I had to do them in batches as you have shown in video which of course took a while. By the way you can get a list of the tables if you have SSH access to MYSQL >MYSQL >USE <DBNAME> ; > SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Row_format="Compact";
  13. I have just installed the version "featuring the communities browser" but failed to find invisioncommunity ? The main forum is not listed ? 🤔❓
  14.    ABGenc reacted to a blog entry: Trial Invision Community 4.5 Now
  15. ABGenc replied to Jordan Miller's post in a topic in Feedback
    Besides all functions the top one missings are the application and the notifications. I believe if it was available we would seek less functions among the ones available in othe social media applications 😉
  16. ABGenc replied to Jordan Miller's post in a topic in Feedback
    @Adrian A. got what I mean and I wish I could give more detail but your site seems to be blocking me for not registering and I cant go to the announcement any more 😏