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Posts posted by rfcontreras

  1. Hi Randy,

    Thanks for your reply. I've already did that but the issue is with the logged in users, for example you're logged in (user "A") but if pages were previously cached by my user (user "B"), probably the cached version will have my name on it (user B), despite you're logged in as user A.

    The same happens when the cached copied was fetched by a not registered user, if I browse, I appear to be logged off. 

    My pages are very intensive with a lot of logic, so they're heavy and slow to load. I've also considered to move them to another platform and have them static for the sake of speed. 

    For testing purposes I've added a rule in cloudflare to treat everything as static (breaks logged status), or enabled "Rocket Loader", but the menu does not work at all. 

    I don't know how to disable the "logged or not logged" status for pages, since they're pointless for my apps.

    Best regards


  2. I'm using cloudflare with good results. One area I want to cache is the "pages" applications I've developed. Since nobody can post or add new items on this content, it would be great to treat it as regular html, and cache it as guest caching. The problem I have is that I put some rules for "Pages" content to be considered HTML, the logged in users are not consistent, they appear as "not logged", or worse logged as another user (due to caching). 

    Is possible to keep the pages content static? My site is about astronomy and almost ALL pages content never ever changes. 

    Thanks in advance!

  3. It seems that every line of code is for the Cloud version. I've been using the self hosted version since 2017 and I feel pretty stupid looking for features on my forum, until I realized that these are not for self hosted (live topics, etc).  

    Honestly the Cloud prices are not for my budget, it's a pitty since I really like the software but I'm not going to pay for a cloud based product, you can get Adobe Suite with cloud storage for a fraction of the Invision Cloud package. Dean_ is right, self hosted is going to dissapear, good luck invision.


  4. On 7/13/2022 at 5:16 AM, Matt said:

    I think we need to be careful when using terms like "proper" as a yardstick to compare us against. I would consider that Google is an authority on what it considers a proper, or acceptable page speed, and our core web vitals pass. I would consider that we do deliver a proper page speed.

    What you are asking for is advanced tools to shift an acceptable or proper speed into a very fast speed, way above what is required for ranking purposes.

    You still have designer's mode if you want to tear down our CSS and rebuild it yourself. It's just not a task that 99.9% of our customers are going to do.

    We have said multiple times that rebuilding our CSS is on our engineering list but software development is hard. We have a finite team with finite time with a long list of things to do. We need to balance maintenance with developing new features and re-engineering old parts of the framework. We have feature lists and back logs and a forum full of clients who ask for new features they need. This is a sign of a healthy software product. It'd be awful if no one cared enough to tell us what they need. But I would ask you to consider the needs of all our clients who express themselves here, then plan out roughly how long each thing would take and then consider what is essential today, tomorrow or in the future. Rebuilding our CSS and JS frameworks is easily a 6-9 month project that will disrupt all themes, plugins, apps and so on.  It means that we need to have a subset of our development team out of action. I would say that we should really focus that energy on getting gallery, calendar, commerce and incrementally Pages improved first.

    Hiring Adlago to rebuild the CSS perhaps is a way to go.. IMHO.

  5. 3 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Did you opt to rebuild previous attachments when turning it on? If not, then only new attachments will work with lazy loading.

    Regardless, please test with a new attachment on a new post then let us know if that has an issue. That is what I used and things seemed to function so would need an example to further investigate. 

    Yes, I've just did that. What should I expect to see on the image calls ? the loading="lazy" as the attachments on pages have at the end? I see that the post attachments have a data-loaded="true" at the end when enabled. 

    The process to disable lazyload takes 5 minutes, but almost 20 seconds when I enable it. Maybe I misunderstand what to check if the post attachments are lazyloaded.

    Regarding the block issue, I've tested everything without luck. I've disabled also Cloudflare and the issues remain.



  6. Hi Jim, 

    I've did that but the process takes no time. How can I check if the lazyload is working ? On the source code? Attachments does not have the "loading="lazy". 

    I have another problem, I'm trying to create a block (custom type) and content {lang="custom2"}, and I get this message

    ParseError: syntax error, unexpected token "=" (0)

    I have several other blocks with the same type and I can save them without problems. I've already disabled all plugins, theme, language with no luck.

    Thanks in advance


  7. I've enabled lazyloading for my forum, but if I see the html code for forum attachments, should I see "loading=lazy" for the attachments ? 

    I've enabled lazyloading and checking the background processes the lazyloading for posts took almost 10 seconds to complete, and I have 38 gb of attachments.


  8. Hi, 

    I'm getting this error trying to rebuild images.


    2S119/1 The CSRF protection key did not match. This may indicate a plugin or theme is out of date. Please contact technical support for more information.


    I've disabled all customizations but the problem remains.

    Thanks in advance

  9. Hi,

    I've noticed that css files are evaluating if it's LTR or RTL, I use LTR so I would like to ask to split the css according to direction. CSS files are innecesary loading RTL, not needed and a waste of resources.

    I'm using stock templates and I was able to optimize everything but css's sizes. There's a lot of room for improvements on the css department. 

    Also "advertising". Enabling banners will spike the LCP, I've finished disabling it but this could also be improved. 


    My stack is Nginx, Opcache, Nginx-Pagespeed and Cloudflare. 



    Thanks in advance

    This is my score just in case you're curious



  10. Hi

    Would be great if we can cache html like we can do for anonymous visitors. I don't know the inner working of the forum code, but maybe it's a good option to let us cache everything and once a post or article or product (I don't use commerce) is updated then invalidate it

    I'm using cloudflare for speed and security. Right now I'm caching all my databases html and this part of the suite is very fast, but the forums not. I can cache forums html but the minimum invalidation for my plan in CloudFlare is 30 minutes. 

    I've implemented a CloudFlare rule to cache all the css and js, but there's a cache busting variable so we have a lot of cached copies of the SAME CSS and JS. 

    Could you please clarify if there's a reason to disable caching for html or invalidate ONLY with changes ?

    also why can't the Pages databases CATEGORIES can't be cached, once we put the db's we never change them.

    My stack is Ubuntu 20, with Nginx, Mariadb, Opcache, Redis for the forum, pagespeed_nginx for js and css and Cloudflare on top. 

    Thanks in advance



  11. I've made several changes, disabled PageSpeed Nginx, deployed Clouflare (paid version), opcache, mariadb optimized, etc but my TTFB is awful, always on the 600-800 ms mark. 

    If I create a CloudFlare page rule to cache everything (this is the case of Pages articles) TTFB is awesome (around 30 ms), but this cant be used on the forums since it would cache everything, unread post remains unread until CF Expires, etc.

    What can be done to improve TTFB for the FORUMS ? I see the same average ttfb on the invision forum itself, on the 600-800 mark, not good imho.


  12. My two cents. Some posts with images in my site are flooded with small messages like "nice", "awesome", and post with just a sentence.

    Would be great if in this scenarios instead of showing the full user data (name, avatar, about, rank, etc) just show the username only. This way you'll avoid a lot of wasted space for small replies.


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