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Posts posted by Phil7789

  1. On 8/1/2020 at 2:46 PM, NAX said:

    I now see that I run v 4.4.10, but cannot remember to not have installed anything highlighted in the CP. Ill find out how to update then.

    4.5 is still in Beta. You can patch to this version via the support tool (Something isn't working correctly)

    @bfarber Alright thanks 🙂

  2. 5 hours ago, bfarber said:

    There were additional fixes for Twitch integration in 4.5 that might explain why it works here if you haven't upgraded yet.

    We are not talking about the app Twitch Integration, but about embedding Twitch Videos, am I right? This sounded like there would be hope for the App 😄


  3. While I cannot look into this it probably is related to Twitch suspending the old API and only using the new "Helix" API since I think the end of April. I contacted the dev and he told me that the app will be updated, but no news since then. Right know the app is half dead as only some of the functionality still works  and the rest shows the bugs you have. The login handler still works as far as I can tell but the streams are absolutely unreliable.

    P.S. It seems that the Helix API Endpoints are integrated in some way, but I still got a warning from Twitch that the script uses and outdated API, so maybe it isn't Helix all over the place.


    Edit: I fiddled around with the code of Twitch Integration a bit and while I cannot resolve the problem it seems like the app is using client credentials to authenticate with the Twitch API. The new API demands that client credentials are used to receive an OAuth token from Twitch and I couldn't find any part in the code that would do this, thus the API might be blocking some of the features and in the future will probably block all features.

  4. On 4/18/2019 at 10:37 AM, Phil7789 said:

    Hey Adriano,

    I have a small question or feature suggestion.
    For each position you can enter a description of what this position is about. This description has it's styling in the detailed view while it has just a plain text description in the overview of all positions (which you can expand).

    Detailed view

    Overview (plain text)

    Would it be possible or would it be a good idea to have an additional and short "teaser" text where you enter just a short description, which is displayed while viewing all positions as all the markdown / styling like lists is lost in the overview. When viewing one position in particular we could then use the more detailed text with lists and styling like bold or italic text and links, etc.

    Best regards,

    Hey @Adriano Faria I am not sure if my post slipped through. Any thoughts about a teaser text?

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  5. 2 minutes ago, A Zayed said:

    Yes, I got what you mean, The plugin captures og:image, twitter:image, image meta names or properties... If none of them are found it skips it.

    This is better than capturing image randomly from the page.

    I see and I totally agree. Thanks for the clarification 🙂

  6. Thanks for the fast reply 🙂

    12 minutes ago, A Zayed said:

    Could you please send me url sample?

    I tried with https://hytale.com/ and https://hytale.com/media

    12 minutes ago, A Zayed said:

    No, You already can move the block to whatever area inside the editor.

    Yes, but as soon as you save the post and you edit it again you cannot move the embedded content anymore. It behaves like it is content you wrote. You would have to cut and paste it to move it.

    Best regards,

  7. On 1/12/2019 at 5:02 PM, RevengeFNF said:

    @A Zayed i know this is a long shot, but doesn't hurt to ask.

    In the past i used an addon called Media Tag, where we could create custom oembed links. In the mean time this addon was removed from the marketplace because it was not updated since ips 4.1, although it was partially still working. 

    When i first installed your rich links addon, although your addon ignores the default oembed links by ips, it would cause the custom oembed links from the other addon to stop working, because it would show them as a rich link instead of the oembed. So i just disabled that media tag addon. 

    Now i found another addon that is up to date, (NE) oembedServices management  by @Nathan Explosion, but im afraid to buy it and the same thing will happen.

    What I'm asking is if you know why this happens and if there is anything that can be done to fix it. 



    I tested this plugin with Nathans plugin and I couldn't find any errors, so I would assume that both plugins are working side by side without any conflict. Both internal and external links are rich embedded (except internal links that are pointing e.g. to /forums or /calendar, but this is normal. Only records are embedded).

    @A Zayed I have some small question though:

    • After embedding external links the embedded content is editable. My suggestion would be, if possible, to prevent editing so users or mods do not accidentally alter the embedding. This happens only after embedding, saving and editing the post again
    • Are only those images pulled by the plugin that are marked as meta or og-image? I tested with a site with a lot of images and only the title and text is pulled (I checked to pull every available information)
    • Is it a wanted behaviour that we cannot move the embedded content like the default ones (e.g. quotes or videos with the little movement indicator in the top left corner). Same as above, only after saving and editing the post again


  8. Hey Adriano,

    I have a small question or feature suggestion.
    For each position you can enter a description of what this position is about. This description has it's styling in the detailed view while it has just a plain text description in the overview of all positions (which you can expand).

    Detailed view

    Overview (plain text)

    Would it be possible or would it be a good idea to have an additional and short "teaser" text where you enter just a short description, which is displayed while viewing all positions as all the markdown / styling like lists is lost in the overview. When viewing one position in particular we could then use the more detailed text with lists and styling like bold or italic text and links, etc.

    Best regards,

  9. Tested. Works.

    Simple as that 😄 Thanks a lot.
    Just a little thing: I have a background task in my dashboard with 100% progress (TS3 Updating all members profile status caches...). Is this related to the app or to IPS? It should be removed at 100%, shouldn't it?

    Edit: It looks like the task queue is now locking 🤔

  10. After reinstalling the application the old tasks are gone, but the problem with the locking tasks remains.

    As soon as I run them manually my server instantly "crashes" with a 500 error (internal server error). Unfortunately no error is logged inside the ACP.

    This is my most recent error from my webservers log:

    [Fri Mar 29 17:10:02.476632 2019] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 30673:tid 140166226441984] [client **IP**] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare IPS\\ts3integration\\extensions\\core\\Queue\\ts3_lang_to_str() (previously declared in **ROOT_PATH**/applications/ts3integration/extensions/core/Queue/SyncTeamSpeakInBackground.php:114) in **ROOT_PATH**/applications/ts3integration/extensions/core/Queue/TeamSpeakProfileCaches.php on line 113', referer: **IPS_URL**/?adsess=6bcbf45c4298c6dccbc0221508d67cce&app=core&module=settings&controller=advanced&do=tasks&sortby=app&sortdirection=desc

    I masked our sensitive data in this code snippet.

    Best regards,

    P.S. No problem if you're new. More important is that you're trying to help 🙂

    Stackoverflow mentions this (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1953857/fatal-error-cannot-redeclare-function)


    This errors says your function is already defined ; which can mean :

    • you have the same function defined in two files
    • or you have the same function defined in two places in the same file
    • or the file in which your function is defined is included two times (so, it seems the function is defined two times)

    To help with the third point, a solution would be to use include_once instead of include when including your functions.php file -- so it cannot be included more than once.


  11. On 3/26/2019 at 7:23 PM, Adriano Faria said:

    Probably due to lazy loading. Anyway, both issues won’t stop the app from working. I’ll fix them in next version. 


    Absolutely, so no rush. But I've seen you already updated the app.

    Thanks 🙂

  12. Hey @MrFisc

    I updated the application and have a problem with the tasks I am not sure about what's the cause.

    I have 2 tasks that stall / freeze and don't work properly. This is the Profile Cache every 15 Minutes ("ProfileDisplayUpdate15Minutes") and AutoSync.
    So I went to the application settings and saw that the settings changed a bit. Now we can choose to cache the profile for 1 hour up to 1 week. After updating this setting the error for the Profile Cache every 15 Minutes is gone, but now the ProfileUpdate task which is ran hourly stalls / freezes.

    When I ran the task manually I got a 500 error (internal server error), so my questions would be

    • Is it correct that the "old" tasks are still in the list, although they're no longer available
    • Do you have any hints on what to do or what the problem might be (e.g. re-installation of the application)
    • Any advice on PHP memory limit or PHP execution time? How much "power" do your tasks need?

    All the other tasks (also 3rd party) seem to work correctly.

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  13. Thanks for your time Adriano and sorry if I confused you, I tried my best.

    I will ask the IPS team for a solution. For the ACP: I noticed the FA icon while examining the code with Chromse developer tools, so I assumed that it should be there, but I might be wrong (again -> IPS).

    3 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    I don't have conent anywhere on my plugin so yes, this is something related to IPS template.

    The chosen style shows up and that's what matters to me:

    I totally agree with you, the chosen icon is displayed and you're right this is the only thing that matters. I just stumbled accross this "bug" and thought I could report it (and yet again: IPS).

    So thanks for your time and effort 🙂

  14. 19 minutes ago, Phil7789 said:

    While examining the font awesome icon (the one in front of the message you enter) on the front page you can see this:


    "conent" is not present in my theme, css or translated language. From my understanding the "unused" icons are hidden by this code. The "used" icon is the one you select in the plugin settings for the message above and below the topic (e.g. Warning in my case).

    I am referring to this.

    Where the yellow warning icon is you can see that it says conent instead of content. But I think this is related to IPS

  15. I am sorry if I'm confusing you. I'll try again

    While examining the font awesome icon (the one in front of the message you enter) on the front page you can see this:


    "conent" is not present in my theme, css or translated language. From my understanding the "unused" icons are hidden by this code. The "used" icon is the one you select in the plugin settings for the message above and below the topic (e.g. Warning in my case).

    This is what is next to the message box inside the plugins settings:

    In the corner there is a toggle button to collapse the shown part, but it is invisble.

    While examining this invisible button I could see that there should be a font awesome icon:

    Even after changing the icon e.g. to \f001 nothing shows. This is a default IPS setting, but it works in the rest of the page / ACP is just doesn't work in the plugins settings. Might be an IPS bug, though.

    I hope my questions are a bit less confusing now 🙂


  16. I meant the code tags {days} and {topic_age}

    I cleared all my browsers cache and old data, now the information is displayed correctly, but I have no clue why it was disabled in the first hand, I never selected anything.

    The font awesome icon is still missing, while they work in the rest of the page (and the rest of the ACP).
    I noticed a small typo, maybe this is inside your plugin. When examining the code on the front page I noticed that you disabled the unused icons for the message with content: ''. While "content" would be correct conent is written.


  17. Hey Adriano,

    I have a small problem, might be on my end:
    The tags I can use in the message are not visible. I found a toggle button in the corner and after clicking on it they showed, the toggle button itself is invisible, I'll have to investigate this (content: '\f137' in the :after class).

    The tags are disabled by default, any ideas? Is this intended?
    P.S. I am using the default ACP Theme

    Thanks in advance,

  18. Hey Adriano,

    for the current version I'm missing two language strings:

    • block_applicationsFeed
    • block_applicationsFeed_desc

    Are they really missing or went something wrong on my end?

    Furthermore I noticed a small problem:
    If you do not upload an image for an open position there is a default thumbnail in the overview (where you can see all positions), but on the detailed page, viewing a specific position, there is just a blank grey square (the background color) while the app tries to pull an image from the uploads folder, but as there is none it isn't displaying anything. Wouldn't it be better if we had the default thumbnail in both positions if we don't have uploaded any image?

    style="background-image: url( "**base_path**/uploads/" )"


    Edit: I've edited the position and noticed that there is some image uploaded with the size of 4kb (without a preview, it seems the image is "empty") after deleting the image and saving the position the image is back again, so it won't get deleted


    Best regards,

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