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Posts posted by Phil7789

  1. Hey,

    I am using a second post because this has nothing to do with the above.

    I stumbled across a very full system error log, but I am not sure if this is caused by this application, just wanted you to know so you could take a look if you have time to check. I do not know what could cause this entries.


    Could not write to Store-FileSystem (teamspeak_server_groups_regular_simplified)



    #0 ->/***/httpdocs/system/Data/AbstractData.php(108): IPS\_Log::log('Could not write...', 'datastore')
    #1 ->/***/httpdocs/system/Data/Store.php(184): IPS\Data\_AbstractData->__set('teamspeak_serve...', Array)
    #2 ->/***/httpdocs/applications/teamspeak/sources/Api/Group.php(409): IPS\Data\_Store->__set('teamspeak_serve...', Array)
    #3 ->/***/httpdocs/applications/teamspeak/sources/Api/Group.php(384): IPS\teamspeak\Api\_Group::getCachedServerGroups(true, true, false, Array)
    #4 ->/***/httpdocs/applications/teamspeak/sources/Api/Group.php(471): IPS\teamspeak\Api\_Group->getServerGroups()
    #5 ->/***/httpdocs/applications/teamspeak/sources/Api/Group.php(283): IPS\teamspeak\Api\_Group->isValidGroupId(20)
    #6 ->/***/httpdocs/applications/teamspeak/sources/Api/Group.php(307): IPS\teamspeak\Api\_Group->removeUuidFromGroup('_some_uuid_...', 20, Array)
    #7 ->/***/httpdocs/applications/teamspeak/sources/Member/Member.php(212): IPS\teamspeak\Api\_Group->removeUuidFromGroups('_some_uuid_...', Array)
    #8 ->/***/httpdocs/applications/teamspeak/tasks/removeUnlinkedGroups.php(49): IPS\teameak\_Member->syncUnlinkedUuids()
    #9 ->/***/httpdocs/system/Task/Task.php(248): IPS\teamspeak\tasks\_removeUnlinkedGroups->execute()
    #10 ->/***/httpdocs/system/Task/Task.php(217): IPS\_Task->run()
    #11 ->/***/httpdocs/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(60): IPS\_Task->runAndLog()
    #12 {main}

    I have round about 200 entries. I've checked the file permissions, the folder has write permissions.



  2. Hey @HeadStand

    I've tested the new version and it doesn't really seem to work for me. I've updated the old version with "Upload a new version" and I deleted the old version and installed a fresh one.

    Unfortunately the language strings seem to be missing for the search function, where only the language keys are displayed, when I search for them in the language pack the system cannot find them. The search itself also does not seem to work. Even when inside the FAQ System the search delivers no results (I just searched for 1 word to be sure).

    Another problem I stumbled across is the breadcrumb navigation: When you click on a question to open it (not the anchor in the list which scrolls the site down to question itself) the name of the question is doubled (Questionname -> Questionname). The first of the two names is then set some pixels down so its basically under the actual breadcrum navigation.

    Default 4.2 Theme:


    My Custom Theme:


    Edit: Just remembered that the questions opened as a popup in the old version, so the above behaviour is not wanted or are there no popups anymore?

    I'm not sure if I did something wrong, but right now it does not seem that v3.1 of the application is suitable for production (I've cleared my cache btw just to be sure). I will stick to the older version for now.

    IPB: 4.2.5

    Best regards,


  3. On 20.8.2017 at 5:37 PM, extermi111 said:

    What is the time between auto sync for users? I gave groups for few people on my IPBoard and they didn't got proper groups on TS immediately. How long they have to wait?


    Hey, I'm just a user but I think i can help you.

    You could sync them manually if you want to, the task is run once per day. You could set that time if you run the task manually at a specific time (e.g. 8 pm it always runs at 8 pm). Check the "Tasks" overview inside the Admin CP.

    If they've been a member of a group since the last sync and they enter the UUID then, they get immediately assigned on teamspeak.

    Now to my own question:

    @Ahmad E.

    Hey Ahmad,

    I've last answered you in april to your question, just a quick reminder of what a still persistent problem is:

    • Users have to accept the new guidelines (e.g. after you made changes). This is a default Invision Community setting
      • Users are then redirected to a screen where they have to accept them as soon as they log in
    • Users who are members in a group which is forced to enter a UUID are also redirected to the screen where they can enter the UUID
    • As soon as both occasions take place the get stuck in a redirect loop, thus resulting in a error the browser (for me Chrome) throws: Too many redirects
    • Users are then not able to use the website at all, because this happens the second they log in

    I don't know if it is possible, but is it able to only redirect if there is no other redirection present? Or show a permanent bar / window which tells the user to enter the UUID and which cannot be dismissed?


    EDIT: Another small thing I found are the ban reasons inside the Admin CP. When you enter a longe reason why someone was banned the line doesn't break to a new line, but continues to the right just off the screen.



  4. Hey @Ahmad E.

    On 23.4.2017 at 11:28 AM, Ahmad E. said:

    I cannot re-produce this issue. Can I try to debug this on your installation?

    Sure you can try it, first I would say I test it once more, because I think I might've missunderstood something with how the application works. I will start a new test.

    On 23.4.2017 at 11:28 AM, Ahmad E. said:

    Is this a plugin? I cannot find an option to force members to accept guidelines, maybe I am just not seeing it?

    I don't think its a plugin. In the System Tab, when you edit the guidelines and edit the registration terms there (at the very bottom) you get the option to force members to accept the new registration / site terms. This does not apply for the guidelines / rules of the page or the privacy policy.

    If you have any questions or still can't find this option feel free to PM me

    Thanks for the last update and best regards


  5. Hey @Ahmad E.

    I think I found another bug.

    I have an admin who was not logged in on the website for a long time, thus he has to accept the new guidelines. He is now in a loop between accepting the guidelines and being forced to enter his UUID resulting in his browser to not being able to load the page at all.

    He's receiving the error "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"

    The only way to get around this right now is disabling the forced UUID for his group.

    Best regards,


  6. 12 hours ago, Ahmad E. said:
    On 27.3.2017 at 10:53 PM, Phil7789 said:

    I have checked both options "remove additional ts groups" and "remove groups from unlinked uuids". Non the less all the "old" servergroups, which have been assigned prior to installing this application remain and will only get removed as long as the member is online on the teamspeak server and I hit re-sync, although I synced all the groups after setting everything up. Is this a bug / a feature / or me missunderstanding how this works?

    I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean, could you please clarify a bit more on what you are trying to accomplish? Thanks.

    First of all thanks for the super fast reply.

    First the settings I had: Teamspeak 3 Server with already assigned servergroups (admin, member, etc.). Then I had usergroups on the forum for most of the users. I set up the usergroups to match the servergroups and hit re-sync all.

    Now my sequence:

    • After a member now enters his UUID and connects afterwards to the teamspeak server they still have their "old" servergroups and will only get updated if I hit re-sync while they're online.
    • I then deleted every user manually in the teamspeak servergroups.
    • Now the users connect without servergroups (Captain Obvious). After they add their UUID to the forum they instantly get their corresponding servergroup assigned.

    So it seems like the application does not delete or edit the servergroups (after adding at least one UUID) for users who already had a servergroup assigned prior to installing / using the app. This is where I am unsure if I am missunderstanding how this app is assigning the groups or this is a minor bug (if you want to name it like that). This is absolutly low priority, but it made me think :D

    After the procedure above every user seems to have their servergroups assigend without the need of a re-sync.

    Thanks a lot


  7. Hi Ahmad,

    I recently bought this application and love it. It eases the management of the servergroups a lot. I do still have some questions though, I've read the thread and can hopefully prevent asking questions twice.

    • I've seen a request to have the uuid as a profile field, which you declined. Would it be possible to (optionally) move it from an extra page to the "edit profile" section, without being displayed as a profile field. Something like the e-mail or name? Feels more intuitiv than "searching" for the right place to add this information. I looked into the profile myself the first time tbh, as I expected it to find it there, because it adds additional info to my profile. Another spot I thought about was when you're logged in and you click on your own name the menu pops-up with settings, moderator cp, acp, etc. A link in this menu could probably although be a solution to my thought. In my oppinion this would give a clearer look.
    • In the ban list if a ban is permanent, thus never ending, the time, when the ban would end, is the time of the beginning. Could this be changed somehow to a language string like "never" or "permanent"?
    • I have checked both options "remove additional ts groups" and "remove groups from unlinked uuids". Non the less all the "old" servergroups, which have been assigned prior to installing this application remain and will only get removed as long as the member is online on the teamspeak server and I hit re-sync, although I synced all the groups after setting everything up. Is this a bug / a feature / or me missunderstanding how this works?
    • Would it be able to add some moderator options to the front-end like managing bans and removing / re-syncing uuids (all or single users on their profile maybe). I have several admins which could use this, but I do not want to grant them access to the acp just for this one option and many of them lack the knowledge of how to use a backend properly.

    I hope this was not to much for my first post in this support thread.

    Thanks in advance,


  8. Hey @HeadStand

    I have some questions to this wonderful application (maybe they are caused by my stupidity, who knows).

    • When I want to add a new question the previous content gets restored, sometimes even for already set and saved questions, which would then delete the original text. So if I want to edit questions I have to copy the text in advance, clear the editor from wrongly loaded content and then edit the text after pasting.
    • Where are the names of the questions pulled from? When I add a new question to a collection by Manage Collections -> Collection Questions I have only empty strings in the drop-down menu. Just one question has a name, but this is not what I entered as question
    • Is it possible to link the list entries of all the collections directly to the specific collection page? Right now it works as an anchor I guess and the page auto-scrolls to the position on the main FAQ page where all the questions for one collection are placed.

    I am using IPB

    Thanks in advance,


    P.S. If my questions are somewhat not clear enough pls ask and I will try to explain it in a different way.

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