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Everything posted by AlexWebsites

  1. Ok that's good to know but i didn't receive anything. Just checked your site and my notifications are not checked so maybe that's why I didn't receive any email? I just checked it on for news and info.
  2. Did you send everyone subscribed a message you were upgrading and we needed to update? I had no idea and just saw I'm not connecting and had a scheduled chat session my members usually do. It would be helpful to have a heads up in the future, like time, needing to update, offline, etc..
  3. @mark007 Has this worked with getting more of your sitemap indexed? Would have been nice if they just worked this in to 4.2.8.
  4. @HeadStand is the topic redirect getting added to the distribution something that can be fixed? If you use the feature IPS has and leave a redirect in place for the 30 days, it makes it into the topic list of the newsletter. They do not get listed in IPS topic blocks by default.
  5. @Upgradeovec its been about 2 months since this post, has adding this helped with indexing?
  6. Did you guys add the timestamp to 4.2.8 released today by chance?
  7. I think IPS regenerates the sitemap once daily and then you need to wait for indexing within 24 hours. Not sure about zenforo, but when I was using vbulletin on one of my sites I moved over to IPS it was more immediate as well, which I think was because it pinged google on new topic creation.
  8. All I did was create a custom ad tag and insert that tag into the global template. Within the ad settings, I have it showing to guests only. I did nt use any IF statements. It seemed to display more ads on mobile and it feels like it's slowing down the site a bit on smaller screens. I have everything on in adsense to show and it's too early to make a judgement so I'm going to continue to leave it up for a few days.
  9. I'm going to implement it myself but for guests only. I will probably just create a custom ad tag and insert it into the template.
  10. Has anyone here implemented Google Adsense Auto Ads? Might be too early to tell if it is working well because it seems to have just been introduced this week, but just curious on thoughts. https://adsense.googleblog.com/2018/02/introducing-adsense-auto-ads.html
  11. Thanks for sharing that article but its over a decade old... I just think because search results in IPS are so robust that tags can drive new pages with very good dynamic content, could be something to think about. Here's an article along the same lines and it does seem to be frowned upon but again, maybe additional pages created by tags without a search box would be something. http://www.thesempost.com/googles-algo-removes-internal-search-results-pages/
  12. I would be willing to test if you like on one of my sites. All these little SEO tweaks in this topic (like this with tags) could really improve organic traffic.
  13. I've got a ton of tags generated search pages with noindex so I think it may be a missed opportunity for some traffic. When you click on the the tag, it brings up a search page of that keyword. I would add a little SEO to that and at least change the generated page title to include Search results for "tag/word" or something like that and also meta description. There are a lot of internal links from those search pages generated from clicking on a tag that could create more indexing. You could do something similar with additional pages and just add page 1, page 2, etc., into the title and meta for these search pages rather than just excluding it all. https://www.mysite.com/search/?tags= details&sortby=newest&page=1 and 2 and so on as well.
  14. Thanks for posting @Matt, really good stuff. Can you elaborate on: Allows easy integration with Google Search Console for tracking Is there anything more than the validation tag(s)? I just want to make sure I'm not missing something. As far as the sitemap which this topic is about, it's great that you are adding the <lastmod> tag and rebuild functionality but what about <changefreq>. Is there a submit frequency that is standard and built in? Is it daily or upon new topic generation? Have you guys thought about an image sitemap, maybe specifically if you use the gallery app when it comes to images and videos?
  15. That's a good point, I do recall a permalinks section in vbSEO when I had it, but like you said that was a while ago. I remember a ton of urls in my forum sitemap using vbseo and not just the topic urls and this was because of all the posts. But duplicate content was an issue where its not anymore. Thanks for the explanation.
  16. I'll have to look at my sites, because my urls don't redirect so pretty and are mostly foo.com/forums/topic/topic-title/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-1019. What is the actual reason for the redirect and not direct post links within topics? The redirects don't get picked up. So in this topic, the following post: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442742-large-community-you-have-a-problems-with-sitemap/?do=findComment&comment=2729176 Redirects to: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442742-large-community-you-have-a-problems-with-sitemap/?page=5&tab=comments#comment-2729176 The page title is: <title>Large community? You have a problems with sitemap! - Page 5 - Peer to Peer Technical Support - Invision Community</title> So every post url on Page 5 will have the same page title. You could avoid this by appending the post number in title and meta and having direct links that get picked up rather than redirecting, but maybe there is a good reason not to, not sure. I think the other forums like xenforo and vbulletin do it similar to IPS with redirects as well. That's great news!
  17. If you include urls from individual posts you are going to get a bunch of urls with duplicate content, specifically title tags and description tags. Although it would be interesting to index all posts and I believe vbseo as part of a vbulletin install used to do that but you would need to append to the page title something like " - Post # 1234" or something unique from the topic title and then also add something unique into the page description meta tag to avoid duplication. It can be done but requires some modification and isn't built into IPS from what I see.
  18. Nice! webshots is now working for me and also tested Miniature.io and its is also working without storing files locally. Thank you.
  19. On my end, if you fetch a url with api.webthumbnail.org over https:// chrome does not display which is maybe why the thumbs do not come up. If you once allow it it and the browser recognizes that, it seems to work. The issue seems to be because they are moving away from the webthumbnail.org url to the new one that has a certificate in place. If you change it to api.miniature.io it does fetch over https:// Where are you changing that $apiUrl, I can test on my end if you like.
  20. I agree with @opentype I don't think IPS changed much but what I do think is that there is room for improvement. Probably an opportunity for someone to come out with a paid app/plugin or two to create a more robust sitemap, add some additional SEO settings with more dynamic and adjustable meta tags to include tags, adjustable description lengths, bring dynamic keywords using tags, default keywords per forum, page titles, etc. Keywords may not be Google's thing but are still picked up by other sources. Interesting reads regarding description lengths in 2018: https://moz.com/blog/how-long-should-your-meta-description-be-2018 https://searchengineland.com/google-officially-increases-length-snippets-search-results-287596 https://searchengineland.com/google-fundamentals-writing-meta-descriptions-not-change-longer-search-snippets-288414 I haven't looked into the IPS code that controls the current cutoff but was interested in testing this out by increasing the current dynamic description tag to see if more info is picked up and weighted better.
  21. Is anyone using the plugin below and found away to use that data for maps?
  22. Not sure if its related, but I would have a look at this setting as well.
  23. @Adriano have you tested this with https://? Do you have an install over ssl? For instance, when I am using webthumbnail.org, my installation shows the images as https://api.webthumbnail.org/?width=768..... so I tested that url in my browser and its not over ssl and only shows if I change it to http. Now it also looks like webthumbnails.org has been changed and should be https://api.miniature.io according to https://miniature.io/docs sneak.pw is not changing to http but the urls to the images are coming up not found. For instance, here is a sneak.pw generated image url http://api.sneak.pw/api.php?width=768&height=1024&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&output=raw Webshots free plan (which I have) looks like its not over SSL and may be my issue, I haven't upgraded.
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