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Everything posted by AlexWebsites

  1. @Adriano have you tested this with https://? Do you have an install over ssl? For instance, when I am using webthumbnail.org, my installation shows the images as https://api.webthumbnail.org/?width=768..... so I tested that url in my browser and its not over ssl and only shows if I change it to http. Now it also looks like webthumbnails.org has been changed and should be https://api.miniature.io according to https://miniature.io/docs sneak.pw is not changing to http but the urls to the images are coming up not found. For instance, here is a sneak.pw generated image url http://api.sneak.pw/api.php?width=768&height=1024&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&output=raw Webshots free plan (which I have) looks like its not over SSL and may be my issue, I haven't upgraded.
  2. Same thing for me on all services.I rebuilt and all but still having the issue. I even have Thumbshots enabled with an API key and its not working in full. I also shut off store thumbs locally to test and no thumbs show up. from thumbshots. swicthed back to other services and having similar issues still.
  3. Wouldn't Google only capture how many authors are part of that page /URL? If you want to test, change how many posts you show per page which will reduce or increase your topic page count. Maybe I'm wrong through. The question for topics with a lot of replies, how well are those additional pages indexed? Are the page titles, urls, etc., SEF and without duplicate meta info.
  4. Good list but I am not for excluding topics with no responses. Most of the time the first post contains all the initial topic content and should index well as long as members aren't starting topics with a very low word count.
  5. Profiles that are not being indexed seem to be ones that have not posted anything so the pages have little to no content. At least that's what I'm seeing. I don't know if I would exclude all profiles. You could have content, status updates and such that make up an indexed page that could draw in traffic. I would add to the page title "xxxxx's profile page - site name" or something like that with the ability to enhance that. Most display names are short unlike topic names. I would add lastmod as mentioned and update frequency tags into the sitemap. I would see if a separate image sitemap could be generated as part of gallery app with google recommended tags. Also, some SEO things...I would give the option of changing the automatic meta description length in settings. Google seems to be allowing longer descriptions. Add the ability to automatically include tags as meta keywords even though google may not use keywords there are other traffic sources that do.
  6. What happens if you uninstall this app? Do the users that are still validating stay in that group? Do all the messages disappear? IPS is moving away from sparkpost native support and that leaves only sendgrid and mandrill is mailchimp or something. Can you continue using sparkpost if it will be removed as an option?
  7. Would be interesting to see how those forum sitemaps are formatted, what elements the topic pages include and how much of their topic page sitemap or part of the sitemap is indexed.
  8. @Matt can IPS release the code that you used to add the timestamp, specifically into the topic sitemaps so we don't need to wait for an update? Also, if you are running gallery, there is no image sitemap and only image page urls with no time stamp either. See: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/178636?hl=en
  9. Now back to all thumbnails gone, not really sure what the issue is. Tried store images locally, tried all image thumbnail options but can't seem to get it to work now. Has anyone else ran into this? If i uninstall the app, will it delete all the links? Only changes since I noticed this were an update to IPS and moved from memcache to redis.
  10. Odd, I got it to work by enabling Store thumbnails locally
  11. Has anyone had an issue after upgrade to IPS 4.2.7 with thumbnails not showing? I tried thumbshots, webshots, and sneak.pw.
  12. Wonder what they are going to actually improve in 4.3. Can you keep us posted if applying your patch helped?
  13. I updated to 4.2.7 and reinstalled the plugin, so far so good!
  14. For Babble and IPS 4.3, will there be support for emojis that IPS is including?
  15. IPS.. I meant about a patch, I guess it's not that big if an issue to them and it can wait, is what I was saying.
  16. Every day I check to see if 4.2.7 is out of beta.... I guess it's not that big of an issue to release a patch or fix. I think it's also affecting my guest box signup widget not saving settings, but I don't know. My articles not saving layout settings is what I'm really waiting for a fix with.
  17. I was hoping 4.2.7 would come out this week, but looks like its still stuck in beta. Is there a temporary patch you know of we can apply to save settings in this plugin?
  18. Interestingly enough it cleared on its own after I changed the email and then changed it back. The message remained but maybe when sparkpost sent data it cleared? Not sure.
  19. Ok thanks, glad it's not just me and there is a solution coming.
  20. I seem to be having an issue where the plugin randomly loses it's settings. I've updated it and its fine but all of a sudden I just noticed again that I have to turn on some of the settings that I had. Anyone else run into this?
  21. It was actually theme related. For the database I was using default theme and for whatever reason it was adding that top-margin.
  22. Was able to do this by changing in templates > memberlists > member > grid <ol class='ipsList_reset ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone ipsClear' data-ipsGrid data-ipsGrid-equalHeights='row' data-ipsGrid-minItemSize='170' data-ipsGrid-maxItemSize='400'> to <ol class='ipsList_reset ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone ipsClear' data-ipsGrid data-ipsGrid-equalHeights='row' data-ipsGrid-minItemSize='225' data-ipsGrid-maxItemSize='400'> Would be great if you could add a minimum size in settings to control this.
  23. Any word on this or how I can apply custom css to not have it go to 6 blocks per row on larger screens and keep it at max 4 blocks per row? It was like this in an older version but changed to 6 in 2.0 and above. Thanks.
  24. The message is on still and the member does not come up in the lists. The email has been changes as well. Very odd.
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