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Everything posted by bfarber

  1. The ACP skin editor has been redone for RC2 due to issues with the current editArea javascript code we were using. It will be compatible in IE 7+, Firefox 3+, Opera 9+, Safari 3+ (report bugs in any of the browsers to that we can address them).
  2. Rikki has not always been the primary designer working on IPB. I know in the past he was frequently tasked with custom skinning, for instance (as were previous employees). I think 3.0 is the first major release where work was sectioned off as code vs skin, with Rikki handling the bulk of the skin work. In the past, I think Matt was responsible for a large part of the skin work in each release.
  3. We have 4-5 in house PHP developers, and 1 dedicated skinner. Matt, Josh, myself, Jason L and Mark (he's support, but as he is working on the latest update of Converge I'll add his name in as a "developer") Rikki handles the skinning. A lot of the history you can find in interviews on theadminzone.com. Some are quite old, so keep that in mind when determining relevancy of particular topics. http://www.theadminzone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41336 http://www.theadminzone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26077 http://www.theadminzone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12200 http://www.theadminzone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16637 http://www.theadminzone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16234 http://www.theadminzone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10306
  4. bfarber


    Are you logging in here with the same email address you use in the client area? If your order has been approved, and you are using the same email address, submit a ticket so we can fix the account.
  5. Orders are approved manually and generally will occur sometime within the same business day when you purchase in the morning. :) Note that your account status won't get updated until your order is approved (and you will need to log out and back in).
  6. Bugs should be reported in the bug tracker. These particular issues already have been, for the record, and are presently confirmed.
  7. Our ticket system may have 100-500 KB articles (don't know exact count) and we manually set the tags that are searched when we submit the article. This is different than a fulltext search based on topic titles. ;)
  8. It's not a bug, no. And it's probably like that more for legacy reasons than anything.
  9. Indeed, the huge influx of bug reports is not helpful in releasing the RC releases of our other applications. I'm not entirely sure the plans for their release, however, so can't say if the bug reports will have any major impact or not.
  10. It kind of depends on your skill levels (I don't know how proficient you are). On the plus side the backend PHP code to save a quick-edited topic description is all still there. It's just the interface (which is handled through javascript entirely) that would need to be added. I'd guess you'd add a button in the HTML, similar to the one to edit the topic title, then add a JS observer like we have for the topic title button in the ips.topic.js, and finally add the function to handle saving the description. If you look at how the topic title is done between these areas, and note that the php code for saving the description is there (though of course, not really tested since there's no interface to test it presently) it might not take you long.
  11. 1) Won't change. Profile picture size is based on the board administrator's ACP configuration. Some admins have strict size requirements to fit within specific designs/layouts and we can't just accept any image...it has to be scaled. 2) Would be easy 3) I guess, though clicking the login link will remember where you came from so it's not that big a deal in my mind 4) Is something that was discussed, but we decided to keep first release simple functionality wise, while we explore options in future releases.
  12. Probably just none of us had really used it so it was overlooked as the inline moderator was cleaned up. Something we could look into for 3.1 I suppose. If you edit the first post in a topic, for the record, you should have access to edit title/description fields.
  13. You seem to be missing the underlying point. It is the same editor used in the ACP as the front end. If you edit the bbcode library, it will not only affect the acp, it affects the front end as well. It is the same code. One file. Used in both ACP and front end. If you edit the file to remove the rules that strip out javascript, users will be able to submit the content unfiltered when making posts. Now, if they don't have HTML permissions they can't create the full tags of course, but that's not to stop them from injecting XSS via onerror, onclick, etc. event handlers which WERE checked for and stripped, but no longer are since you removed that code. If you are determined to do this, however, no one can stop you - but you need to post in the resources forums. This is no longer feedback for IPB. :)
  14. bfarber

    Major Skin Bug?

    If you create a skin with no parent, and you have not customized it's templates, it will inherit default templates from the inaccessible "root" set (which is effectively the IP.Board 3 default skin). If you use the developer tools to create a new folder on disk, then use masterMap to map it and so forth, you edit the files directly and it does not inherit anything.
  15. IPB has always given moderators the ability to suspend accounts. We reworded this on the warn panel form to "ban" as apparently, like you, many didn't realize that "suspending" an account indefinitely was akin to banning it. The ability to unapprove all topics and posts was also added to the warn form, though the ability to delete posts has not been.
  16. I expected to add it to the UserCP when/if we add this as an option, yes.
  17. I assume you mean RC1. We do not provide support for RC1, however we believe you shouldn't have any issues upgrading now and then upgrading to final when it's released. That said, there are always bugs and issues in pre-final software, so if you cannot address them or live with them until they're fixed, you may find it better to wait for final.
  18. Wow....I barely even remember that lol.
  19. Please submit a ticket as has already been requested. We do not simply delete user accounts on this forum.
  20. The forum rules is not the only place. As I already said, ANYWHERE that uses the editor strips javascript. If you require support or help removing functionality (modifying the software) you will need to use the peer to peer resource forums.
  21. We do not recommend purchasing licenses 2nd hand. If you get ripped off from such a purchase, there's nothing we can do to assist I'm afraid (and yes, we've seen it happen before - more than once). The person would need to essentially give you the login to their account, at which point you would assume the account (and change the personal details and so forth on the account to your own). As for risks - we've seen people offer licenses they don't own, sell the same single license to multiple users, sell a license they do own and simply never turn over the login information, etc. You are dealing with a third party on the internet and should be aware of this if you decide to pursue a second hand license. Again, I'd recommend against it.
  22. I'm sorry that you are not happy that your ticket wasn't addressed within the time frame you hoped it would be. Unfortunately, I can only say if you are unhappy you should get in contact with management to discuss the matters. (For the record, you'll note my response was made at 7:20 PM EST, well after anyone in the billing department whom I could contact has already left for the day). I don't really see how leaving this topic open is going to help matters, so again, shoot an email to management[@]invisionpower.com and bring it up with them directly if you are not satisfied. They are always there, even if they don't leave their personal messenger on these forums enabled.
  23. You cannot submit javascript through any IPB editors, period. You can work around this if it's necessary. In your rules do something like <a href='#' id='forumRulesLink'>Link here</a> And then somewhere in the skin add $('forumRulesLink').observe( 'click', function(e) { Event.stop(e); // Here is where you put the JS you were going to do onclick before }); </script> <script type='text/javascript'> But javascript help is not part of our support I'm afraid. ;)
  24. I'll be honest - I rarely ever use a forum search engine. Google's much faster and much more reliable overall. ;)
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