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Everything posted by bfarber

  1. As a member if you don't want comments on your own profile you can just set the display option to 0 I believe. Same with latest visitors.
  2. Ok, glad we got that cleared up. ;) Should be fixed now.
  3. You found a very old AIM setting? Are you talking about your "Customer ID"? If so it's only visible and editable by admins. It's no longer used though so might as well just get rid of it if you ask me.
  4. I agree, I find the feature extremely useful. The technical aspect of doing this with the new JS apparently was very difficult, so while it's not being completely disregarded, it just won't be in 3.0 final.
  5. Were you trying RC2? The outdated strings issue should have been fixed in RC2.
  6. The javascript was rewritten and it's a much more challenging situation to try to swap STD/RTE inline now. It's something we'll look into in the future.
  7. Everyone says that about the "bugs" THEY care about. If we tried to "fix" every single thing reported, it would be 6 years, not 6 months. ;) And still, over that time period more things would be reported/requested. You have to call it a go at some point.
  8. These are actually not necessary/incorrect. As of RC2, if you import an XML (such as the blog language files) it will simply add those strings to all of the existing language packs. There's no need/reason to add them to only one language pack, and it resolves the issues mentioned in your second bullet.
  9. This issue was reported earlier today and fixed.
  10. bfarber

    IPB RC 2

    If you've uploaded the JS file and overwrote the one in the release and it's failing, make sure to clear your browser cache. :)
  11. bfarber

    IPB RC 2

    The errors Stuart got must be pretty rare if no one has reported them till now. :) And yes, just make a backup and you can always restore it if necessary. You should make a backup of your site and test upgrading your backup first just to be safe. I'm always patient. :whistle: I have 3 kids after all.
  12. bfarber

    IPB RC 2

    You clicked ADD hook. That's a developer tool. You need to use the form at the bottom of the main Manage Hooks page (where all the hooks are listed) to UPLOAD a hook XML. :) @Schemata - what bugs? :huh: I don't think any bugs have been reported in this topic at all lol. Hooks don't update automatically (imagine if you modified a hook we supplied to show 10 instead of 5 items, and we overwrote that?). I am providing steps to manually update the hook. Besides, this would only be an issue if you were upgrading from RC1. It wouldn't be an issue on new installations, or if you are just now upgrading from 2.3.
  13. bfarber

    IPB RC 2

    You can reimport the hook via the Manage hooks page of the ACP if you wish. The status updates hook would be found under admin/applications/members/xml/hooks/.
  14. At present it should be showing unread threads, not threads new to your visit. HOWEVER, Matt has been doing a lot of funky things with topic markers the last 2 or 3 days, and quite probably the issue stems from him truncating the tables with mismatched deep freeze, current table data and so on.
  15. bfarber

    IPB RC 2

    What's odder is that the query you reported hasn't changed...like at all. Been that way since beta 1 and it's just now being reported as an issue. I think I know what's wrong with it though. Just goes to show how important it is to have these public releases with so many different environments out there. Seems there's a never-ending number of configurations and what works for 99% of our users causes a problem for 1%. It's those 1% of users we try to catch before going final.
  16. Uh, we've had IPB3 in beta since the end of last year working as hard as possible to do exactly what you're claiming we no longer do - implement the suggestions, fixes and features our customers have requested. :unsure: I find your statement somewhat unfounded myself. It's unrealistic to expect *every* single issue ever reported will just "get fixed" because it was reported. Most of the items currently flagged for future version either affect a very low number of users (rare occurrences), aren't really bugs (feature suggestions that we didn't want to outright dismiss) or simply require complicated and convoluted fixes to address particularly minor issues. I assure you, quality is of the utmost concern. Otherwise, we would have released IPB3 "end of 2008" as was our original goal, instead of spending an additional 6 months or so fixing, tweaking and updating the software to address the things our customers have reported. :huh:
  17. If you feel the site is slow, all I can say is I'm sorry. As Lee mentioned, we're routinely doing debugging on this site for various reasons (especially given that we are running pre-final software) and this factors into a lot of things. We found an issue yesterday where a couple of requests to a specific topic triggered some infinite loops which slowed things down. We fixed those things yesterday and restarted Apache, but, the point is we're running pre-final software and we are still finding the odd-off issue now and then. Matt truncated the topic markers table today (no doubt was a little slow), which means a lot of processing for all users at first to rebuild marker records. There are constantly things going on that will affect speed, so if you are noticing fluctuations (like you've mentioned) then attribute it to the fact that we're probably doing something, or something else is happening on the server at the moment. When you test the software on your own server, and find specific issues, please do report them to us. A general "the site seems slow" topic isn't too overly helpful on it's own, however, I'm afraid. :)
  18. The betas were encoded with an expiration date, yes. I believe all of those expiration dates have now passed. The RC releases do not have an expiration date, nor are they encoded.
  19. It's not a very good tool for this sort of thing, however. ;) You see, once you make a request to the page, your browser caches images, javascript and CSS files which is 4/5 of the load time that site reports. When I do the same tests using built in browser tools (such as YSlow or Safari's Resources monitor) the results are drastically different. As for your earlier question, I have no idea how many cores. I don't know too much about the hardware on the box tbh, as it's not really my domain. We have other employees that maintain the hardware aspect of things.
  20. I just loaded this page and using the developer tools in Safari it took 2.20 seconds. The HTML itself was generated and downloaded from the server in 996ms. That's pretty fast if you ask me. Took less than 1 second to generate this entire page with round 500 users online. I simply am not seeing regular 10 second page loads. Sure, once in a while something might get hung up, or we might get a spike in traffic, or someone might try to DOS us, or someone might do a particularly intensive search, and so on - but on the whole the speeds seem just fine to me. :unsure: Slow page loads, here, are the exception and not the rule.
  21. The load right now is about 3.3, and the CPU is at 50% usage, for what it's worth. The hardware/software seems to be coping just fine.
  22. Please use the peer to peer support forums for help.
  23. It will be out.. soon.
  24. Since you obviously know PHP, tell me - if you wanted error #4 in a file (where you obviously have no idea how many errors there are), how would you fseek to the appropriate spot? You fseek a byte position from the beginning of the file. You could use something arbitrary, like you said, and hope you hit a correct location - but as some errors can be long, and some can be short, that's a stab in the dark and quite unreliable.... You could read 4KB from the beginning of the file, see if you have a delimiter, get next 4KB, repeat, until you hit the right spot. This could prevent you from having to load the entire file, I suppose. No, I'd probably just load the entire file into memory and be done with it. ;) I'd also probably add in a link to simply download the file (because you can use flush the buffer while outputting a file you don't run into the same memory limit issues if done properly. That way you'd at least be able to download the file from the ACP without having to launch FTP, if you couldn't actually view it there. And to be fair, 20MB error logs are pretty rare. Most SQL error logs are 5MB or less.
  25. It's a chicken and egg scenario. We need to know whether the setting is on before the ACP settings have been loaded, thus it has to be done from conf_global.php. Those are related settings, but not the one he's talking about. To enable friendly urls you need to edit conf_global.php.
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