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Posts posted by Meddysong

  1. 44 minutes ago, James W said:

    You'd think something like that would remove the whole thing pertaining to the author.. not just the name of the author.

    The suite's Display template sets contain a template recordEditLine and so there should be one of those for this template set to. I'm fairly sure that the lines

    	<strong>{lang="date_edited" htmlsprintf="\IPS\DateTime::ts( $record->record_edit_time )->html(FALSE), htmlentities( $record->record_edit_member_name, ENT_QUOTES | \IPS\HTMLENTITIES, 'UTF-8', FALSE )"}</strong>
    	{{if $record->edit_reason}}

    are what's producing what you see there, so it might be worth going to the recordEditLine template which this plugin uses, deleting that text, and then seeing whether that solves your problem. 

  2. <span class='ipsBadge ipsBadge_style7'>{$record->container()->_title}</span>

    will get you that result.

    Please go back to your post and edit it to remove the excerpts from Opentype's code, though. That's a good that he's selling and I know he understandably doesn't want people to share bits of it publicly.

  3. This is probably insignificant but I currently have the message Showing 1 markers on my map because language string membermap_showing_markers is Showing <span>0</span> markers rather using the pluralize function and the string Showing {# [1:marker][?:markers]}. It probably doesn't matter because it's unlikely that a map will have only one member for a long period of time but it's there if you're looking for bugs to squish.

  4. Would there be any scope for allowing different Hero image aspect ratios for larger and small screens? Mine's set to 40%, which is great for most screen sizes. But on mobile, that has the effect of using most of my better half's head. If I could set a default of 40% but have the option of something else for small screens, then that would be great.

    (Typical example here: http://timeofftakeoff.com/holidays/2017/italy-south-2017/day-5-procida/ Watch what happens once viewed on mobile.)

    I'm looking into hacking it so as not to cause you any trouble but it doesn't look possible because you're testing for the presence of the setting in the record template. It's not something written to CSS which I could override with a media query.

  5. No, it's not normal, unless you're talking about articles which you've posted yourself. Have you looked at somebody else's article? I can leave reputation on my wife's articles but not on my own (because I can't leave myself reputation), so it's worth checking.

  6. Oh, I see what you mean. Sorry, I was explaining what opentype had written to you without actually paying attention to what your request was.

    What you'll need to do is edit a template, found under Pages > Templates.

    I think you'll need to edit Supergrid Categorylisting > index and Supergrid Frontpage > index. Here's what that the first looks like:

    <!-- edited out the code following opentype's subsequent post -->

    Add your HTML to that in an appropriate place, depending on where you want it to appear on the page, such as

    <h1 class='ipsType_pageTitle'>{$database->_title} – {lang="content_categories_title"}</h1><!-- This bit was already in the template -->
    <p class='something'>Whatever you wanted your text to be</p><!-- You've added this bit -->

    And then do something similar with Supergrid Frontpage > index.

  7. It's a standard setting for any field within a database. Pages > click on Fields where it appears under the relevant database > pencil icon for the relevant field. It's an option on the second tab, which contains listing and display settings.

  8. No, that's not it. Those are just standard images within the post. Those aren't record images. It should look like this:


    To get your record image you need to upload to the bit at the bottom of the form underneath the regular upload area. It's titled Image and the button reads Upload single file.


  9. Pages > Page Management > Templates 

    Navigate to Supergrid Listing, then categoryFooter.

    I've confused myself now, though; my template contains that snippet. I suppose I might have added it yesterday when I became aware.

  10. Yep. The default templates hide the usual add button for smaller screens but produce another one at the bottom of the page, using code like this

    {{if ! \IPS\Request::i()->isAjax() AND ! isset( \IPS\Request::i()->advancedSearchForm ) AND $category->show_records}}
    	<ul class="ipsToolList ipsToolList_horizontal ipsClearfix ipsSpacer_both ipsResponsive_showPhone ipsResponsive_block">
    		{{if $category->can('add')}}
    			<li class='ipsToolList_primaryAction'>
    				<a class="ipsButton ipsButton_medium ipsButton_important ipsButton_fullWidth" href="{$category->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'form', 'd' => \IPS\cms\Databases\Dispatcher::i()->databaseId ) )}">{lang="cms_add_new_record_button" sprintf="\IPS\cms\Databases::load( $category->database_id )->recordWord( 1 )"}</a>
    		{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}}
    				<a class="ipsButton ipsButton_medium ipsButton_fullWidth ipsButton_link" href="{$category->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'markRead' )->csrf()}"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> {lang="cms_mark_read"}</a>

    in categoryFooter.

  11. 5 hours ago, kmk said:

    Hi Adriano, is possible add multilanguage ability? Rigth now I have to put 2 languages words in the same field to archive it.


    5 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:


    How about in the ACP, as it is for Group Blogs? That way the admin can translate from the ACP, even if nobody else can via the front of the site. Multilingual sites look unprofessional when they force language X whilst Y has been selected.


  12. I'm a bit befuddled about a problem I'm having with 2.2, Ralf. On one of my sites it works perfectly: http://timeofftakeoff.com/holidays/2017/france-alps-2017/

    But on another there's something of a strange phenomenon. I've got things set up to use a fallback image if no record image is set. On the listing the fallback image is displaying: https://suite.esperanto.org.uk/articles/movado/

    But if you click go to view the record ... no image: https://suite.esperanto.org.uk/articles/movado/kabe-ĉu-eterna-mistero/

    As far as I can tell everything in the plugin is set up as it should be:


    And although I've made some small changes to the record part of the display template, those are only calling specific fields in certain areas. The line 

    {{if $record->record_image AND settings.SuperGrid_record_hero}}
     <div class="SG_record_image {{if settings.SuperGrid_use_ipsbox}}ipsBox{{endif}}" style="padding-bottom:{{if settings.SuperGrid_hero_aspect_ratio}}{setting='SuperGrid_hero_aspect_ratio'}%{{else}}40%{{endif}};background-image:url('{file="$record->record_image" extension="cms_Records"}');">

    is still in it.

    Curiously, if I upload a record image, that displays perfectly. It's just that the fallback one isn't being called in the display. Would you happen to have any ideas about what the problem might be?

  13. On 6/11/2017 at 10:41 PM, Genestoy said:

    I would use the default form but I need it to be on the top nav bar and I can't see any way to do that. Does not work the same as the default when placed there using the menu manager.

    Create a new menu item in your Menu Manager, choose External Link, and then provide yoursite.com/contact as the URL.

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