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Everything posted by jair101

  1. Hi fosters, Will it be tough to integrate the app with the Rules application? Some possible uses: - Post receiving X likes gets automatically bookmarked for certain user groups - Post containing a given string in title gets bookmarked - Post that is recommended is automatically bookmarked etc.
  2. I want to ask as it is not completely obvious, but is it possible to import bookmarks as well?
  3. What will happen if a user is moved out of bookmarks approved group? Will he lose all his bookmarks or they will be visible again when he is back in the approved group? I am asking, because I plan to use the app as an incentive for premium subscriptions.
  4. Is there any way to assign a prefix to multiple forums apart from doing it one by one? I remember on the 3.x version it was possible to assign a prefix to multiple forums at once, but I don't see this option here now.
  5. I have suggested earlier to have a sidebar block or something with "most bookmarked replies". Now I am thinking that this information can also be displayed next to the post: "This post has been bookmarked X times"...
  6. Another possible bug. Even though I use closed tag system in one forum I am able to add free text tag when adding them in topic view, below the title. testtest here is not in the list of approved tags:
  7. I just tried to ask for minimum one tag, but the setting does not seem to work. When I create a topic, the warning that I should include minimum one tag is visible, but I am able to post a topic even without including any tags. I don't have the restrictions in the general posting settings, just per forum in this app.
  8. Also, just to confirm if I understand this correctly. I want to have a closed tag system in some forums, but open tags in all the others and through the suite (calendar, gallery, etc). So what I need to do is leave the Posting -> Tags option to "Open" and define the closed tags per forum, is that correct?
  9. Tags containing special symbols cannot be deleted via the tag manage tool, these ones for example:
  10. Take for example the language string af_bg_color It is translated correctly in the ACP, but when you attempt to download the language pack, it is not included in the xml file.
  11. Hi Taman, There is an issue with the language strings of Advanced Footer. Apparently, when you try to download the language pack, they are not included in the xml file. I created a ticket with IPS, they said it is an issue on your side. Can you please take a look?
  12. Well, core_tags contains 6400 records and most of these are single ones, so even if the page numbering is not correct it is still a lot of stuff to process manually. If I understand you correctly, this is the only table containing tags. core_search_index_tags and core_tags_perms I assume are temporary tables that can be rebuild? What about core_tags_perms?
  13. This can be huge. As you can effectively export the best replies from the board and filter the useless chit-chat. Edit: Another suggestion - maybe bookmarks can be fed in a sidebar widget? Something like "Most bookmarked replies", listing them sorted by number of times bookmarked.
  14. This is not really a support issue, but maybe you can advice. I want to move from open to closed tag system, as such I want to delete about 90% of the currently existing tags which are about 280 pages long. Is there any way I can do this faster (maybe with creative SQL query?) then just deleting and confirming one by one? I just want to leave those that are used more then, lets say, 10 times.
  15. Always makes me happy when someone puts so much emotion and energy in to his work
  16. Text categories for sure. I don't think the colors will help, can you imagine the rainbow fest on the "My bookmarks" page, I don't believe it will help a lot. Similar for the tags. But properly implemented categories with expand/collapse toggles will allow anyone to store tens of bookmarks and more in a neat and efficient way. Edit: Actually colors can be helpful if they are not that obtrusive, maybe if you can color a small square at the beginning or end of the bookmark and not the entire row.
  17. - Can you please include a screenshot of the bookmarking process? Is it a button next to the quote, edit, etc? - Is it possible to limit access per user group? If I buy this, I will probably include it as a premium feature in my community.
  18. Very cool idea. As most of our communities depend on the support of the members it would be nice for different members to offer as much support as they want. I can easily imagine setting the price of a t-shirt at the manufacture price, informing people that this is in fact the price on which the community gets 0 profit and letting them decide how much they want to pay on top. Much like donation against a product.
  19. It doesn't seem to work, I have added a comment there.
  20. Hi Adriano, I have a few other bugs posted as well, this one is the most annoying: http://www.sosinvision.com.br/ips4/index.php?/tracker/tutorials/sorting-does-not-work-r330/ Hoping for a quick and easy fix.
  21. I found the fix in the tracker for the other issue - the links to the first unread comments in activity stream. I can't find the fix for "find tutorials from same author" there
  22. On my live site I am using the marketplace file. You have actually confirmed this bug and submitted a manual fix for this in your tracker (I just saw the fix) and will try it later. The link to "Find tutorials by same author" also looks bad. The real one should be: profile/1-username/?do=content&type=tutorials_article while in the marketplace app it is: /profile/1-username/content/?controller=members&type=tutorials_article
  23. Hi Adriano, I have submitted quite few bugs, I guess you didn't get a chance to take a look at them yet. Basically the only way you can read tutorials right now it seems to be by clicking the title in tutorials list, activity stream does not work, clicking the unread dot does not work, clicking "find tutorials by same author" does not work. Are you planning to do an update for this before 4.2 or next update will be compatibility with 4.2?
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