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  1. opentype's post in Combined shipping in Commerce was marked as the answer   
    It all depends on how you set up your shipping methods. You can have “combined shipping”, but you need to pick one of those methods to calculate this. 

  2. opentype's post in (Pages) Display options for title field was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, the title and body field are “special fields”. You can’t edit them this way. Just like changing the order in the ACP doesn’t do anything. 
  3. opentype's post in Make thumbnail images smaller was marked as the answer   
    No. The images (thumbnail + hires) are created when you upload the image. You can’t call a different size. 
    Database settings → Options tab 

  4. opentype's post in How to create css files was marked as the answer   
    Under Pages → Templates.
    And yes, that’s the right way to add page-specific CSS. 
  5. opentype's post in 4.6.6 post upgrade: No registered users viewing this page. was marked as the answer   
    It should work. But is is now cached, so the results might be confusing because they are not in real time. 
  6. opentype's post in [Pages] Copy Category Articles template was marked as the answer   
    It’s called “featured records” when you create it. 
  7. opentype's post in Bulk email failed after 300 sends, can I bulk resend? was marked as the answer   
    What method/service is set up to send emails?
    My guess would be that you use your hosting provider and they limit the amount of mails you can send out. 
  8. opentype's post in Where to start modifying 'Files Feed' block layout? was marked as the answer   
    In the ACP, got to Pages → Blocks → Create New Block
    You will be able to create a custom instance of the feed block and you can add it on the front end as “Custom Block”. 
  9. opentype's post in Subjects not working on profile was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, your HTML is broken and it forces the text to be transparent in areas where it shouldn’t be transparent. 
    I would try to turn off all 3rd-party plugins/apps and check the group formatting. Where does the coloring of the groups come from? Maybe that’s it. 
  10. opentype's post in Help customize meta tags was marked as the answer   
    The meta tags can be overridden from any Pages template used to render the current page. You can add variables there as well. 
    {{\IPS\Output::i()->metaTagsTitle = "Whatever ".$something ;}} {{\IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['og:description'] = "Something else" ;}} You can put that into the record template for example. 
  11. opentype's post in Don't show field if there is no $Value was marked as the answer   
    {{if $formValue}} // Your code {{endif}} Wrap it all like this. 
  12. opentype's post in Achievements not correct size & padding seems off was marked as the answer   
    Just click the “create new” button in the ACP. It’s as simple as that. 
  13. opentype's post in Page Builder: Media Embed - Override Max Video Width Setting was marked as the answer   
    The default custom CSS for the block looks something like this:
    .app_cms_pagebuilderoembed_mp1qzgnrk { } Change it to:
    .app_cms_pagebuilderoembed_mp1qzgnrk .ipsEmbeddedVideo { width:50%; } Just to give you an idea. Don’t copy this code. Targeting the .ipsEmbeddedVideo is the key. 
  14. opentype's post in Cannot find to translate Badges texts? was marked as the answer   
    I repeat: “View word keys?”
    That doesn’t require “highlighting”. 
  15. opentype's post in Multiple images upload - Pages > fields (record) was marked as the answer   
    Something to start with:
    {{if $formValue}} <div class="ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone"> {{foreach $value as $file}} <div class="ipsGrid_span4 ipsSpacer_bottom"> <img src="{file='$file' extension='cms_Records'}" class="ipsImage"> </div> {{endforeach}} </div> {{endif}}  
  16. opentype's post in You are not permitted to register a user Account was marked as the answer   
    Pretty sure that’s the spam protection kicking in. It has nothing to do with the Commerce settings. 
  17. opentype's post in Doubt about navigation. Restrict access to content after... was marked as the answer   
  18. opentype's post in Favicon refuses to show was marked as the answer   
    It works. 
    Favicons are heavily cached by the browsers. Reloading a page doesn’t refresh them if they were changed. 
  19. opentype's post in Is it possible to change title based on device screen size? was marked as the answer   
    You can’t do that in the template code, because when it is parsed on the server, the server doesn’t know what device it will be displayed on. 
    However, the IPS framework has CSS classed to achieve this, so while both statements would be in the HTML code for everyone, one part could show on mobile devices only and another one only on desktop.
  20. opentype's post in Choose who sees widgets? was marked as the answer   
    It kind of exist already. You just need to create a custom Pages block from the widget you need permissions for. 
  21. opentype's post in Adding PHP function to IPS theme was marked as the answer   
    You need to use the template syntax as explained here on several pages. 
  22. opentype's post in Custom stream as home page was marked as the answer   
    Kind of. You can create a new page with Pages and then add the Activity Stream widget on it. It doesn’t allow you to chose an existing stream, but there are some settings to create a custom stream. 
    You can also link a custom stream as “home” link from the menu, but that wouldn’t automatically picked up from other places like the logo. I am actually using that on one of my sites and I customized the logo template to link to “discover/6/”

  23. opentype's post in Where to insert favicon <link> code? was marked as the answer   
    IPS’ system already does that. Just upload the image here:

  24. opentype's post in How to filter by additional custom fields in a template? was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, it works like that. The featured records template is meant like a “blog homepage showing latest articles”. It doesn’t do much more. 
    Everything to control this view is in the database settings:

    You can narrow down the selection to certain categories or featured records only but that’s it. 
  25. opentype's post in Database Category Pages was marked as the answer   
    Click on the pencil icon first to activate custom permission. After that, the permission settings will appear in that drop-down menu. 
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