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Where to insert favicon <link> code?

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I'm changing over my site's favicon, and for some irritating reason browsers don't seem to like checking for updated favicons (at least Firefox doesn't).  So I've read that the only way to force a refresh is to insert <link> code into your HTML to point to the new favicon file(s).

Could someone provide some tips as to where I would insert this code in the template(s)?  I presume the <link> code only needs to be loaded on splashdown?


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16 minutes ago, liquidfractal said:


I'm changing over my site's favicon, and for some irritating reason browsers don't seem to like checking for updated favicons (at least Firefox doesn't).  So I've read that the only way to force a refresh is to insert <link> code into your HTML to point to the new favicon file(s).

IPS’ system already does that. Just upload the image here:


Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-22 um 06.52.02.png

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