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Everything posted by opentype

  1. It’s instant and on the system level. You don’t need to open the site manually or check your emails. You get a notification on your mobile device. Whatever you do, wherever you are. It’s how the big players like Facebook and Twitter get people to open their app over and over again.
  2. APPs(!), which also have a web interface.
  3. Oh! ☺️ Yeah, that works. You can mix any of my Pages database templates however you like.
  4. Yes and no. You can use both at once. I do that on the demo page as well. The first block shows articles: https://www.opentype.space/superblocks/ But SuperBlocks is a block template, not a Pages database template. So you can’t assign it to a Pages database homepage as you suggest.
  5. While I’m not against the change, I feel like it’s asking to fix symptoms of an illness and not the illness itself. When people are opening individual forums to read on already opened posts, it feels like this is unnecessary cumbersome—especially on mobile. Personally, I never do that. I use the activity feeds only, because I can see everything at a glance and I don’t have to explore individual forums one by one. And I make sure my activity feeds are very prominent on the site, so my users also go with them.
  6. It uses the header image if there is one, since it is picture-based like a newspaper/magazine homepage. You can check it out on the demo page: https://www.opentype.space/superblocks/
  7. The “iOS” was auto correct I assume? Still not perfectly sure what you are reporting. You don’t see the option to chose the article template or you see it, but don’t see the option of choosing a SuperReviews template? That means what it says. 😉 Every database must be placed on a page or most of the functionality won’t be available.
  8. I can’t replicate that, so the only way to investigate this further would be with ACP access.
  9. Yeah, I also noticed it again on a client’s site with a stock theme. It’s not yet fixed.
  10. What CSS? There are several calls and SuperBlocks doesn’t add any new calls since the CSS is merged in. So again, the page rendering start is completely unaffected. That was my point from the beginning. In either case: yes, I have considered and tested all available options of how images can potentially be displayed and there are no plans to make any changes to SuperBlocks, SuperGrid and all my other templates using background images.
  11. The point was: background images with known dimensions are not needed to start the page rendering. That’s was the only point of that sentence.
  12. This suggest, I wouldn’t have built this with mobile in mind, which is flat out wrong. That’s … a) a matter of taste. One could also argue, that space is precious on mobile devices and that having a headline taking up 70% of an iPhone screen (like your examples) is a terrible thing to do. b) My template usually use theme classes, which means I do not control the font sizes. They come from the theme and are changed through the theme. That can be changed in the SuperGrid settings. (Hero image aspect ratio)
  13. It’s explained in the instructions PDF. (scroll to the end)
  14. You asked if the uploaded version is the correct (i.e. latest one) one, which I confirmed.
  15. Might be a bug. I put it on my to-do list to check it out, but I’m not promising a quick fix.
  16. There is nothing more to tell than that it is not possible.
  17. Still not sure what this means. If it means you started to customize it, then you would be on your own getting it the way you want it. I will only support the stock functionality and the stock templates. There are also no plans to make parts of these things optional as a setting.
  18. Your front page uses SuperBlocks templates. That doesn’t have an option to link the images.
  19. Yeah, there is a switch for that in the plugin settings.
  20. I’m not sure what I’m looking at. That doesn’t look like the SuperHelp product. It looks like a SuperGrid category page, which has this kind of record counter. It should float on the right side next to the title, but this seems to be broken on your page somehow.
  21. It’s in the installation_instructions.pdf included in the download package.
  22. Disabling downloads is typically used as incentive, i.e. register to download, upgrade to VIP to download and so on. So allowing uploads and disallowing downloads is usually not used for the same user group.
  23. Sure. I uploaded a new version (1.3.3)
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