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Everything posted by opentype

  1. Looks all correct from what I can see. So not sure what to suggest. I could have a look at it in your ACP if you set up an admin account.
  2. You need to set up a page with the article database, yes. Categories are optional.
  3. I don’t understand what you are saying.
  4. Okay. I can’t see the behavior in my main browser (Safari), but I do see it in Firefox. I make a note and probably resolve it in the next maintenance release. The issue is too minor to offer a new version just for this I’m afraid. In the meantime, you can either perform these actions in the ACP or you can (temporarily or permanently) turn off the plugin setting to turn the images into links. That also resolves the issue.
  5. You’re missing what that means for the users. It‘ not like they see a blank screen until the 2 MB are fully loaded. The page rendering will start exactly at the same time, with or without lazyload, if the image dimensions are known. With lazyload, there might be a tiny loading advantage above-the-fold and then a disadvantage of newly introduced wait time while scrolling. Without lazyload you don’t have that scrolling wait time, but a slightly slower above-the-fold finish time. Again, I tested this and could not see clear benefits for a typical use of my template products and even a considerably worse experience in some cases. You could, but I do not recommend it. If you modify any template, you can’t receive updates for it anymore. Also keep in mind that native browser lazyload is coming. I’m happy to support that in the future, since it is a proper and elegant solution. JavaScript-based lazyload really is not.
  6. It takes the first attachment from the topic.
  7. I can’t replicate this problem.
  8. The changes are mostly for the desktop view.
  9. It will show images, when there are attachments uploaded to the topic.
  10. See product description: It will not work on embedded Imgur images.
  11. That’s how IPS has designed it. It falls back to that behavior, when you turn the SuperGrid image display off. Not sure I want to mess with that at the moment. But I can revisit it for a future update. Sure.
  12. Not sure what you mean. The image shouldn’t interact with the title at all.
  13. No, it never occurred to me to consider that. Thanks for enlightening us. </sarcasm>
  14. Oh, come on! Can you misrepresent Rikki’s answer any more? What he provided was a reasoning for the current placement. Nothing more, nothing less. They are both. A software where popular vote decides the way it works, not the provider’s careful considerations of feedback and goals, would be a huge, terrible mess.
  15. True, but does that mean we should try to copy social media or set ourselves apart? Always a tricky question. As Matt said, there is nothing wrong with the feature request, but the best path to get it is probably the 3rd-party path. Video uploads are already possible. It shouldn’t be hard for a developer you hire to create a plugin which does the auto delete after 24 hours and implement the display of the videos in whatever way you want it.
  16. It should work with Twitter as well. I can’t see any problems with other sites. The TwitterCard validator doesn’t give much information, but the Facebook Debugger shows problem on your site in regards to “name” vs ”property” in the code. I would suggest to investigate that. My guess is, if Facebook doesn’t give warnings anymore, Twitter will be happy too. https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/
  17. I think you have to mark your blog post through something like “featuringing”. Then you can create a SuperBlocks block than only shows featured blog entries.
  18. No. It only supports the feeds mentioned on the product page.
  19. What is the experience like for Android users? Do you make use of that feature for websites that have it? Does it feel overwhelming per site or across all sites which have push notifications?
  20. It’s instant and on the system level. You don’t need to open the site manually or check your emails. You get a notification on your mobile device. Whatever you do, wherever you are. It’s how the big players like Facebook and Twitter get people to open their app over and over again.
  21. APPs(!), which also have a web interface.
  22. Oh! ☺️ Yeah, that works. You can mix any of my Pages database templates however you like.
  23. Yes and no. You can use both at once. I do that on the demo page as well. The first block shows articles: https://www.opentype.space/superblocks/ But SuperBlocks is a block template, not a Pages database template. So you can’t assign it to a Pages database homepage as you suggest.
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