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Everything posted by PatrickRQ

  1. When you create custom invoice you have no way to add discount anymore. It was accepted by previous PayPal API, now it is not. Since Miscellaneous Charges allow to set values < 0 it was always used to issue discounts to custom invoices directly instead enforcing customer to apply coupon additionally. So, if you took this functionality away by upgrading to PayPal v2 API, you could bring new invoice position "Discount" and push it on discount field of the API. From customer's point of view it looks silly to issue invoice we are unable to apply discount directly 😄
  2. Hi IPS, Since v2 API changes the Miscellaneous charge on invoice is no longer processed by PayPal if value is negative. Why negative? Till this day we used it to add discount to custom invoice as there is no other option to do it. I think V2 has dedicated field to process discounts.. can you handle that? since v2 is more strict and removed us ability to add discounts on custom invoices the way it was used till now. Thanks
  3. Additionally, not all exceptions are being logged, e.g. I get this for one customer and then have nothing in logs. No way to find out what is wrong.
  4. Hello IPS, I test with changes of 4.7.12 BETA 3 and still getting the error for many customers who were able to process their payments normally before upgrade of PayPal API. I understand the error means that this is PayPal who declined to process the payment but on basis on what? It has not been redirected to PayPal yet, just clicked to pay (and now the redirection should occur). That may mean PayPal did not like some data you sent within pre-request? Are you sure all fields are processed correctly? I have read that v2 API is crazy if something is missing, e.g. city. Apart of that, the error is logged as happened to GUEST instead logged in member (I tested myself from customer's account). Please check the issue with some higher priority, as since you started moving to v2 API my customers are having many problems in paying what potentially (and technically too) generates loss.
  5. I know he likes to have control over everything 😉 invited you to the conversation.
  6. It is still a setting only to add. Anyway, i think it gonna be faster to do a plugin for that. Thanks.
  7. Too bad you just can't improve it for IPS4, I believe it would not be a bug deal and would nicely improve visual experience on mobile.
  8. @Matt I sent you screenshot over PM. As you can see on it the right margin between screen edge and right edge of sidebar getting close to each other and header sticks to container width only not considering widget area.
  9. Hi IPS, Set theme to use fluid width and configure it to e.g. 65%. Now add sidebar in storefront and go to browse the page in chrome or safari on lower resolutions < 1100px. Header is getting stuck at certain width where main wrapper keeps going. It looks like it would behave like would not see extra width of sidebar. The fastest way to reproduce it is Safari.
  10. What I asked is to add config to Theme settings tab to control the CSS of sidebar width depending of device type. Can't control it myself because you blocked access to original .CSS and can't override it properly using custom.css because of what I explained above. That shouldn't be something requiring to wait 2-3 years for IPB5 😛
  11. @Matt Problem about sidebar is that it has constant width (proportion) no matter of resolution, so the main content is getting to tight. Can you bring some settings asap?
  12. Hi IPS, If you set theme to use fluid width the header on tablet/mobile devices is affected. The logo and hamburger menu are displayed considering the max fluid width instead stick to left and right edges of the screen hat looks awful. On desktop it is fine but on mobile it can make the logo/menu centered at certain settings, e.g. 65% of fluid width.
  13. @Matt Can you release a hotfix The 4.7.12 includes many breaking changes so I won't be able to update quickly. I get many doubled payments.. issue is critical, PLEASE
  14. What other info you need? It looks like it sorts numbers as it would sort strings. If you will e.g. do two columns, VARCHAR and INT, and do ASC SORT.. the VARCHAR will get 1112223 and INT will get 1231122
  15. Hi IPS, Can you add in upcoming updates ability to modify sidebar width per device type (under theme/settings)? Current layout design does not allow to override that particular CSS. Read why
  16. As said, it was issue of mine I fixed, however there is no way to override sidebar width because of what I described, so would be great if you could add setting for that under theme settings. About IPS5. I even do not think about it now.. as for me it is future of 2-3 year until I upgrade ^^
  17. However, there is some design flaw that makes us unable to override sidebar width. There is css like: body:not( .cWidgetsManaging ) #ipsLayout_sidebar.ipsLayout_sidebarUnused, body.ipsLayout_sidebarUnused:not( .cWidgetsManaging ) #ipsLayout_sidebar { min-width:1px; width: 0; padding: 0 !important; which is higher priority than the one below: #ipsLayout_sidebar { min-width: 340px; max-width: 340px; padding-bottom: 15px; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 0; If I will try to override min-width: 340px; max-width: 340px; from custom.css then it will take highest priority and will break the layout. Can you change either the design of the code or add config to ACP/Theme of sidebar width?
  18. Hi IPS, The template of file view in Downloads app does not go to full width. It still sees the sidebar area even there is no element in the sidebar:
  19. Can you restore in further update more meaningful output message to the payer? Previously it was like this and it was self-explanatory. Now we get many questions why they can't pay. Please restore back to "The instrument presented was either declined by the processor or bank, or it can't be used for this payment." @Stuart Silvester I sent you message. I need urgent fix on the issue, more details in priv.
  20. Not directly related to the topic, however.. I have few MyISAM tables, still from IPB 3.x times when it was advised to covert large tables to MyISAM to resolve e.g. large topics performance issue. After migration to IPB3 they remained like this. Is there any risk or any potential loss if I will covert them back to InnoDB?
  21. Was about to post the logs you requested but I assume you do not need them anymore?
  22. 🙌🍺 Guys in IPS have now little piece of the mess people in EU have to deal with on daily basis 😄
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