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Everything posted by PatrickRQ

  1. Hi IPS, In Pages, I create a new database and custom field on it, OrderID, used to order the records in DB, it is Number type, however is being sorted as text, that means we have 1 11 2 22 3 instead 1 2 3 11 22
  2. Hello IPS, When we configure default theme to display the social icons at the top nav, the icons placement on the rounded background is not perfectly centered. It inherits .css attributes from higher level element: #elUserNav { color: inherit; line-height: 36px; text-decoration: none; white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; The bold ones cause the problem. Additionally, when using option to display the in top nav then they are not visible in mobile, not so good then,
  3. Hello IPS, Using 4.7.10, while uploading a file the upload status bar is not getting updated with actual upload progress, stays like this all the time, empty:
  4. Long time? My 10 years experience is they rarely do, at least mine ^^ But no wonder.. I do the same in my community, look into suggestions 100 people screams about or enter suggestion when having too much spare time - hardly ever. When you become age 35+ and have family, dev is no longer the same as before, heh.
  5. Thanks for suggestion. I am actually aware of such possibility, however I believe it should be available by default. I always missed it.
  6. Basically, need to add one extra check "CanBuyMoreThanOne"
  7. I do not mean Pages block. I mean all existing widgets we have shipped by IPS as ready to use. What do you mean?
  8. Hi IPS, As per title, can you add setting to define what groups of users can see specific widget? Now we can set only visibility per device type. It is useful to display different content to e.g. guests, regular members and premium users. ~ Thanks
  9. Hello, issue is as old as my story with IPS, starting with IPB 3.3. I was customizing my templates and decided to post the the issue again for your attention. Last time posted it like 6-7 years ago. Downloads > Front > View > View template <li class='ipsToolList_primaryAction'> {{if !$file->isPurchasable( FALSE )}} <span class="ipsType_light ipsType_blendLinks ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsResponsive_inline"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> {lang="purchasing_disabled"}</span> {{else}} <a href='{{if !$file->container()->message('disclaimer') OR !\in_array( $file->container()->disclaimer_location, [ 'purchase', 'both' ] )}}{$file->url('buy')->csrf()}{{else}}{$file->url('buy')}{{endif}}' class='ipsButton ipsButton_fullWidth ipsButton_large ipsButton_important' {{if $file->container()->message('disclaimer') AND \in_array( $file->container()->disclaimer_location, [ 'purchase', 'both'])}}data-ipsDialog{{endif}}><i class='fa fa-shopping-cart'></i> &nbsp;{lang="buy_now"}{{if $price = $file->price()}} - {$price|raw}{{endif}}</a> {{endif}} </li> This check requires improvement. Lets say you have 5 files assigned to some Commerce package. Buy the required package and keep navigating to each of the assigned file. You will see Download button and Buy Now button. You may now say it is intended because someone may want to buy it another time, however the Commerce package can be subscription which cannot be bought more than once. In such situation the Buy Now button should not appear, it is unnecessary and somehow misleading to the user who has the required Commerce package purchased. Can you improve the scenario in next updates?
  10. Hi, Basically I have problem with feed blocks created from pages. I want to implement jQuery script along with specific block, however there seems to be load order issue because in console I see "jQuery is not defined", so things simply do not work as should. I tried to wrap entire script inside: document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { ... }); that makes jQuery not defined error gone but still things do not work. I noticed that IPS.Pages blocks do not properly load pseudo-code style elements such as :before or :after, they are simply ignored and not applied. Same story with "data-role"s, seems like not being considered. Example block code <script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { ;( function($, _, undefined){ "use strict"; ips.controller.register('site.front.site.FAQ', { initialize: function () { this.on( 'click', '[data-role="question"]', this.clickQuestion ); }, clickQuestion: function (e) { var thisQuestion = $( e.currentTarget ); if( thisQuestion.hasClass('sFAQ__q--active') ){ thisQuestion .removeClass('sFAQ__q--active') .find('[data-role="answer"]') .slideUp(); } else { thisQuestion .addClass('sFAQ__q--active') .find('[data-role="answer"]') .slideDown(); } } }); }(jQuery, _)); }); </script> {{if !empty( $records ) }} <div class="sFAQWrap"> <ul class="sFAQ" data-controller="site.front.site.FAQ"> <li> <h2>{$title}</h2> <ul class="ipsList_reset"> {{foreach $records as $record}} <li class="sFAQ__q" data-role="question"> <h3 class="h3">$record->_title</h3> <a href="{$record->url()}" class="ipsButton ipsButton_light ipsButton_narrow ipsButton_verySmall ipsCopyToClipboard enabled" data-ipstooltip="true" data-ipsdialog style="top: 8px; right: 8px;" _title="Product FAQ"></a> <div data-role="answer" style="display: none"> <p class="text text--smaller sFAQ__q_text">$record->content</p> </div> </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> </li> </ul> <hr class="ipsHr"> <p class="text"> Please <a href="/contact">contact us</a> if you have any other questions - we'd be happy to help. </p> </div> {{endif}} Has anyone experienced similar problem? any suggestions?
  11. Just to report a mistake that can lead that in certain cases records won't be listed in FAQ CategoryRow template {{$records = $recordClass::getItemsWithPermission( array(), $sortBy . ' ' . $sortDir);}} to {{$records = $recordClass::getItemsWithPermission( [ [ "`cms_custom_database_{$category->database()->id}`.`category_id`=?", $category->id ] ],, $sortBy . ' ' . $sortDir);}}
  12. Hello @Sonya* By any chance you could introduce FAQ Block using same style as regular FAQ page?
  13. Hello IPS, Tiny issue but always something to fix. 1. Add custom field of date and allow to define time for the field 2. Add a record and set the above field 3. Print it using {$value|raw}. In result at the end, after the date/time you will have extra space. It is visible when you use it in the middle or at the end of sentence, example:
  14. Another example is pagination in certain places of ACP. This time pagination in Support Tickets main page: Coming as result of this CSS .ipsPagination:not( .ipsPagination_mini ) a { color: inherit; position: relative; Particularly the color attribute.
  15. You can observe this in any Editor implementation in ACP. This particular screenshot is from response to support ticket in Commerce
  16. Hello IPS, In Dark Mode the quote looks a bit wrong. Happens for long time, always forgetting to report. Quote Panel color could be better in Dark Mode + text could be visible at all 🙂
  17. Hi IPS, In 4.7.8 when replying to support ticket the text in dark theme became black (invisible):
  18. Can you move the it to suggestions so? No point to mess in forums with 10 same topics. Thank you.
  19. Hi IPS, Just to report, when you add new database template to pages the "DELETE" of newly added template is not active until you make a change to the template and click SAVE. Additionally, when you delete last database template from a category, the category gets auto-deleted BUT it also auto-expands all other categories.
  20. So, maybe it is time to add ability to set time as well? as you have it already in few other areas. Otherwise we are tied to last second of previous day only.
  21. Hello IPS, In many forum areas where we have ability to select date (e.g. email advertisement or commence coupons) you use end date. You treat end date like INCLUSIVE - until end of specific date OR EXCLUSIVE - until end of previous date?
  22. Thanks @Adriano Faria, to bad such option is not available by default
  23. Does it mean that truncating all the mentioned by you tables will do the job without further issues or the data from the tables is referenced from other tables too?
  24. I see there might be no automatic option for that. Is truncating core_tags , core_tags_cache, core_tags_perms tables can do the job without additional issues?
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