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Posts posted by mark2012

  1. Hello

    Im looking to upgrade from 4.5 to 4.7 and i have prepared a test server for testing purpose. I have restored the forum backup datebase and filess, updated the forum and everything went good.

    Except when trying to upgrade the apps im getting this error message :

    Extraction from phar "/tmp/IPSMPzYlYTH.tar" failed: Cannot extract "Application.php" to "/var/www/html/forum/applications/btcpay/Application.php", setting file permissions failed

    How can i fix this ??


  2. 24 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    The only means in the Commerce Support ticket system to receive a notification is via email. If you wish to see other alternatives, please leave your suggestion in our official Feature Suggestion forum for further evaluation.

    Thanks Jim

    i will do this


  3. Hi

    I have noticed when a user open a ticket in online support there is no notification for him from moderator side. Which means the user does not know when a moderator replied back to his ticket.

    For an experienced user this is perfectly fine. But for joe average it may be a problem because he doesnt know when a moderator reply to his message. How can i solve this problem ? And when moderator reply to a ticket the user to be notify somehow (not by email).

  4. 1 minute ago, Randy Calvert said:

    Why are you trying to install it in a sub folder at all?  Just install it in the root.  You’re asking for trouble and a rob of unsupported complexities otherwise. 

    the place where i have installed the forum was in /forum directory 14 years ago. And now i cannot get simply move it to location root. And planning to change the script im using on homepage (actually a wordpress) with IP.Content (actual Page app) to be connected with the forum.

  5. Hello

    Im looking for a programmer to help me to build an application for inserting a restriction to upload function for users. The application should contains :
    -when users trying to use upload function (anywhere which includes forum/page/blogs/comments/gallery etc) a customizable message shows up (full editor WYSIWYG)  Example: upload is available for verified users only. Click here to start verification process.
    -verification page should contain full editor WYSIWYG and 2-3 photos uploaded by users
    -only verified users must only be permited to use uploads function
    -written agreement with user, basically users need to select a box with terms and condition. If user does not select the box, application should not be submitted succesfully.
    -after user check box he is agree with terms and conditions and sent 2-3 photos and verification was submitted it should be in pending.
    -posibility to select for each groups apply the restriction (because some groups may not have ability to use upload, so for them the restriction is useles)

    All those information above are for front-end users. For the back-end the app (at Moderator CP) should contains:
    -list of usernames who submitted the documents
    -Verification Requests with list of users
    -Date when submitted
    -Ability for moderator to see the documents/photos
    -Ability for moderator to rejected/approved users
    -Full list with approved users even after approved process moderator should be able to see any time the submitted documents
    -After user sent documents,and get approved by moderator, now he is able to use upload function. If users get rejected they should not be able to use uploud function, no matter from what groups they are (free or paid). Only approved users can use upload function.
    (optional)-automatic private message sent to user which have been approved (if users are from a group which can receive PM, if users are froma group who cannot receive PM then no PM at all) with a message (full editor WYSIWYG)
    -posibility to activate/deactivate application

  6. Hello everyone,

    We are already using group restrictions for each group, and some of them are able to use uploud attachments and other groups cannot uploud attachments. What i notice is some groups which cannot uploud files are still able to manage to insert attachment thru option Other media - insert existing attachments (especially those kind of users where they have expired subscription).
    We are looking for a programmer who can build an application to restrict groups using ”insert existing attachments” where those groups have NO uploud attachments is allowed. In other words , we want only groups which can use uploud attachments to have the ability to use ”Other media - insert existing attachments” option. Groups which cannot use uploud attachments to not be able to use option ”Other media - insert existing attachments”.



  7. Hello

    I notice couple of days ago the Background Processes takes much longer time to complete. During this time new posts,new topics and editing takes sometime up to 8 seconds to complete. Sometime the background processes takes 2 days for couple of new topics.

    I havent performed any changes lately neither upgrade to new version. Invision Community v4.5.4.2

    How can i determine what cause this problem for me ??

    Thank you.


  8. Hello

    Because we suspect some of users using some kind of automated tool for giving large amount of reps points in couple of seconds to other users and create conflicts we need to find a developer for creating a plugin or an application which allows an X number of rep for X second time. Basically we need to restrict giving/receiving rep points for a certain amount of time, for example: 10 reps for 60 seconds, then displaying perhaps a re-captcha to continues if user want to give/receive more rep.

    Thank you.

  9. Hello

    I know IPS already have an option regarding groups Posting Limits and Max items of content (posts, comments, etc.) per day, which i actually set it up as 10 per day. But for some reason new topics are not included here. Meaning a group can create others 1000 topics even if i have setup the limit of 10 posts per day. Because of this reason i need an application which allows me to setup a limit for new topics per day for group.

    Please let me know if you can help me, thanks.

  10. Hello

    Im looking for someone to help me out creating a plugin or application for restricted access to videos published inside posts for certain groups. Meaning when :
    a post contains text and photo attachments -> do nothing.
    when a post contains text,attachments photos and attachment videos (avi,mp4,wmv,mpg,flv,swf and other videos extensions) -> restrict access only for video attachment (text and photos should remain visible as well for groups) and display a message : You are not allow to see this video.
    Also i need to be able to select which groups should be able to see video attachments.

  11. Dawpi im trying to install the app but im getting this error message : There was an error installing the resource, please submit a support ticket for further assistance.

    Im running v4.5.4.2

    can you help me a bit ??

  12. On 6/26/2020 at 7:37 AM, newbie LAC said:



    @newbie LAC im having some hard times trying to place an advertising banner (iframe) between category 187 and 3

    This is the custom css :

    .cForumList li[data-categoryid="187"], .cForumList li[data-categoryid="3"]

    Extra Condition : empty

    The banner does shows up, but its double (which mean it appear twice in same position )

    What could be the problem ??



    if i edit the css code to show only after 187 category, the advert it shows corectly :

    .cForumList li[data-categoryid="187"]

    no issue so far with this css custom


  13. 3 minutes ago, bfarber said:

    If you're using the live meta tag editor, it won't support variables.

    If you are editing the template or using a plugin, you'll want to look at $member->name or $this->member->name depending upon where you are making your edits.


    @bfarber thanks a lot for info! Indeed i was looking to use meta tag editor.I will try instead your suggestion with template editing.

  14. On 1/2/2021 at 8:40 AM, newbie LAC said:


    {{if request.app == 'forums' and request.module == 'forums' and request.controller == 'topic' and isset(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_node_class']) and \IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_node_class'] == 'IPS\forums\Forum' and \IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_node_id'] == 11}}1{{endif}}


    newbie what Custom CSS and position should i have in orderd to display an html advert after 15 th post in all pages from a topic

    This one:    .cPost:nth-child(15n)

    is not working

    all fixed


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