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Everything posted by CheersnGears

  1. How is it broken? It is exactly where you put it. If you want it centered, you need a Div align center. <div align="center"> <script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "your pub ID", enable_page_level_ads: true }); </script> </div>
  2. @Igor Denisov it is not difficult to get Adsense set up.
  3. I'm not sure where you are running into an issue, from a quick browse on your site it looks like you might have too many tags in a single field. I use adsense on my site and even though @Marc Stridgen says not to, auto ads works pretty well for me, so it is definitely doable.
  4. +1 on @Randy Calvert's suggestion of CleanTalk. If you're not a Cloudflare user, Cleantalk can also block IPs by country and prevent signups in the first place. It's $8 per year, but they also give you extra options and bonuses to extend your subscription for free. Their support is also fantastic.
  5. @bradybarrows I highly recommend the Cleantalk plug-in. The service is $8 a year and it has a feature to allow you to block by country of IP address origin. It has been a massive relief for me. I have no affiliation with Cleantalk except as a longtime happy customer.
  6. Renew now for $32 on the app that has a $7 renewal fee will cause confusion. It was because I had three open invoices for other apps as well, which... fine, I need to renew those also and its great that they're all in one transaction, but this button could cause confusion.
  7. What's that newest version number? My system matches that version number, but I didn't update and the marketplace isn't offering one?
  8. Thank you. Some of my images didn't make it back onto my server after a move down from S3. They're still on S3, so I'm just moving them back up and then back down in an attempt to get them all in the right place.
  9. I just mean I added additional fields, but all of the originals are there. So whatever you set as the storage location for the record image field would have been untouched. In admin console -> storage settings, which one of those dropdowns sets the location for that field?
  10. Using a database for articles and it was modified from the default articles format provided from IPS Where is the image that is uploaded as the Record Image stored? It doesn't seem to be under the folder specified in CMS Media. Is it Attachments? Something else?
  11. LOL... no. I have a E5-2690v2 with 24 cores, 16 gb ram, SSD drives and a very well tuned SQL server. And my IPS forum is the only site with decent traffic on it.
  12. We just get the Processing circle.
  13. I ran this also and it ran and ran without ever seeming to end the task until I navigated away to another page. Perhaps it could go into background tasks where we might see a percentage complete?
  14. Right, but the folder was already created and set with the correct permissions. The file group Theme Resources was already set to that location and the site was working properly. I set another file group to that same location and the file permissions for that folder flipped back to 0666 after I had set it to 0755
  15. They've gotten me before too. I put all members in a New Members group and they need to post a certain amount of content before they can send more than 2 PMs. Thanks. I'm adding it to my CleanTalk ban list Edit: CleanTalk wouldn't allow me to add it because it was already part of my ban on Russian Federation IPs. I do recommend CleanTalk
  16. @Jim M I think I’d like to submit a bug report. That same folder, when I assigned another file type to it in storage settings had its permissions jump back to 0666. Setting it to 0755 brings the site back, which is expected behavior, but moving certain file type/groups had it flip to 666.
  17. Very very strange! I created 10 other folders exactly the same way and they all got 755 permissions. I created a theme_resources folder and for no reason at all it got 666 permissions. Set it to 755 and it’s all resolved.
  18. I've gotten a little bit further and I'm now getting an error message "IPS\File\Exception: CANNOT_MAKE_DIR (6) #0 /home/ddowdell/public_html/cheersandgears.com/system/File/FileSystem.php(306): IPS\File\_FileSystem->getFolder() #1 /home/ddowdell/public_html/cheersandgears.com/system/File/File.php(351): IPS\File\_FileSystem->save() #2 /home/ddowdell/public_html/cheersandgears.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(729): IPS\_File::create('core_Theme', '84c1e40ea0e759e...', '\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHD...', 'set_resources_0', true, NULL, false) #3 /home/ddowdell/public_html/cheersandgears.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(4515) : eval()'d code(390): IPS\_Theme->resource('/', 'core', 'global', false) #4 /home/ddowdell/public_html/cheersandgears.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(5368): IPS\Theme\css_core_admin___core_css() #5 /home/ddowdell/public_html/cheersandgears.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(2576): IPS\_Theme::writeCss(Array) #6 /home/ddowdell/public_html/cheersandgears.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(641): IPS\_Theme->compileCss('core', 'admin', 'core', 'core.css') #7 /home/ddowdell/public_html/cheersandgears.com/system/Dispatcher/Admin.php(96): IPS\_Theme->css('core.css', 'core', 'admin') #8 /home/ddowdell/public_html/cheersandgears.com/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Admin->init() #9 /home/ddowdell/public_html/cheersandgears.com/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i() #10 {main}"
  19. Hey there. I am doing the same thing the original poster did. I was moving back to local from S3 and part of the way through I got this error. Taking the hint from @Marc Stridgen above, I did manually move the index.html back to my uploads directory, but I'm still getting this error. ... it looks like it happened when I hit the theme resources object. Is there a folder I can manually copy down from S3? I was doing this process to clean and organize my upload folder. Previously, everything was uploaded to the uploads directory in one lump. I moved everything to a single bucket on S3. I started creating a folder for each option and was moving things back down.
  20. Just as a note. If you use ImageMagick and the imagick Cpanel plug-in, it is not yet compatible for 8.1. I just got confirmation from Cpanel.
  21. I have an articles database that I use primarily as a blog. I would like to make a user group that allows those in it to submit articles to that database, but once submitted, I would need to be alerted to review it and approve it before they become visible. I do have zapier enabled as well, so if I need to bring that into play I can.
  22. Superpages is quite light. It's the graphics files you load into your database that are causing the size issue.
  23. No, you'd have to do it manually because you'll need to update the template for each file name extension change. I like irfanview for batch conversion of images. Download all your big images into a directory and then run them through batch conversion and put them back into your template.
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