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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Deleting them will result in the images no longer being there, and therefore older posts will not display them - no conversion will take place. Your use-case is one of the reasons I created the following:
  2. Thank you. Because it is an attachment, my application isn't responsible for the video player - that is native functionality for uploaded video files, added by Invision several major versions ago. Why is it a video player instead of an audio player? Because Invision have .ogg files listed in their $videoExtensions variable in /system/File/File.php: /** * @brief File extensions for HTML5 compatible videos */ public static $videoExtensions = array( 'mp4', '3gp', 'mov', 'ogg', 'ogv', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'flv', 'webm', 'wmv', 'avi', 'm4v' ); ...and they also have it listed in their $audioExtensions variable too: /** * @brief File extensions for HTML5 compatible audio */ public static $audioExtensions = array( 'mp3', 'ogg', 'wav', 'm4a' ); When a file is uploaded, Invision is checking it's type and then deciding what to do with it...and because it first finds ogg in the videoExtensions list, you get a video player. How to fix it? Go here or here and post about it - it would help to link to this post so that whoever reads it doesn't simply say "OH, disable this or delete that or contact the dev" For information - my application is only having an effect on the native player by turning the embedded video player (added by Invision) into a linked attachment because both the "Enforce settings to native IPS video" and "Enforce 'Download attachments' permission" settings are enabled (reason for using those is in the linked description of the second setting)
  3. What are your settings? I already know the answer but you providing your settings will allow me to explain it clearly for you.
  4. First post plus the next X amount of comments.
  5. Available when hiding all content only - will show the first post plus X number of comments.
  6. The '0' in 03:30 PM is redundant, due to the presence of PM - it should be either a) 3:30 PM or b) 15:30
  7. You should check the conf_global.php file in the root of your installation to determine which DB is used by your Invision installation - the 'sql_database' entry is the name of the DB used.
  8. Question: what is your minimum word limit? Reason for asking - I'm making a slight change to the code which might make your use-case a little easier to handle.
  9. Adding for later reference if/when adding new features... add ability to add and/or conditionals to the limits applied by the application.
  10. Ok...so no integration required in that case. I'll post this over in the support topic for the other app.
  11. You're going to have to elaborate. How exactly is any integration going to work, in your opinion?
  12. Answered in the support topic for the resource.
  13. @Markus Jung I don't use Blogs, so cannot develop for it - and purchasing it is a $100 outlay alone on my part. I can easily add a basic check to see if the user is in the Blogs application and have the functionality available there, however adding granularity to the permissions requires purchasing of the application so I can see the code. As noted in the information provided in the resource listing:
  14. Yes - you likely have your tasks set to use CRON (check that in the ACP), and the command line for your CRON entry needs to be updated to reflect the version of PHP you are using (check that on your hosting)
  15. If you are concerned that it begins a process, then it doesn't. Just click it, it brings you to a web page.
  16. A better first step is to download this, upload it to your server and then run it under the offending PHP version if it flags something as missing then action it (the most common issue is that the mySql extensions aren't enabled) - if not, then move in elsewhere in your troubleshooting
  17. Alternatively, instead of going down a rabbit hole on assumption of an email delay...bring up the developer tools in the browser, and see what is reported back when you click to submit. The action performed is an ajax request (because it is a reply, as opposed to a full form submit) and the normally expected result would be the content of what you submitted so that page then refreshes to show that. If an error is displayed (in the response to the submit) then work from there. If no error, then crack on looking elsewhere (such as an email notification delay)
  18. Pending approval at the time of creation of this post...
  19. v1.2.0 is currently pending approval FIXES Fixed issue where a member's badge choice is returned as NULL and potentially triggers a template error dependent on application settings (see note below) CHANGES Display of badges in postbit now excludes multiples of the same badge (see note below) Minor language updates NEW Added a setting to allow easy removal of the 'View badges' link in the postbit In account settings, list of available badge choices is order by chosen then unchosen, as opposed to previously being in badge order Note: referenced fixes/changes are made at template level - if you have modified any of the application's 4 template files then you should revert the changes to pick up the modifications.
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