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newbie LAC

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. I can't reproduce. Do you have a custom skin?
  2. Hello, I can't reproduce this. Show me the plugin settings
  3. Hello, Check league permissions and league settings Be sure you use the latest version of the app and IPS software. I think you can use sql-queries or create php-script to add your players You can use Notes fields to add additional information about fixture
  4. Hello, You have 2 ways 1. Use in the conditions \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->skin 2. Add unique css selector to each theme. Then use it like .cSkin1 #ipsLayout_mainArea .cSkin2 #ipsLayout_mainArea
  5. I can't reproduce. Do you have similar problems with other widgets (Topic Feed, Post Feed)? If your board is not big you can try this
  6. Hello, I only added prefixes. I can't reproduce locally. Check any inbuilt widget. For example Topic Feed
  7. You can do it. But currently it will be very long chain of conditions. Some time ago I added 1 thing to easily determine club and use it the conditions. But I didn't release that version yet. Anyway you should wrap all club adverts.
  8. The club has pages: - Home - Members - Nodes (like forums, castegories etc) - Items (like topics, files etc) Where do you want disable adverts?
  9. Hello, Both are widgets - Click on Manage Blocks - - Drag and drop any. Then configure it
  10. Hello, For club pages it will be easy. For club features (topics, files, etc) you should check them separately.
  11. Fixture is content item (like pages articles) which you can create and update on admin or public side. Public ACP
  12. See template chooseCurrency {{$memberCurrency = ( ( isset( $_SESSION['currency'] ) and in_array( $_SESSION['currency'], \IPS\nexus\Money::currencies() ) ) ? $_SESSION['currency'] : \IPS\nexus\Customer::loggedIn()->defaultCurrency() );}}
  13. Hello, - Go to ACP - Customization - Languages - Click on Translate - Click on Search icon - Add topic_description in Key field - Click on Search button - You will get result. Add your "Characters" to the field
  14. Hello, Have you enable Designer's mode? I can look into that if you give me credentials
  15. Hello, Do you mean inbuilt option? Calendar example
  16. There was no need to update the cache. This would allow me to investigate the problem (if you give me credentials).
  17. No need. I was able to reproduce.
  18. Try li[data-blockid^="plugin_19_nbRecentTopicsPosts_"] li[data-blockid^="app_gallery_galleryStats_"]
  19. I don't see selectors Please copy them
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