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newbie LAC

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Thanks. Confirmed as a bug. I'm working on fix
  2. Hello, What do you mean pages? Where the app doesn't works?
  3. Hello, Nohow. The plugin will display all adverts
  4. {{$indexPage = (\IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'index');}} {{if \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'forums'}} {{$forumId = \IPS\Request::i()->id;}} {{elseif \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'topic'}} {{try { $topic = \IPS\forums\Topic::loadAndCheckPerms( \IPS\Request::i()->id ); $forumId = $topic->forum_id; } catch( \Exception $e ) {};}} {{endif}} {{if !$indexPage and !isset(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_error_page']) and !(isset($forumId) and in_array($forumId, array(5,2,21)))}} 1 {{endif}}
  5. Is this another advert? How you configured it?
  6. {{if \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'forums'}} {{$forumId = \IPS\Request::i()->id;}} {{elseif \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'topic'}} {{try { $topic = \IPS\forums\Topic::loadAndCheckPerms( \IPS\Request::i()->id ); $forumId = $topic->forum_id; } catch( \Exception $e ) {};}} {{endif}} {{if !isset(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_error_page']) and !(isset($forumId) and in_array($forumId, array(5,2,21)))}} 1 {{endif}}
  7. Show me the code from extra condition field
  8. Before {{if isset($forumId) and in_array($forumId, array(1,2,3))}} after {{if !(isset($forumId) and in_array($forumId, array(1,2,3)))}}
  9. Sorry. I read incorrect your post. I've changed my code.
  10. {{if \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'forums'}} {{$forumId = \IPS\Request::i()->id;}} {{elseif \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'topic'}} {{try { $topic = \IPS\forums\Topic::loadAndCheckPerms( \IPS\Request::i()->id ); $forumId = $topic->forum_id; } catch( \Exception $e ) {};}} {{endif}} {{if !(isset($forumId) and in_array($forumId, array(1,2,3)))}} 1 {{endif}} Change IDs in array(1,2,3) on forums IDs
  11. I'm afraid you can't do it with that setting. You need to use condition. Try Selector .ipsCommentUnreadSeperator + a + article.cPost Position Insert advert after the chosen element(s) https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/429838-nb41-enhanced-advertisements/?do=findComment&comment=2668271 Just change position
  12. 1==1 is an example You need combine yours conditions {{if !isset(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_error_page']) and !(request.app == 'core' and request.module == 'system' and in_array(request.controller, array('register', 'login')))}}1{{endif}}
  13. use and {{if 1==1 and !isset(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_error_page'])}}1{{endif}}
  14. Thanks Hello, To exclude all error pages you can add in Extra condition field {{if !isset(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_error_page'])}}1{{endif}}
  15. Hello, SL Fine tuning IPS is a paid plugin. If you send me the plugin via PM and show the settings for both plugins I'll look into that
  16. Hello, Click on search icon and give me information from backtrace field Logs you can clear
  17. Hello, The plugin display the groups images if you added them. In this case will be displayed 2 images: primary group image and another secondary group image. A secondary group without an image will be skipped
  18. Hello, Add in Extra condition field {{if request.app == 'forums' and request.module == 'forums' and request.controller == 'index'}}1{{endif}}
  19. Hello, Adding a new comment does not update the "update date" column. Updating mean what you edited a news. If you need a sorting by last comment select the "Last comment"
  20. Hello, My plugin doesn't control an upload process. The svg files also are not secure. My plugin doesn't control an upload process. I can't reproduce. Please show me the plugin settings and test on default skin. I'll add new setting. Do you need it for post and for profile? Or 1 for both areas?
  21. Hello, I can't reproduce on my dev board. I ran also sql query to get rows sorted by update date Result
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