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newbie LAC

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, Pin feature added in the next version
  2. Add in extra condition field {{if !(request.app == 'core' and request.module == 'system' and request.controller == 'login')}}1{{endif}}
  3. Hello, Currently you can use conditions. I added global setting in 1.0.6 I'll upload it coming soon. If you need separate setting (per advert) tell me and I'll add
  4. You late. I added both. Actually the "feature" was implemented in v2.0.9 but I forgot add buttons. I also added the cover photo. Set up per news category.
  5. Hello, It's a bug. Fixed. Pin or feature? Or both? This is default behaviour. I changed it. Please test It's a bug. Fixed.
  6. Done. You can find new setting on fixtures tab
  7. Hello, You have installed the latest version. I'll release in the next version. If you need it now I can make it on your forum.
  8. I added condition "add ipsHide class when the time is over". Maybe later I'll add a setting for that
  9. Done. I updated the app on your forum
  10. There uses the layout for horizontal (top/bottom) position. Not for sidebar (vertical position) Try to add Topic feed widget and you see the similar result. I can add a setting
  11. Topics? Not sure what you mean Do you need a list of all news? Or per category?
  12. You get the league news categories
  13. No need a widget to add news. Add news from category https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/news/category/1-league-announcement-news/
  14. I cleared the cache. Check now You should have at least 1 news. Q: How many news you created? A: 0
  15. This related with Tables widget. What do you mean
  16. Where you got that error? Also why "Installing" if you need upgrade the app?
  17. Hello, I need to create a widget and I'll upload new version.
  18. Give me a link on the page where you added the widget
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