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newbie LAC

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, It's a widget setting First tab
  2. Hello, \applications\football\sources\Team\Team.php public function nextLastFixtures($nl, $limit = 5) Change 5 to null public function nextLastFixtures($nl, $limit = null)
  3. Hello, I will consider your suggestion
  4. Try to clear the cache on ACP or remove widget and add again. I had the same problem and cache cleaning fixed it
  5. In this case you need disable first setting and enable second
  6. I setup the settings as on your screenshot. I can't reproduce. Try to disable 2 settings - First post - First attachment
  7. Hello, To make something I need to know what/how it will be works. In particular I do not want to add tournaments to this application. There are several topics related to tournaments.
  8. I answered in PM. I use ipsResponsive_hidePhone class. Read more If you want to show icons add in custom.css .nbSecGroupIconsProfile.ipsResponsive_hidePhone { display: block !important; }
  9. Have you configure the plugin? Have you upload icons for secondary groups? Be sure what Designer's mode disabled If you give me acp access I'll look into that
  10. Hello, Too few information. What should I do to reproduce the problem?
  11. Hello, .ipsWidget[data-blockid*="_nbRecentTopicsPosts_"] li.ipsDataItem.ipsDataItem_unread a.ipsDataItem_title:before{ content: '\f070'; font-family: 'FontAwesome'; color: red; font-size: 12px; margin-right: 4px; position: relative; }
  12. Looks like the teams sorted by points. Select by position. I hope you know about
  13. PM me BTW I don't see the problem on your forum.
  14. The teams should be sorted by position -> points -> goal difference -> goals for. If it is not so then maybe it's a bug. Can you give me acp access?
  15. It's a widget. On public side click on arrow on the left side. Then click on Edit button I can add those images on the team page
  16. It's a widget option Where you don't have upload field?
  17. Hello, I can add new filter and the icon which will be indicate what the fixture is completed They should be sorted by position -> points -> goal difference Try to change Default sort column Not sure what you mean
  18. Hello, What do you mean? Works fine on IPS 4.3.4
  19. You can remove the code between <li> tags or hide with css li.cAuthorPane_photo + li { display: none; }
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