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newbie LAC

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. .nbSecGroupIconsProfile { display: inline; }
  2. Hello, Add in custom.css .nbSecGroupIconsPost { display: inline; }
  3. Fluid mode only uses for forums. The plugin also works with other content I'll add a limit setting.
  4. Add !important .cNbFilterByTags_title { display: none !important; } Left box uses for filter topics by ... Right box uses for filter available tags by ... There is no the space if you have a lot of tags Why you don't like it? Topics table also have a border
  5. Hello, "First line" uses for filters and additional elements "Second line" uses for tags For example v.1.0.1 It's lang string. You can change it. Or hide via css .cNbFilterByTags_title { display: none; }
  6. Hello, Add your image in archive and attach it here or in PM.
  7. Hello, If you on the forum page (example https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/431-ips-marketplace-topics/) you will only see the tags from that forum.
  8. Yes. You can do it for evary team. This may be a problem for multi language forums.
  9. 4 input fields or 4 select boxes with players names?
  10. These are only ideas. For example I don't know what do you mean "clean sheet table wiget"
  11. Hello, I don't remember those things. Please give me a link on a post where you read about that.
  12. Hello, This doesn't affect on my plugin. On the plugin settings you can select captcha type. On the spam page you should setup other settings for selected captcha. The captcha also uses for posting. Not only for registration
  13. I can't reproduce. Check plugin settings on ACP for Spotify
  14. Hello, Thanks for report. I'll look into this
  15. Use that link and you will be redirected to user post
  16. 1. My plugin does nothing with Captcha 2. You got errors on 2 pages: Contact Us and Registration My plugin only works on Contact Us page Most errors are logged. You can try to find EX1366 error Why not if you know how to fix the problem?
  17. This error related to database. My plugin does nothing with db on public side. On ACP it save the settings. But it's inbuilt feature.
  18. Hello, IPS 4.3.6 Plugin disabled Plugin enabled and configured Result I also did not receive any reports about the fact that the plugin does not work on 4.3
  19. Hello, Do you mean 2 global settings? - Exclude tags - Sort by No
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