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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, This is default structure - Widgets - Content Look at forums topics I see 2 buttons All fixtures goes to https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/fixtures/
  2. Both are widgets. I can only add duplicate buttons to them. On that page (All fixtures) displayed fixtures from all leagues.
  3. Hello, I forgot about that. I will add in next version I added new setting on league page. Thanks. I'll consider this
  4. Hello, I can't reproduce. Maybe you setup start and end dates What's wrong? Fixture is content item. League is container. You can see the same for other items (files, topics, events etc). You can create fixtures for custom (non-league) teams. All displayed correctly. Team with cats with players
  5. On ACP go to Support -> Something isn't working correctly What the member? Player != forum user
  6. No. This app without brackets. I already wrote about that.
  7. I don't see app's css file. Try rebuild cache Link please
  8. Hello, Give a link on a page
  9. Show me screenshot with changes
  10. Hello, Read previous posts - Added copy buttons to some nodes - "I can add new filter and the icon which will be indicate what the fixture is completed" - "I can add those images on the team page" - Added archive page and pagination - Added setting for this
  11. I'll upload it coming soon I can't reproduce. Player without shirt should have default image
  12. Do you still have problems with leagues (duplicates)? I fixed a bug related with players categories. But I can't reproduce the bug with league duplicates
  13. Do you have access to app files (can you edit them)? If so I'll tell you what to change. Fixed
  14. I can reproduce on my test board (4.3.5). There is only 1 row in the database. It's visual issue I will update my dev board to check the bug. I'll look into that
  15. I don't know how you created leagues. Maybe you clicked twice What's subcategory? You can't create subcats. There is no setting for that. You can create leagues -> teams -> players Fresh installation
  16. Hello, I don't know. Do you have similar issues with other apps?
  17. That fix also doesn't work On the video you create/edit topic as one member You need 1 admin account without linked users In this case $values[ 'la_topic_author' ] is null if ( $this->starter_id !== null )
  18. - Log in as member and create new topic - Log in as admin (note this admin shouldn't have linked accounts or turn of the setting Allowed Groups to POST AS another member) and edit that topic. Now topic author is Guest BTW the above setting is not displayed correctly on ACP $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Select( 'la_groups_postas', \IPS\Settings::i()->la_groups_protected == '*' ? "*" : explode( ',', \IPS\Settings::i()->la_groups_postas )
  19. Do you have access to forum files? If so connect using any ftp-client (e,g, filezilla) and go to forum directory
  20. %forum_directory%/applications/football/sources/Team/Team.php Open that file Find public function nextLastFixtures($nl, $limit = 5) and change 5
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